About us

Our mission
At Ferdowsi School of Persian Literature (Yerevan, Armenia), my mission is to create an online platform that brings Persian language and literature to students all around the world.
For years, I have been fascinated by depth and beauty of Classical Persian literature. The more I got to know it, the deeper my love and appreciation grew.
Immortal poets like Ferdowsi, Omar Khayyam, Hafez, Sa’di, Mowlana (Rumi), and many others have enriched this literature to such an extent that I am surprised it is not being taught at schools worldwide!
To fill in that gap, I have decided to create an online platform where I and other professional instructors will help to make Classical Persian literature available and understandable to everyone.
We aim to foster a love for Persian language and literature that will last a lifetime by providing high-quality courses and insightful content on Persian culture and history.
Ruben S. Nikoghosyan
My background
I was born and grew up in the modern capital of Armenia, Yerevan, a crossroad between Europe and Asia, North and South. Despite the generally West-oriented environment, since my early years I always looked to the ‘East’, and grew fascinated by Middle Eastern and Asian cultures and languages.
My interest in Near Eastern and East Asian cultures and history dates back to my early teenage years. I began learning Persian at the age of 14, dedicating most of my time to studying Iranian culture, history, and philology. Multiple trips to Iran and beyond have allowed me to gain a closer understanding of Persian culture and refine my knowledge of Persian.
I graduated from the Department of Iranian Studies at Yerevan State University (YSU). Currently, I am actively engaged in my research within the realm of Iranian studies, specifically focusing on Middle Iranian philology, Classical Persian literature, and Zoroastrian studies.
My experience as a teacher
Between the years 2017 to 2018, when I was 22-23, I served as a visiting lecturer at the Department of Armenian Studies at Isfahan State University (Iran). The courses I taught in Persian covered subjects such as the Armenian language, the History of Armenian literature, and the History of Armenia. It was an enriching and rewarding experience to serve as a lecturer in Isfahan. Living in Iran, I got the opportunity to get a closer and more intimate look at the life in Iranian society.
Between 2019 and 2023, I collaborated with ASPIRANTUM (Armenian School of Languages and Cultures), providing instruction to students worldwide. I have taught or assisted in multiple group or individual courses on Persian language and literature, Middle Persian philology, etc, and worked with dozens of wonderful Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, and postdoctoral students from world famous universities, such as Oxford, George Washington, SOAS (London), INALCO, West Point, Lausanne, Princeton, etc.
In addition to the in-person Persian language classes at ASPIRANTUM, I also taught specialised online courses, such as:
- “Learn Persian through the Shahname” (2 weeks),
- “Introduction to Middle Persian (Pahlavi)” (3 weeks),
- “Learn Persian through Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat” (3 weeks),
- “Learn Persian through Early Classical Persian Prose” (3 weeks).
After this enriching 4-year experience with ASPIRANTUM, I have decided to dedicate my entire time and energy to the creation and development of the Ferdowsi School of Persian Literature.
Here, I intend to help students passionate about this literature to have a space to expand and broaden their knowledge in Persian language and literature.
Beyond my teaching career, I actively pursue research in the field of Iranian studies.
In 2018, in collaboration with YSU, I published my book titled “Pahlavi Studies” (Yerevan, 2018). This work includes two extensive introductions on Middle Persian Zoroastrian literature, and Classical Zoroastrianism. Additionally, I presented translations of several Middle Persian texts (Kārnāmag ī Ardaxšēr ī Pābagān, Ayādgār ī Zarērān, Zand ī Wahman Yasn, parts of Bundahišn and Wizīdagīhā ī Zādspram) with annotations (most of them for the first time in Armenian).
Some notable publications resulting from my research include:
- “Pahlavakan Usumnasirut’yunner ([Introduction to] Pahlavi Studies),” Yerevan State University Press. Yerevan, 2018 (in Armenian).
- “Where Did the Battle Between Wištāsp and Arǰāsp Take Place?,” Iran, 60:1, 65-72, DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2020.1762504, 2022.
- “Mādayān ī Wīrāzagān: a newly discovered Middle Persian text (Transliteration, Transcription, and Translation),” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London), 2024 (87/1).
- R. S. NIKOGHOSYAN, “The Silk Road: Connecting Histories and Futures, by Tim Winter,” Acta Via Serica, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 0-0, 2024
Additionally, I have authored several online articles (published on the ASPIRANTUM website), including:
- “80 Journals in Iranian Studies,”
- “225 Iranian News Websites, Newspapers, and Media,”
- “All You Need to Know about the Persian Language,”
- “Persian alphabet and Writing system”
- “Persian or Farsi?”
- “The Writing Systems of Persian (Preply),”
- “50 Iranian Languages (Old, Middle, and New),”
- “7 things you might like to know about the Shahname.”
The primary focuses of my research are Early Classical Persian prose, Persian epic literature (particularly the Shahname by Ferdowsi), as well as Middle Persian (Pahlavi) philology and literature. My proficiency in Middle Persian language and literature allows me to draw connections between ancient Iranian traditions and the various mythological and linguistic aspects of Classical Persian literature, showcasing the continuity of the Persian literary tradition.
I am always eager to share my knowledge and passion for Classical Persian literature with my students and help them fully appreciate this wonderful and rich literary tradition!