Classical Persian through Historical Texts: Reading Beyhaqī’s History of Mas'ūd (3)

March 31st - April 4th

InstructorRuben S. Nikoghosyan

Languages: English, Persian

Duration of the Course: 1 week, 5 days (10 hours)

Frequency: 5 days per week

Duration of each Class: 2 hours (7 pm Yerevan Time)

Participation Fee: Free of Charge

Deadline for Applications: March 26th

Classes Start:  March 31st 

Level of Persian: Intermediate, Advanced

Location: Online (Zoom classroom)

Text Edition: Abo’l Fazl Beyhaqī. Tārīx-e Beyhaqī. Moqaddame, towzīhāt va ta’liqāt az Manučehr-e Dānešpažuh. Bar asās-e nosxe-ye ‘Ghani-Fayyāz’ va nosxe-ye ‘Adib-e Pīšāvarī’ va nosxe-ye ‘Doktor Fayyāz’. Tehrān. Hīrmand, 1376. (dar 2 ǰeld).

Registration requirements: In order to register for the course, please click on the Apply button above and fill in all the boxes (all boxes are necessary). After filling in the boxes click Submit. We will contact you if your application is accepted, and send you further instructions for participation.

Note: All materials are provided by the instructor.


Beyhaqi’s History (Tārīx-i Beyhaqī) is a significant yet often overlooked work in Early Classical Persian literature. The text features an elegant and precise prose style, making it a quintessential example of Early Classical Persian writing. Its importance transcends historiography, offering valuable insights from literary and linguistic perspectives. One is tempted to called a historical novel – so captivating it is for an engaged reader!

This course serves as an introduction to this masterpiece of Classical Persian prose, equipping participants with all the essential grammatical, lexical, and stylistic tools to independently read, analyze, and comprehend the text.

After a week of intensive instruction, participants will have a deeper understanding of Classical Persian grammar and the structure and content of Beyhaqi’s work, while enjoying the fascinating intrigues of the Ghaznavid court.

About the Course

Classical Persian through Historical Texts: Reading Beyhaqī’s History of Mas’ūd (11th c.) is an intensive 1-week course designed for students specializing in Iranian history, Persian language and literature, as well as enthusiasts eager to deepen their knowledge of Iranian history and Classical Persian literature.

Over the span of two weeks, the course will meet daily (Monday to Friday) for 2 hours each day. During each class we will explore multiple chapters of Beyhaqi’s book, read and analyse each even minute details of the text, covering the grammar, vocabulary, expressions and etymology of the words.

This approach aims to familiarize participants with Classical Persian grammar, formal expressions, lexicon, style, and technical vocabulary, and provide with the basic tools for reading the text on their own.

The selected chapters cover a diverse range of topics, offering participants a profound understanding of the historical realities of the early 11th century, as depicted in the History of Mas’ūd.

About Beyhaqi and his History

Abo’l-Fażl Beyhaqī, a distinguished historiographer of Iranian origin, authored a significant work on Ghaznavid history around 1060 AD, which stands as a pinnacle of Early Persian historiography.

Beyhaqī, closely connected to the sophisticated Ghaznavid bureaucratic apparatus, drew upon personal observations, eyewitness accounts, and official documents accumulated during his extensive service at the Ghaznavid court.

His meticulous and fact-based historiographical approach, akin to that of Thucydides, renders his book—though only a fragment survives to our times—an invaluable source for researchers delving into Early Islamic Iranian history. Additionally, the work’s high literary value and its simple yet elegant language make it a compelling read for enthusiasts of Persian language and literature.

Beyhaqī’s Histories not only presents dramatic descriptions of historical events but also weaves intriguing narratives about court life, royal manners, political intrigues, wars, and various other captivating topics.


In my courses, I employ a straightforward yet highly effective method that integrates literary, historical-linguistic, and philological approaches to elucidate even the most complex passages and challenging words within Classical Persian texts.

Drawing on my knowledge of pre-Islamic (Middle) Persian language and literature, as well as my familiarity with a number of Iranian and non-Iranian languages, broader historical and geographical contexts, and the rich literary traditions of the region, I aim to bring clarity to the meanings of words, expressions, and ideas within the texts we study, by analysing each single expression and word of the text that might prove to be challenging for the students.

This approach, which focuses on explaining the foundational logic and structure of the language of the text, will not only help participants comprehend the historical work examined during the course but also provide them with the tools and confidence to engage with other Classical Persian texts independently in the future.

Course Structure

The course consists of 5 sessions of intensive study, each session lasting for two hours. The classes will be held from Monday to Friday, and last for one week. Below is a breakdown of the main activities during each class:

  • Reviewing and reflecting on homework sections 
  • Reading the text 
  • Break: Short pause to refresh (15 minutes)
  • Reading the text
  • Q&A and wrap-up: Open discussion and addressing participants’ questions 

Students are encouraged to actively participate and share their perspectives, creating a collaborative learning environment.

Course Readings

Day 1. Chapter VII. Āğāz-i tārīx-i amīr šihāb ad-dawla Mas‘ūd b. Maḥmūd (raḥmat-ullāhi ‘alayhuma). p. 149


  • p. 150 (line 7) – p. 153 (line 15)
  • p. 154 (lines 4 – 13)
  • p. 156 (lines 8 – 14)

Day 2. Chapter VIII. Xuṭba


  • p. 157 (line 1) – 160 (line 1)
  • p. 160 (line 4) – 164 (line 16)
  • The Story of Nasr b. Ahmad Samani: p. 165 (line 1) – p. 167 (line 9)
  • Šekastenafsi of Baihaqi: p. 167 (line 10) – 169 (line 2).

Day 3. Chapter IX. al-maqāmat fī ma‘ani wilāyat-il-‘ahdi bi-l-amir šihāb-ad-dawla Mas‘ūd (the adventures of the young Mas‘ūd).


  • p. 173 (line 1) – p. 175 (line 1).
  • p. 187 (line 3) – p. 193 (line 2).

Day 4. ðikr-i ḥikāyat-i afšīn wa xalāṣ yāftan-i Bu Dolaf az way. Part 1.


Entire chapter:  p. 265 – p. 274

Day 5. ðikr-i ḥikāyat-i afšīn wa xalāṣ yāftan-i Bu Dolaf az way. Part 2.


Continuing reading the chapter: p. 265 – p. 274


Ruben S. Nikoghosyan (Yerevan, Armenia)
