Iranian & Silk Road Studies Book Series

Ruben S. Nikoghosyan

There are dozens and dozens of book series dedicated to the subjects of Iranian, Central Asian and Silk Road studies. I have tried to collect here some of the most interesting and important series on these subjects. Nevertheless, the list is by no means exhaustive and it will benefit from your recommendations. I will try to grow it over time and incorporate more titles, as I believe this can be a helpful tool for students and scholars alike.

Below you will find a list of book series dedicated to Iranian, Central Asian and Silk Road studies, with some details and a comprehensive list of published volumes. 

Hope this list will be useful for you in your studies.

Feel free to write me by the following e-mail address:

1. Cahiers de Studia Iranica




Cahiers de Studia Iranica is a highly respected scholarly series that plays a crucial role in Iranian and Central Asian studies. It covers a wide range of topics, including history, culture, linguistics, literature, and religious traditions, with a strong emphasis on in-depth research and critical editions of important texts. The series is particularly valuable for researchers, as it features numerous contributions by highly esteemed scholars, offering authoritative and rigorously researched works that shape the study of Iran and its broader cultural and historical connections. Published primarily in French, with some volumes in English, and produced by Peeters Publishers, Cahiers de Studia Iranica serves as a complement to the Studia Iranica journal, providing substantial studies that may not fit within a journal format. Its contributions to Iranian and Central Asian history make it an indispensable resource for academics in the field.


Publisher: Peeters Publishers

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: 1982

Last Volume: 2024

Published Volumes: 66

Languages: French, English

Keywords: Sasanian seals; Arabo-Sasanian coins; Iranian philology; Iranian history; Persian manuscripts; Zoroastrian texts; Iranian religions; Timurid studies; Mongol Iran; Safavid Persia; Middle Persian inscriptions; Iranian paleography; Christian communities in Iran; Iranian linguistics; Islamic art and architecture.


List of Titles:


Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 1: Gignoux P., Gyselen R., Sceaux sassanides de diverses collections privées

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 2: Curiel R., Gyselen R., Une collection de monnaies de cuivre arabo-sassanides

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 3: De Menasce J., Études iraniennes

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 4: Gignoux P., Gyselen R., Bulles et sceaux sassanides de diverses collections

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 5: Transition Periods in Iranian History: Actes du Symposium de Fribourg-en-Brisgau (22-24 mai 1985)

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 6: Desmet-Grégoire H., Fontaine P., La région d’Arâk et de Hamadân

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 7: de Fouchécour C., Gignoux P., Études irano-aryennes offertes à G. Lazard

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 8: Kotwal D.F.M., Boyd J.W., A Persian Offering

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 9: Gignoux P., Les quatre inscriptions du mage Kirdir

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 10: Kotwal D.F.M., Kreyenbroek P.G., Russell J.R., The Herbedestan and Nerangestan, Vol. I

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 11: Recurrent Patterns in Iranian Religions: from Mazdaism to Sufism

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 12: Szuppe M., Entre Timourides, Uzbeks et Safavides

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 13: Gignoux P., Tafazzoli A., Anthologie de Zadspram

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 14: De Callatay F., Les tétradrachmes d’Orodès II et de Phraate IV

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 15: Aubin J., Émirs mongols et vizirs persans dans les remous de l’acculturation

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 17: Gyselen R., Sceaux magiques en Iran sassanide

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 18: Melikian-Chirvani A.S., Les frises du Shah Name dans l’architecture iranienne sous les Ilkhan

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 19: Floor W., The Afghan Occupation of Safavid Persia 1721-1729

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 20: Jaafari-Dehaghi M., Dadestan i Denig. Part 1

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 21: Gyselen R., Szuppe M., Matériaux pour l’histoire économique du monde iranien

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 22: Pfisterer M., Ein Silberschatz vom Schwarzen Meer

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 23: Amouzgar J., Tafazzoli A., Le cinquième livre du Denkard

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 24: Gyselen R., Nouveaux matériaux pour la géographie historique de l’empire sassanide

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 25: Huyse P., Iran: Questions et connaissances. Vol. I

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 26: Szuppe M., Iran: Questions et connaissances. Vol. II

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 27: Hourcade B., Iran: Questions et connaissances. Vol. III

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 28: Subtelny M.E., Le monde est un jardin

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 29: Huyse P., Le y final dans les inscriptions moyen-perses et la ‘loi rythmique’ proto-moyen-perse

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 30: Kotwal D.F.M., Kreyenbroek P.G., The Herbedestan and Nerangestan, Vol. III

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 31: Aigle D., Le Fars sous la domination mongole

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 32: Wiesehöfer J., Iraniens, Grecs et Romains

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 33: Gyselen R., Chrétiens en terre d’Iran I: Implantation et acculturation

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 34: Hellot-Bellier F., France-Iran. Quatre cents ans de dialogue

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 35: de la Vaissière É., Samarcande et Samarra

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 36: Jullien C., Chrétiens en terre d’Iran II: Controverses des chrétiens dans l’Iran sassanide

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 37: Bernardini M., Mémoire et propagande à l’époque timouride

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 38: Kotwal D.F.M., Kreyenbroek P.G., The Herbedestan and Nerangestan, Vol. IV

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 39: de la Vaissière É., Islamisation de l’Asie centrale

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 40: Richard F., Szuppe M., Écrit et culture en Asie centrale et dans le monde turco-iranien, Xe-XIXe siècles

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 41: Berti V., Chrétiens en terre d’Iran III: Vita e studi di Timoteo I, patriarca cristiano di Baghdad

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 42: Gignoux P., Jullien C., Jullien F., Trésors d’Orient

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 43: Gyselen R., Jullien C., Rabbo l’olmyn “Maitre pour l’Éternité”

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 44: Jullien C., Chrétiens en terre d’Iran IV: Itinéraires missionnaires: échanges et identités

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 45: Szuppe M., Krasnowolska A., Pedersen C.V., Mediaeval and Modern Iranian Studies

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 46: Jackson Bonner M.R., Three Neglected Sources of Sasanian History in the Reign of Khusraw Anushirvan

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 47: Gignoux P., Chrétiens en terre d’Iran V: Lexique des termes de la pharmacopée syriaque

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 48: Krasnowolska A., Mythes, croyances populaires et symbolique animale dans la littérature persane

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 49: Azarnouche S., “Husraw i Kawadan ud Redag-e”. Khosrow fils de Kawad et un page

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 50: Callieri P., Architecture et représentations dans l’Iran sassanide

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 51: Cantera A., Vers une édition de la liturgie longue zoroastrienne

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 52: Ferrer-Losilla J., Final -y in Non-Manichaean Parthian and the Proto-Parthian ‘Rhythmic Law’

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 53: Jullien C., Husraw Ier: Reconstructions d’un règne

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 54: Timus M., Cosmogonie et eschatologie

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 55: Karev Y., Samarqand et le Sughd à l’époque ‘abbasside

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 56: Werner C., Vaqf en Iran

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 57: De Chiara M., Grassi E., Iranian Languages and Literatures of Central Asia

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 58: Ghomeshi J., Jahani C., Lenepveu-Hotz A., Further Topics in Iranian Linguistics

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 59: Kellens J., Cinq cours sur les Yasts de l’Avesta

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 60: Aubin J., Études sur l’Iran médiéval: géographie historique et société

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 61: De Chiara M., Rossi A.V., Septfonds D., Mélanges d’ethnographie et de dialectologie irano-aryenne à la mémoire de Charles-Martin Kieffer

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 62: Jullien F., Guerre et paix en monde iranien

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 63: Jullien C., Chrétiens en terre d’Iran VI: Les liens du sol

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 64: Alsancakli S., Bockholt P., Authorship and Textual Transmission in the Manuscript Age

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 65: Casari M., Šeš taraf-e donyā “Les six côtés du monde”

Cahiers de Studia Iranica, 66: Gyselen R., Administrations et préposés d’époque sassanide

2. Acta Iranica




Acta Iranica is a scholarly series dedicated to Iranian studies, encompassing a wide range of topics such as art, archaeology, ancient history, and linguistics related to the Iranian region. Established in 1974, the series is published by Brill Publishers and features contributions in multiple languages, including French, English, and German. The series was initiated following the Second International Congress of Iranology in Shiraz in 1971, with Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin serving as its founding editor. Acta Iranica includes various types of scholarly works, such as conference proceedings, extensive articles, and reprints of significant Iranological studies. Over the years, it has become a valuable resource for researchers and scholars interested in the diverse aspects of Iranian civilization.


Publisher: Peters Publishers

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: 1974

Last Volume: 2024

Published Volumes: 63

Languages: English, German, French

Keywords: Iranian history; Persian literature; Sasanian inscriptions; Achaemenid art; Manichaean Middle Persian; Parthian studies; Zoroastrianism; Iranian archaeology; Sufism; Safavid Persia; Luristan excavations; Kurds and their dialects; Sasanian seals; Persian Gulf trade; Ancient Chorasmia


List of Titles:


Acta Iranica, 1 Hommage universel, Tome I

Acta Iranica, 6 Monumentum H.S. Nyberg, Tome III

Acta Iranica, 7 Wikander S., Monumentum H.S. Nyberg, Tome IV

Acta Iranica, 9 Boyce M., A Reader in Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian

Acta Iranica, 9a Boyce M., A Word-List of Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian

Acta Iranica, 12 Szemerényi O., Tijdens E.F., Varia 1976

Acta Iranica, 16 Varia 1977

Acta Iranica, 18 Back M., Die Sassanidischen Staatsinschriften

Acta Iranica, 19 Root M.C, The King and Kingship in Achaemenid Art

Acta Iranica, 20 Lecoq P., Kellens J., Duchesne-Guillemin J., Bio-bibliographies de 134 savants

Acta Iranica, 21 Monumentum Georg Morgenstierne, 1892-1978, Tome I

Acta Iranica, 22 Monumentum Georg Morgenstierne, 1892-1978, Tome II

Acta Iranica, 23 Orientalia J. Duchesne-Guillemin emerito oblata

Acta Iranica, 24 Bailey H.W., Bivar A.D.H., Duchesne-Guillemin J., Hinnells J.R., Papers in Honour of Professor Mary Boyce, Tome I

Acta Iranica, 25 Bailey H.W., Bivar A.D.H., Duchesne-Guillemin J., Hinnells J.R., Papers in Honour of Professor Mary Boyce, Tome II

Acta Iranica, 26 Kawami T.S., Monumental Art of the Parthian Period in Iran

Acta Iranica, 27 Meier F., Baha’-i Walad

Acta Iranica, 28 Duchesne-Guillemin J., Sundermann W., Vahman F., A Green Leaf

Acta Iranica, 29 Monchi-Zadeh D., Wörter aus Xurasan und die Herkunft

Acta Iranica, 30 Amin D., Kasheff M., Shahbazi A.Sh., «Iranica Varia». Papers in Honor of Professor Ehsan Yarshater

Acta Iranica, 31 Ahn G., Religiöse Herrscherlegitimation im Achämenidischen Iran

Acta Iranica, 32 Wolski J., L’empire des Arsacides

Acta Iranica, 33 Haerinck E., Overlaet B., Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. II: Chamahzi Mumah. An Iron Age III Graveyard

Acta Iranica, 34 Duchesne-Guillemin J., Monumentum Marcelle Duchesne-Guillemin

Acta Iranica, 35 Invernizzi A., Sculture di metallo da Nisa

Acta Iranica, 36 Haerinck E., Overlaet B., Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. III: Djub-i Gauhar and Gul Khanan Murdah. Iron Age III Graveyards in the Aivan Plain

Acta Iranica, 37 Fattah I.K., Les dialectes kurdes méridionaux

Acta Iranica, 38 Phalippou É., Aux sources de Shéhérazade

Acta Iranica, 39 Lecoq P., Recherches sur les dialectes kermaniens (Iran Central)

Acta Iranica, 40 Overlaet B., Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. IV: The Early Iron Age in the Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan

Acta Iranica, 41 Doctor R., The Avesta: A Lexico-Statistical Analysis

Acta Iranica, 42 Haerinck E., Overlaet B., Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. V: The Iron Age III Graveyard at War Kabud, Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan

Acta Iranica, 43 Haerinck E., Overlaet B., Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. VI: Bani Surmah: An Early Bronze Age Graveyard in Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan

Acta Iranica, 44 Gyselen R., Sasanian Seals and Sealings in the A. Saeedi Collection

Acta Iranica, 45 Floor W., Hakimzadeh F., The Hispano-Portuguese Empire and its Contacts with Safavid Persia, the Kingdom of Hormuz and Yarubid Oman from 1489 to 1720

Acta Iranica, 46 Haerinck E., Overlaet B., Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. VII: The Kalleh Nisar Bronze Age Graveyard in Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan

Acta Iranica, 47 Demant Mortensen I., Luristani Pictorial Tombstones

Acta Iranica, 48 Langer R., Piran und Zeyaratgah: Schreine und Wallfahrtsstätten der Zarathustrier im neuzeitlichen Iran

Acta Iranica, 49 Alvarez-Mon J., The Arjan Tomb

Acta Iranica, 50 Haerinck E., Overlaet B., Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. VIII: Early Bronze Age Graveyards to the West of the Kabir Kuh (Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan)

Acta Iranica, 51 Kroll S., Gruber C., Hellwag U., Roaf M., Zimansky P., Biainili-Urartu

Acta Iranica, 52 Matthee R., Flores J., Portugal, the Persian Gulf and Safavid Persia

Acta Iranica, 53 Lincoln B., ‘Happiness for Mankind’

Acta Iranica, 54 Pirart É., Le sort des Gâthâs et autres études iraniennes in memoriam Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin

Acta Iranica, 55 Mortensen P., Excavations at Tepe Guran

Acta Iranica, 56 Minardi M., Ancient Chorasmia

Acta Iranica, 57 Pirart É., Études de linguistique iranienne in memoriam Xavier Tremblay

Acta Iranica, 58 Gondet S., Haerinck E., L’Orient est son jardin

Acta Iranica, 59 Pirart É., Maniiu et la mythologie protozoroastrienne

Acta Iranica, 60 Gorris E., Power and Politics in the Neo-Elamite Kingdom

Acta Iranica, 61 Pirart É., Le Sentiment du Savoir

Acta Iranica, 62 Hashemi Z., Malekzadeh M., Hasanpour A., Sangtarashan, l’Âge du Fer au Pish Kuh du Luristan

Acta Iranica, 63 Weber U., Narseh, König der Könige des Sasanidenreiches (293-302 n. Chr.)

3. Leipzig Kucha Studies




Leipzig Kucha Studies is a scholarly series dedicated to the study of Buddhist murals from the ancient kingdom of Kucha, a key center along the Northern Silk Road in present-day Xinjiang, China. Initiated in 2016 under the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften in Leipzig, the project aims to document, analyze, and interpret these murals, which date from the 5th to 10th centuries CE. The series explores themes such as Buddhist cosmology, narrative cycles, and depictions of deities and demons. Featuring contributions from leading scholars, Leipzig Kucha Studies is an essential resource for understanding the art, culture, and religious history of Central Asia.


Published by: Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

Publisher: Dev Publishers

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: 2020

Last Volume: 2025

Published Volumes: 6

Languages: English

Keywords: Kucha studies; Buddhist art; Buddhist monasteries; Kizil murals; ornamental art; Central Asian art; divine landscapes; human landscapes; deities and demons; ornamental repertoire; decorative art; conference proceedings; Central Asian civilization.


List of Titles:


Leipzig Kucha Studies 1: Konczak-Nagel, Ines / Zin, Monika, Essays and Studies in the Art of Kucha. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, 2020.

Leipzig Kucha Studies 2: Zin, Monika, Representations of the Parinirvāṇa Story Cycle in Kucha. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, 2020.

Leipzig Kucha Studies 3: Vignato, Giuseppe / Hiyama, Satomi, Traces of the Sarvāstivādins in the Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha. With Appendices by Petra Kieffer-Pülz and Yoko Taniguchi. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, 2022.

Leipzig Kucha Studies 4: Zin, Monika, Gods, Deities, and Demons in the Paintings of Kucha. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, 2023.

Leipzig Kucha Studies 5: De Fabritiis, Luca, Ornamental and Decorative Repertoire in the Murals of Kizil. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, 2024.

Leipzig Kucha Studies 6: Franco, Eli / Ramble, Charles / Zin, Monika (edd.), Kucha and Beyond, Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to China. Proceedings of a Conference of the European Society for the Study of Central Asian and Himalayan Civilisations (SEECHAC) held in Leipzig, 2–4 November 2021. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, 2025.

Journals on Silk Road and Central Asian Studies

4. Iranian Studies




The Iranian Studies series by Routledge is a scholarly collection that publishes original and innovative works across all areas of Iranian and Persianate studies. Established in collaboration with the Association for Iranian Studies (AIS), the series aims to provide a platform for high-quality research encompassing history, politics, culture, literature, and society related to Iran and the broader Persianate world. The series is co-edited by Homa Katouzian of the University of Oxford and Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi of the University of Toronto.


Publisher: Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group

Editorial Contacts

Series Editors: Homa Katouzian (University of Oxford, UK); Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi (University of Toronto, Canada)

First Volume: 2007

Last Volume: 2025

Published Volumes: 45

Languages: English

Keywords: Iranian history; Politics; Literature; Culture; Modern Iran; Persian cinema; Iranian identity; Sociology; Islamic studies; Iranian music; Qajar period; Safavid Iran; Gender studies; Persian architecture; Baha’i history.


List of Titles:


  1. Homa Katouzian and Hossein Shahidi (Editors)Iran in the 21st Century: Politics, Economics & Conflict, October 11, 2007.
  2. Saeed Zeydabadi-NejadThe Politics of Iranian Cinema: Film and Society in the Islamic Republic, November 12, 2009.
  3. Hossein ShahidiJournalism in Iran: From Mission to Profession, February 4, 2010.
  4. Mehdi Semati (Editor)Media, Culture and Society in Iran: Living with Globalization and the Islamic State, February 4, 2010.
  5. Homa Katouzian (Editor)Sadeq Hedayat: His Work and his Wondrous World, March 15, 2011.
  6. Todd LawsonGnostic Apocalypse and Islam: Qur’an, Exegesis, Messianism and the Literary Origins of the Babi Religion, October 26, 2011.
  7. Homa KatouzianIran: Politics, History and Literature, December 14, 2012.
  8. Enrico RaffaelliThe Sih-Rozag in Zoroastrianism: A Textual and Historico-Religious Analysis, December 17, 2013.
  9. Colin P. Mitchell (Editor)New Perspectives on Safavid Iran: Empire and Society, March 10, 2014.
  10. Fereshteh DavaranContinuity in Iranian Identity: Resilience of a Cultural Heritage, February 27, 2014.
  11. Setrag ManoukianCity of Knowledge in Twentieth-Century Iran: Shiraz, History and Poetry, March 21, 2014.
  12. Zahra TizroDomestic Violence in Iran: Women, Marriage and Islam, March 10, 2014.
  13. Wali AhmadiModern Persian Literature in Afghanistan: Anomalous Visions of History and Form, February 27, 2014.
  14. Kamran MatinRecasting Iranian Modernity: International Relations and Social Change, July 23, 2015.
  15. Fariba AdelkhahThe Thousand and One Borders of Iran: Travel and Identity, September 28, 2015.
  16. Prashant KeshavmurthyPersian Authorship and Canonicity in Late Mughal Delhi: Building an Ark, February 1, 2016.
  17. Mohammad HomayounvashIran and the Nuclear Question: History and Evolutionary Trajectory, September 19, 2016.
  18. Lois BeckNomads in Postrevolutionary Iran: The Qashqa’i in an Era of Change, May 24, 2017.
  19. Nasrin RahimiehIranian Culture: Representation and Identity, June 16, 2017.
  20. Pedram PartoviPopular Iranian Cinema before the Revolution: Family and Nation in Fīlmfārsī, June 13, 2017.
  21. Bayram SinkayaThe Revolutionary Guards in Iranian Politics: Elites and Shifting Relations, December 06, 2017.
  22. Pamela KarimiDomesticity and Consumer Culture in Iran: Interior Revolutions of the Modern Era, December 08, 2017.
  23. Bianca Devos, Christoph Werner (eds.)Culture and Cultural Politics Under Reza Shah: The Pahlavi State, New Bourgeoisie and the Creation of a Modern Society in Iran, December 08, 2017.
  24. Youli IoannesyanThe Development of the Babi/Baha’i Communities: Exploring Baron Rosen’s Archives, December 13, 2017.
  25. Ida MeftahiGender and Dance in Modern Iran: Biopolitics on Stage, December 13, 2017.
  26. Mohammad Gharipour (ed.)The Historiography of Persian Architecture, December 15, 2017.
  27. Moritz DeutschmannIran and Russian Imperialism: The Ideal Anarchists, 1800-1914, January 24, 2018.
  28. GJ Breyley, Sasan FatemiIranian Music and Popular Entertainment: From Motrebi to Losanjelesi and Beyond, April 13, 2018.
  29. Hamid Rezaei Yazdi, Arshavez Mozafari (eds.)Persian Literature and Modernity: Production and Reception, December 11, 2018.
  30. Ahmad HashemiRival Conceptions of Freedom in Modern Iran: An Intellectual History of the Constitutional Revolution, January 03, 2019.
  31. Seyed AlaviIran and Palestine: Past, Present, Future, July 15, 2019.
  32. Mahdiyeh MeidaniPersian Calligraphy: A Corpus Study of Letterforms, September 19, 2019.
  33. Anne Demy-GeroeIranian National Cinema: The Interaction of Policy, Genre, Funding and Reception, January 29, 2020.
  34. Przemyslaw OsiewiczForeign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Between Ideology and Pragmatism, November 30, 2020.
  35. Mahmoud PargooSecularization of Islam in Post-Revolutionary Iran, January 09, 2023.
  36. Navid PourmokhtariIran’s Green Movement: Everyday Resistance, Political Contestation and Social Mobilization, January 09, 2023.
  37. Homa Katouzian, Alireza Korangy (eds.)Poetry and Revolution: The Poets and Poetry of the Constitutional Era of Iran, January 29, 2024.
  38. Nahid PirnazarJudeo-Persian Writings: A Manifestation of Intellectual and Literary Life, January 29, 2024.
  39. Behzad ZerehdaranPolitics and Poetica of Rights in Modern Iran: Subjective Rights in the Qajar Period, March 29, 2024.
  40. Naghmeh EsmaeilpourInteractions Between Iranian and American Literatures: Strange Affinity, May 14, 2024.
  41. Behrooz Mahmoodi-Bakhtiari, Masoumeh MehrabiEvidentiality in Sa’di’s Poetry and Prose: A Corpus Stylistic Study, August 26, 2024.
  42. Amir SedaghatTranslating Rumi into the West: A Linguistic Conundrum and Beyond, October 09, 2024.
  43. Mohaddeseh ZiyachiIranian Motherhood: A Cognitive Approach, December 18, 2024.
  44. Katajun AmirpurAn Intellectual Biography of Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari, March 03, 2025.
  45. Homa KatouzianIran Under the Pahlavi Monarchy: Essays in Iranian History, Politics, Culture and Literature, May 19, 2025.


5. Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik




Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik is a scholarly series published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, focusing on Iranian studies. The series encompasses a wide range of topics, including history, linguistics, literature, and religious studies related to the Iranian cultural sphere. It features contributions from esteemed scholars and aims to advance research in the field of Iranology. The series includes various types of scholarly works, such as monographs, edited volumes, and critical editions of texts. Notable publications in the series include “Iranianate and Syriac Christianity in Late Antiquity and the Early Islamic Period” and “The ‘River of Fire’ and the ‘River of Molten Metal’: A Historico-Theological Rafting Through the Rapids of the Christian and Mazdean Apokatastatic Falls.” These works contribute significantly to the understanding of Iranian culture, history, and its interactions with neighboring civilizations.


Publisher: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: 1973

Last Volume: 2024

Published Volumes: 91

Languages: German, English, Russian, French

Keywords: Iranian Epigraphy, Indo-Iranian Linguistics, Onomastics & Anthroponymy, Zoroastrian Studies & Liturgy, Sasanian History & Culture, Archaeology & Urban Studies, Diplomatic & Political History, Religious Texts & Manuscript Studies, Iranian Art, Architecture & Modernity, Cross-Cultural Interactions, Inscriptions & Paleography, Literary Modernity & Cultural Studies, Islamic Pre-Modernity & Influence, Syriac Studies & Iranian Christianity, Lexicography & Philological Research.


List of Titles:


Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 1: Manfred Mayrhofer, Onomastica Persepolitana. Das altiranische Namengut der Persepolis-Täfelchen. Unter Mitarbeit von János Harmatta, Walter Hinz, Rüdiger Schmitt und Jutta Seiffert. 1973 (SBph, 286. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 2: Karl Jahn, Die Geschichte der Kinder Israels des Rašīd ad-Dīn. 1973 (Dph, 114. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 3: Manfred Mayrhofer, Zum Namengut des Avesta. 1977 (SBph, 308. Band, 5. Abhandlung)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 4: Karl Jahn, Die Frankengeschichte des Rašīd ad-Dīn. Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar. 1977 (Dph, 129. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 5: Ronald Zwanziger, Zum Namen der Mutter Zarathustras. (Sonderdruck aus Anzeiger, 114/1977)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 6: Rüdiger Schmitt, Die Iranier-Namen bei Aischylos. (Iranica Graeca Vetustiora. I). 1978 (SBph, 337. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 7: Manfred Mayrhofer, Supplement zur Sammlung der altpersischen Inschriften. 1978 (SBph, 338. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 8: Karl Jahn, Die Indiengeschichte des Rašīd ad-Dīn. Einleitung, vollständige Übersetzung, Kommentar und 80 Texttafeln. 1980 (Dph, 144. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 9: Oswald Szemerényi, Four Old Iranian Ethnic Names: Scythian – Skudra – Sogdian – Saka. 1980 (SBph, 371. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 10: Rüdiger Schmitt, Altpersische Siegelinschriften. 1981 (SBph, 381. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 11: Kaikhusroo M. JamaspAsa, Aogəmadaēcā. A Zoroastrian Liturgy. 1982 (SBph, 397. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 12: R. E. Emmerick and P. O. Skjærvø, Studies in the Vocabulary of Khotanese I. 1982 (SBph, 401. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 13: Manfred Mayrhofer, Lassen sich Vorstufen des Uriranischen nachweisen? (Sonderdruck aus Anzeiger, 120/1983)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 14: Reinhard Pohanka, Zu einigen Architekturstücken von Tell-e Zohak bei Fasa, Südiran. (Sonderdruck aus Anzeiger, 120/1983)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 15: Wilhelm Eilers, Iranische Ortsnamenstudien. 1987 (SBph, 465. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 16: Reinhard Pohanka, Die Masdjed-e Djoume in Darab, Südiran. (Sonderdruck aus Anzeiger, 121/1984)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 17: R. E. Emmerick and P. O. Skjærvø, Studies in the Vocabulary of Khotanese II. 1987 (SBph, 458. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 18: Wolfgang Felix, Antike literarische Quellen zur Außenpolitik des Sāsānidenstaates. Erster Band (224–309). 1985 (SBph, 456. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 19: Reinhard Pohanka, Burgen und Heiligtümer in Laristan, Südiran. Ein Surveybericht. 1986 (SBph, 466. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 20: N. Rastegar und W. Slaje, Uto von Melzer (1881–1961). Werk und Nachlaß eines österreichischen Iranisten. 1987 (SBph, 477. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 21: Ladislav Zgusta, The Old Ossetic Inscription from the River Zelenčuk. 1987 (SBph, 486. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 22: Wolfram Kleiss, Die Entwicklung von Palästen und palastartigen Wohnbauten in Iran. 1989 (SBph, 524. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 23: Nosratollah Rastegar, Zur Problematik einiger handschriftlicher Quellen des neupersischen Namenbuches. 1989 (SBph, 525. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 24: Dorit Schön, Laristan – eine südpersische Küstenprovinz. Ein Beitrag zu seiner Geschichte. 1990 (SBph, 553. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 25: Rüdiger Schmitt, Epigraphisch-exegetische Noten zu Dareios’ Bīsutūn-Inschriften. 1990 (SBph, 561. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 26: Jost Gippert, Iranica Armeno-Iberica. Studien zu den iranischen Lehnwörtern im Armenischen und Georgischen. Band I–II. 1993 (SBph, 606. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 27: R. E. Emmerick and P. O. Skjærvø, Studies in the Vocabulary of Khotanese III. 1997 (SBph, 651. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 28: Xavier Tremblay, Pour une histoire de la Sérinde. Le manichéisme parmi les peuples et religions d’Asie Centrale d’après les sources primaires. 2001 (SBph, 690. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 29: Rüdiger Schmitt, Die iranischen und Iranier-Namen in den Schriften Xenophons. (Iranica Graeca Vetustiora. II). 2002 (SBph, 692. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 30: Rüdiger Schmitt, Meno-logium Bagistano-Persepolitanum. Studien zu den altpersischen Monatsnamen und ihren elamischen Wiedergaben. Unter redaktioneller Mitwirkung von Velizar Sadovski. 2003 (SBph, 705. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 31: Antonio Panaino, Rite, parole et pensée dans l’Avesta ancien et récent. Quatre leçons au Collège de France (Paris, 7, 14, 21, 28 mai 2001). Edité par Velizar Sadovski, avec la collaboration rédactionnelle de Sara Circassia. 2004 (SBph, 716. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 32: Roman Siebertz, Die Briefmarken Irans als Mittel der politischen Bildpropaganda. 2005 (SBph, 722. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 33: Rüdiger Schmitt, Iranische Anthroponyme in den erhaltenen Resten von Ktesias’ Werk. (Iranica Graeca Vetustiora. III). 2006 (SBph, 736. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 34: Heiner Eichner, Bert G. Fragner, Velizar Sadovski und Rüdiger Schmitt (Hrsg.), Iranistik in Europa – gestern, heute, morgen. Unter redaktioneller Mitarbeit von Hannes Hofmann und Vera Giesen. 2006 (SBph, 739. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 35: Uto v. Melzer, Farhangnevīs. Materialien zu einem Persisch-deutschen Wörterbuch. Hrsg. von Nosratollah Rastegar. Band I–IV. 2006 (Dph, 339. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 36: Manfred Mayrhofer, Einiges zu den Skythen, ihrer Sprache, ihrem Nachleben. 2006 (SBph, 742. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 37: Siegfried Weber, Die persische Verwaltung Kaschmirs (1842–1892). Band 1–2. 2007 (SBph, 754. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 38: Farhangnevīs. Datenbank zu Uto von Melzers lexikographischen Materialien: PersischDeutsch/Deutsch-Persisch. Hrsg. von Nosratollah Rastegar. 2007 (CD-ROM)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 39: Rüdiger Schmitt, Pseudo-altpersische Inschriften. Inschriftenfälschungen und moderne Nachbildungen in altpersischer Keilschrift. 2007 (SBph, 762. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 40: Thamar E. Gindin, The Early Judaeo-Persian Tafsīrs of Ezekiel: Text, Translation, Commentary. Vol. I: Text. 2007 (SBph, 763. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 41: Antonio Panaino und Velizar Sadovski, Disputationes Iranologicae Vindobonenses, I.: Antonio Panaino, Chronologia Avestica. Velizar Sadovski, Epitheta und Götternamen im älteren Indo-Iranischen. 2007 (SBph, 764. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 42: Helmut Slaby, Bindenschild und Sonnenlöwe. Die Geschichte der österreichischiranischen Beziehungen bis zur Gegenwart. Nachdruck. 2010 (SBph, 770. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 43: Tommaso Gnoli, The Interplay of Roman and Iranian Titles in the Roman East (1st–3rd Century A.D.). 2007 (SBph, 765. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 44: Thamar E. Gindin, The Early Judaeo-Persian Tafsīrs of Ezekiel: Text, Translation, Commentary. Vol. II: Translation. 2007 (SBph, 766. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 45: Thamar E. Gindin, The Early Judaeo-Persian Tafsīrs of Ezekiel: Text, Translation, Commentary. Vol. III: Commentary (in Vorbereitung)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 46: Bert G. Fragner, Ralph Kauz, Roderick Ptak und Angela Schottenhammer (Hrsg.), Pferde in Asien: Geschichte, Handel und Kultur / Horses in Asia: History, Trade and Culture. 2009 (Dph, 378. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 47: Giorgio Rota, La Vita e i Tempi di Rostam Khan. Edizione e traduzione italiana del Ms. British Library Add 7,655. 2009 (SBph, 790. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 48: Fridrik Thordarson, Ossetic Grammatical Studies. 2009 (SBph, 788. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 49: Rüdiger Schmitt und Gerhard Brugmann (Hrsg.), Aus Karl Brugmanns Jugenderinnerungen. Eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Rüdiger Schmitt. 2009 (SBph, 786. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 50: Velizar Sadovski, Untersuchungen zu Sprache und Stil des ältesten Indo-Iranischen (Veda und Avesta). (Stilistica Indo-Iranica, II.) (in Vorbereitung)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 51: Velizar Sadovski und David Stifter (Hrsg.), Iranistische und indogermanistische Beiträge in memoriam Jochem Schindler (1944–1994). 2012 (SBph, 851. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 52: Ralph Kauz, Giorgio Rota und Jan Paul Niederkorn (Hrsg.), Diplomatisches Zeremoniell in Europa und im Mittleren Osten in der frühen Neuzeit. 2009 (SBph, 796. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 53: Giorgio Rota, Under Two Lions. On the Knowledge of Persia in the Republic of Venice (ca. 1450–1797). 2009 (SBph, 793. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 54: Manfred Mayrhofer, Indogermanistik: Über Darstellungen und Einführungen von den Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart. 2009 (SBph, 787. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 55: Ela Filippone, The Fingers and their Names in the Iranian Languages. (Onomasiological Studies of Body-Part Terms, I). 2010 (SBph, 811. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 56: Olav Hackstein, Apposition and Nominal Classification in Indo-European and Beyond. 2010 (SBph, 798. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 57: Geschichte Wassaf’s. Persisch herausgegeben und deutsch übersetzt von HammerPurgstall. Neu herausgegeben von Sibylle Wentker nach Vorarbeiten von Klaus Wundsam. Band 1. 2010 (SBph, 802. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 58: Gisela Fock, Die iranische Moderne in der Bildenden Kunst: Der Bildhauer und Maler Parviz Tanavoli. 2011 (SBph, 815. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 59: Geschichte Wassaf’s. Deutsch übersetzt von Hammer-Purgstall. Herausgegeben von Sibylle Wentker nach Vorarbeiten von Elisabeth und Klaus Wundsam. Band 2. 2010 (SBph, 803. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 60: Toshifumi Gotō: The Old Indo-Aryan Morphology and its Indo-Iranian Background. 2013 (SBph, 849. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 61: Yuri Stoyanov, Defenders and Enemies of the True Cross. The Sasanian Conquest of Jerusalem in 614 and Byzantine Ideology of Anti-Persian Warfare. 2011 (SBph, 819. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 62: Barbara Karl, Treasury ‒ Kunstkammer ‒ Museum: Objects from the Islamic World in the Museum Collections of Vienna. 2011 (SBph, 822. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 63: Şevket Küçükhüseyin, Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung im Prozess kultureller Transformation. Anatolische Quellen über Muslime, Christen und Türken (13.‒15. Jahrhundert). 2011 (SBph, 825. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 64: Geschichte Wassaf’s. Deutsch übersetzt von Hammer-Purgstall. Herausgegeben von Sibylle Wentker nach Vorarbeiten von Elisabeth und Klaus Wundsam. Band 3. 2012 (SBph, 827. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 65: Antonio Panaino und Velizar Sadovski, Disputationes Iranologicae Vindobonenses, II. 2013 (SBph, 845. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 66: Geschichte Wassaf’s. Deutsch übersetzt von Hammer-Purgstall. Herausgegeben von Sibylle Wentker nach Vorarbeiten von Elisabeth und Klaus Wundsam. Band 4. 2016 (SBph, 878. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 67: Luke Treadwell, Craftsmen and coins: signed dies in the Iranian world (third to the fifth centuries AH). 2011 (Dph, 423. Band, gleichzeitig: Veröffentlichungen der Numismatischen Kommission, Band 54)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 69: Amr Taher Ahmed, La « Révolution littéraire ». Étude de l’influence de la poésie française sur la modernisation des formes poétiques persanes au début du XXe siècle. 2012 (SBph, 829. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 70: Roman Siebertz, Preise, Löhne und Lebensstandard im safavidischen Iran. Eine Untersuchung zu den Rechnungsbüchern Wollebrand Geleynssen de Jonghs (1641–1643). 2013 (SBph, 835. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 71: Walter Posch, Osmanisch-safavidische Beziehungen 1545–1550: Der Fall Alḳâs Mîrzâ. Teil 1 und Teil 2. 2013 (SBph, 841. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 72: Niccolò Pianciola und Paolo Sartori (Hrsg.), Islam, Society and States across the Qazaq Steppe (18th – Early 20th Centuries). 2013 (SBph, 844. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 73: Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst, Grammatik des Westmitteliranischen (Parthisch und Mittelpersisch). 2014 (SBph, 850. Band/Grammatica Iranica 1, hrsg. von Velizar Sadovski)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 74: Christine Noelle-Karimi, The Pearl in its Midst. Herat and the Mapping of Khurasan (15th–19th Centuries). 2014 (Dph, 463. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 75: Bert G. Fragner, Ralph Kauz und Florian Schwarz (Hrsg.): Wine Culture in Iran and Beyond. 2014 (SBph, 852. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 76: Alexander Lubotsky, Alanic Marginal Notes in a Greek Liturgical Manuscript. 2015 (SBph, 859. Band/Grammatica Iranica 2, hrsg. von Velizar Sadovski)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 77: Tilmann Trausch, Formen höfischer Historiographie im 16. Jahrhundert. Geschichtsschreibung unter den frühen Safaviden: 1501–1578. 2015 (SBph, 861. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 78: Jeff Eden (transl. and annot.), The Life of Muḥammad Sharīf. A Central Asian Sufi Hagiography in Chaghatay. With an appendix by Rian Thum and David Brophy. 2015 (SBph, 864. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 79: Rüdiger Schmitt, Stilistik der altpersischen Inschriften. Versuch einer Annäherung. 2016 (SBph, 875. Band/Grammatica Iranica 3, hrsg. von Velizar Sadovski)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 80: Andreas Wilde, What is Beyond the River? Power, Authority, and Social Order in Transoxania, 18th-19th Centuries. 2016 (SBph, 877. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 81: Chiara Barbati, The Christian Sogdian Gospel Lectionary E5 in Context. 2016 (SBph, 874. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 82: Nuryoghdi Toshov (Hrsg.), Īsh Murād b. Ādīna Muḥammad ʿAlavī: Jamshīdī ṭavāyifī fatḥī (The Subjugation of the Jamshīdīs). 2018 (SBph, 888. Band/Studies and Texts on Central Asia 1, hrsg. von Paolo Sartori)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 83: Nicholas Sims-Williams und François de Blois, Studies in the Chronology of the Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan. With contributions by Harry Falk and Dieter Weber. 2018 (Dph, 505. Band)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 84: Allen J. Frank, Gulag Miracles. Sufis and Stalinist Repression in Kazakhstan. 2019 (SBph, 895. Band/Studies and Texts on Central Asia 2, hrsg. von Florian Schwarz)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 85: Бабаджанов, Бахтияр, Эпиграфика в архитектурном ландшафте Хивы. Мечети, погребальные комплексы, медресе, дворцы, ворота. Часть 1: Введение, чтение текстов, комментированные переводы. Часть 2: Иллюстрации. [Bakhtiyar M. Babadjanov, Epigraphy in the Architectural Cityscape of Khiva. Mosques, madrasas, burial complexes, courts and gates. Part 1: Introduction, texts and annotated translations. Part 2: Plates]. 2020 (Dph, 542. Band/Studies and Texts on Central Asia 3, hrsg. von Florian Schwarz)

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 86: Antonio Panaino, The “River of Fire” and the “River of Molten Metal”. A HistoricoTheological Rafting Through the Rapids of the Christian and Mazdean Apokatastatic Falls. 2021 (SBph, 911. Band).

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 87: BARBATI Chiara (Hg.), BERTI Vittorio (Hg.), Iranianate and Syriac Christianity in Late Antiquity and the Early Islamic Period. 2021

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 88: BOCKHOLT Philip: Ein Bestseller der islamischen Vormoderne. 2022

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 89: TOSHOV Nuryoghdi, По следам дворцовой библиотеки (Po sledam dvorcovoj biblioteki) / Reconstructing a Royal Library. 2023

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 90: GALATELLO Martina, The Syriac Script at Turfan. 2023

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 91: NÖLLE-KARIMI Christine (Hg.), LOY Thomas (Hg.), HAAG-HIGUCHI Roxane (Hg.), Literary Modernity in the Persophone Realm: A Reader. 2024


6. Brill’s Inner Asian Library




The Brill’s Inner Asian Library series is a scholarly collection dedicated to the exploration of the diverse histories, literatures, religions, arts, economies, and political landscapes of Inner Asia. Spanning a vast and culturally rich region that has played a pivotal role in shaping global dynamics—particularly in the wake of significant events like the fall of the Soviet Union — the series offers a critical window into the complexities of this region’s past, present, and future.

Through its peer-reviewed volumes, the series brings together groundbreaking research on topics ranging from medieval nomadic empires to modern socio-political transformations. By bridging disciplines and presenting insights into the interconnectedness of Inner Asian societies, the series enhances our understanding of their enduring influence on Asia and beyond.

With an impressive catalog of works by leading scholars, Brill’s Inner Asian Library continues to publish approximately two volumes per year, ensuring a steady contribution to the study of this historically significant and ever-evolving region.


Publisher: Brill

Publisher’s Email 

Series Editors: Michael Drompp, Devin DeWeese, and Mark C. Elliott

First Volume: 2002

Last Volume: 2023

Published Volumes: 44

Languages: English

Keywords: Inner Asia; Central Asia; Mongols; Turkic Studies; Silk Road; Uighur Studies; Nomads; Timurid Empire; Ilkhanid History; Mongol Caucasia; Political History; Sufism; Qing China; Trade Networks; Religious Authority.


List of Titles:


Brill’s Inner Asian Library 1: Nicola Di Cosmo and Dalizhabu Bao. Manchu-Mongol Relations on the Eve of the Qing Conquest: A Documentary History. Publication Year: 2021

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 2: Brian Williams. The Crimean Tatars: The Diaspora Experience and the Forging of a Nation. Publication Year: 2021

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 3: Scott Cameron Levi. The Indian Diaspora in Central Asia and Its Trade, 1550-1900. Publication Year: 2002

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 4: Edward Allworth. Evading Reality: The Devices of ‘Abdalrauf Fitrat. Modern Central Asian Reformist. Publication Year: 2021

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 5: Jo-Ann Gross and Asam Urunbaev. The Letters of Khwāja ʾUbayd Allāh Aḥrār and his Associates. Publication Year: 2021

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 6: Christopher Atwood. Young Mongols and Vigilantes in Inner Mongolia’s Interregnum Decades, 1911-1931 (2 vols.). Publication Year: 2002

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 7: Igor de Rachewiltz. The Secret History of the Mongols: A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century. Publication Year: 2006

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 7/3: Igor de Rachewiltz. The Secret History of the Mongols, Volume 3 (Supplement): A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century. Publication Year: 2013

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 8: Johan Elverskog. The Jewel Translucent Sūtra: Altan Khan and the Mongols in the Sixteenth Century. Publication Year: 2021

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 9: Muḥammad Sharif-i Ṣadr-i Ziyā. The Personal History of a Bukharan Intellectual: The Diary of Muḥammad Sharīf-i Ṣadr-i Ziyā. Publication Year: 2021

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 10: Stephen Dale. The Garden of the Eight Paradises: Bābur and the Culture of Empire in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and India (1483-1530). Publication Year: 2004

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 11: Reuven Amitai and Michal Biran. Mongols, Turks, and Others: Eurasian Nomads and the Sedentary World. Publication Year: 2021

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 12: Allen Frank and Mirkasyim Usmanov. An Islamic Biographical Dictionary of the Eastern Kazakh Steppe: 1770-1912. Publication Year: 2004

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 13: Michael Drompp. Tang China and the Collapse of the Uighur Empire: A Documentary History. Publication Year: 2021

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 14: Lilla Russell-Smith. Uygur Patronage in Dunhuang: Regional Art Centres on the Northern Silk Road in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries. Publication Year: 2021

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 15: Justin Tighe. Constructing Suiyuan: The Politics of Northwestern Territory and Development in Early Twentieth-Century China. Publication Year: 2021

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 16: Laura Newby. The Empire and the Khanate: A Political History of Qing Relations with Khoqand c.1760-1860. 2005

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 17: Mohammad Hassan Kakar. A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, 1863-1901. 2006

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 18: Doris Srinivasan. On the Cusp of an Era: Art in the Pre-Kuṣāṇa World. 2007

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 19: Maria Subtelny. Timurids in Transition: Turko-Persian Politics and Acculturation in Medieval Iran. 2007

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 20: Brian Baumann. Divine Knowledge: Buddhist Mathematics According to the Anonymous Manual of Mongolian Astrology and Divination. 2008

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 21: Philippe Forêt and Andreas Kaplony. The Journey of Maps and Images on the Silk Road. 2008

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 22: E.J. van Donzel and Andrea Schmidt. Gog and Magog in Early Eastern Christian and Islamic Sources: Sallam’s Quest for Alexander’s Wall. 2010

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 23: Györgi Kara. Dictionary of Sonom Gara’s Erdeni-yin Sang: A Middle Mongol Version of the Tibetan Sa skya Legs bshad. Mongol – English – Tibetan. 2009

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 24: Bayarsaikhan Dashdondog. The Mongols and the Armenians (1220-1335). 2010

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 25: Change in Democratic Mongolia: Social Relations, Health, Mobile Pastoralism, and Mining. 2011

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 26: Allen J. Frank. Bukhara and the Muslims of Russia: Sufism, Education, and the Paradox of Islamic Prestige. 2012

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 27: Thomas Welsford. Four Types of Loyalty in Early Modern Central Asia: The Tūqāy-Tīmūrid Takeover of Greater Mā Warā al-Nahr, 1598-1605. 2012

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 28: The Šabdan Baatır Codex: Epic and the Writing of Northern Kirghiz History. 2012

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 29: Explorations in the Social History of Modern Central Asia (19th – Early 20th Century). 2013

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 30: Joanne N. Smith Finley. The Art of Symbolic Resistance: Uyghur Identities and Uyghur-Han Relations in Contemporary Xinjiang. 2013

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 31: Turko-Mongol Rulers, Cities and City Life. 2013

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 32: László Karoly. A Turkic Medical Treatise from Islamic Central Asia: A Critical Edition of a Seventeenth-Century Chagatay Work by SubḥānQulï Khan. 2014

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 33: Isabelle Charleux. Nomads on Pilgrimage: Mongols on Wutaishan (China), 1800-1940. 2015

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 34: Kashgar Revisited: Uyghur Studies in Memory of Ambassador Gunnar Jarring. 2016

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 35: Managing Frontiers in Qing China: The Lifanyuan and Libu Revisited. 14 Nov 2016

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 36: How Mongolia Matters: War, Law, and Society. 18 Apr 2017

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 37: Great Journeys across the Pamir Mountains: A Festschrift in Honor of Zhang Guangda on his Eighty-fth Birthday. 15 May 2018

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 38: Paolo Sartori and Ulfat Abdurasulov. Seeking Justice at the Court of the Khans of Khiva (19th – early 20th Centuries). 04 Jun 2020

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 39: New Approaches to Ilkhanid History. 12 Nov 2020

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 40: Hao Chen. A History of the Second Türk Empire (ca. 682-745 AD). 17 Jun 2021

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 41: Lorenzo Pubblici. Mongol Caucasia: Invasions, Conquest, and Government of a Frontier Region in Thirteenth-Century Eurasia (1204-1295). 01 Jan 2022

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 42: Allen J. Frank. Kazakh Muslims in the Red Army, 1939-1945. 07 Apr 2022

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 43: Muslim Religious Authority in Central Eurasia. Editor(s): Ron Sela, Paolo Sartori, and Devin DeWeese. 21 Nov 2022

Brill’s Inner Asian Library 44: The Book of the Činggis Legend: A Critical Edition of a Seventeenth-century Volga-Turkī Source. 13 Dec 2023

7. Beiträge zur Iranistik




Beiträge zur Iranistik is a highly regarded academic series that has been a cornerstone of Iranian studies since its founding in the 1960s by Georges Redard. Edited by Nicholas Sims-Williams from 1997 to 2020 and currently overseen by Agnes Korn, the series publishes essential research on the languages and cultures of the Iranian world.

With a strong focus on linguistics, it includes grammars, dictionaries, text editions, and philological studies, alongside broader diachronic and synchronic linguistic research. The series also extends into related fields such as literature, archaeology, and anthropology, making it a vital resource for scholars of Iranian and Central Asian studies.

Notably, Beiträge zur Iranistik contributes to Silk Road studies by featuring works on languages spoken in the Tarim Basin, such as Ronald Emmerich’s Textbook of Khotanese. With its extensive collection of authoritative volumes, this series is indispensable for researchers, students, and anyone deeply engaged in Iranian studies.


Publisher: Reichert Verlag

Editor: Agnes Korn

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: before 1971

Last Volume: 2024

Published Volumes: 52

Languages: English, German, French

Keywords: Iranian Studies, Philology, Linguistics, Persian Literature, Historical Texts, Manuscript Research, Dialectology, Indo-Iranian, Sogdian, Khotanese, Balochi, Kurdish, Pashto, Oral Traditions, Cultural History.


List of Titles:


Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 03 Centlivres-Demont, Micheline – Une communauté de potiers en Iran: Le centre de Meybod (Yazd)

Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 04 Centlivres, Pierre – Un bazar d’Asie Centrale: Forme et organisation du bazar de Tâshqurghân (Afghanistan)
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 05 Morgenstierne, Georg – Irano‐Dardica
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 06 Morgenstierne, Georg – Etymological Vocabulary of the Shughni Group
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 07 Kellens, Jean – Les noms‐racines de l’Avesta
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 08 Von M. A. Dandamaev (trans. Heinz Dieter Pohl) – Persien unter den ersten Achämeniden (6. Jahrhundert v. Chr.)
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 09 Benveniste, Émile – Études sogdiennes
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 10 Lecoq, Pierre – Le dialecte de Sivand
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 11 Reut, Marguerite – La soie en Afghanistan: L’élevage du ver à soie en Afghanistan et l’artisanat de la soie à Herât
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 12 Gershevitch, Ilya; Sims‐Williams, Nicholas – Ilya Gershevitch: Philologia Iranica
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 13 Rahimi‐Laridjani, Fereydoun – Die Entwicklung der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft im Iran bis in sasanidisch‐frühislamische Zeit
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 14 Canevascini, Giotto – The Khotanese Sanghatasutra: A critical edition
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 15 Hintze, Almut – Der Zamyad Yast: Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 16 Teil: 1 Ehlers, Jürgen – Die Natur in der Bildersprache des Sahname
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 16 Teil: 2 Sims‐Williams, Nicholas – Proceedings of the Third European Conference of Iranian Studies: Held in Cambridge, 11th to 15th September 1995. Old and Middle Iranian Studies
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 17 Melville, Charles – Proceedings of the Third European Conference of Iranian Studies: Held in Cambridge, 11th to 15th September 1999. Mediaeval and Modern Persian
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 18 Paul, Ludwig – Zazaki: Grammatik und Versuch einer Dialektologie
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 19 Ehlers, Jürgen – Mit goldenem Siegel: Über Briefe, Schreiber und Boten im Sahname
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 20 Hintze, Almut – »Lohn« im Indoiranischen: Eine semantische Studie des Rigveda und Avesta
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 21 Cheung, Johnny – Studies in the Historical Development of the Ossetic Vocalism
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 22 Kieffer, Charles M. – Grammaire de l’ormuri de Baraki‐Barak (Lôgar, Afghanistan)
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 23 Morgenstierne, Georg; Elfenbein, J.; MacKenzie, D. N.; Sims‐Williams, Nicholas – A New Etymological Vocabulary of Pashto
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 24 Maggi, Mauro; Cereti, Carlo; Provasi, Elio – Religious themes and texts of pre‐Islamic Iran and Central Asia: Studies in honour of Professor Gherardo Gnoli on the occasion of his 65th birthday on 6th December 2002
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 25 Stilo, Donald L.; Marzolph, Ulrich – Vafsi Folk Tales: Twenty Four Folk Tales in the Gurchani Dialect of Vafsi as Narrated by Ghazanfar Mahmudi and Mashdi Mahdi and Collected by Lawrence P. Elwell‐Sutton
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 26 Korn, Agnes – Towards a Historical Grammar of Balochi: Studies in Balochi Historical Phonology and Vocabulary
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 27 Ritter, Markus; Kauz, Ralph; Hoffmann, Birgitt – Iran und iranisch geprägte Kulturen: Studien zum 65. Geburtstag von Bert G. Fragner
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 28 Ciancaglini, Claudia – Iranian Loanwords in Syriac
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 29 Bo Utas; Jahani, Carina; Kargar, Dariush – Manuscript, Text and Literature: Collected Essays on Middle and New Persian Texts
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 30 Tremblay, Xavier; Pirart, Eric – Zarathushtra entre l’Inde et l’Iran: Études indo‐iraniennes et indo‐européenes offertes à Jean Kellens à l’occasion de son 65e anniversaire
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 31 Durkin‐Meisterernst, Desmond; Reck, Christiane; Weber, Dieter – Literarische Stoffe und ihre Gestaltung in mitteliranischer Zeit: Kolloquium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Werner Sundermann
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 32 Kieffer, Charles M. – Tabous, interdits et obligations de langage en Afghanistan: Éléments du vocabulaire de la vie privée en terre d’Islam
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 33 Maggi, Mauro; Orsatti, Paola – The Persian language in history
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 34 Korn, Agnes; Haig, Geoffrey; Karimi, Simin; Samvelian, Pollet – Topics in Iranian Linguistics
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 35 Mahmoudveysi, Parvin; Bailey, Denise; Paul, Ludwig; Haig, Geoffrey – The Gorani language of Gawraju a village of West Iran: Texts, grammar, and lexicon
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 36 Authier, Gilles – Grammaire juhuri, ou judéo‐tat, langue iranienne des Juifs du Caucase de l’est
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 37 Mahmoudveysi, Parvin; Bailey, Denise – The Gorani language of Zarda, a village of West Iran: Texts, grammar, and lexicon
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 38 Utas, Bo; Jahani, Carina; Fallahzadeh, Mehrdad – From Old to New Persian: Collected Essays
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 39 Goldman, Leon – Rasn Yast: The Avestan Hymn to ‘Justice’
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 40 Öpengin, Ergin – The Mukri Variety of Central Kurdish: Grammar, Texts, and Lexicon
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 41 Sims‐Williams, Nicholas – A Dictionary: Christian Sogdian, Syriac and English
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 42 Benkato, Adam – Azandname: An edition and literary‐critical study of the Manichaean‐Sogdian Parable‐Book
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 43 De Chiara, Matteo; Septfonds, Daniel – Le verbe pashto: Parcours d’un territoire du verbe simple à la locution verbale
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 44 Muhammad b. Îl‐Tughân Bardasîrî Kirmânî, Shams ud‐dîn; Utas, Bo – The Lantern of Spirits / Miṣbāḥ ul‐arvāḥ
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 45 Maggi, Mauro; Ashtiany, Mohsen – A Turquoise Coronet: Studies in Persian language and literature in honour of Paola Orsatti
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 46 Suleymanov, Murad – A Grammar of Şirvan Tat
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 47 De Chiara, Matteo; Septfonds, Daniel – Le verbe simple en pashto: État des lieux
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 48 Nourzaei, Maryam; Jahani, Carina; Korn, Agnes – Oral Narration in Iranian Cultures
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 49 Sims‐Williams, Nicholas – The Book of Zambasta: Metre and stress in Old Khotanese
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 50 Dragoni, Federico – Watañi lāntaṃ: Khotanese and Tumshuqese Loanwords in Tocharian
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 51 Ronald E. Emmerick (completed and edited by Mauro Maggi, John S. Sheldon and Nicholas Sims‐Williams) – A Handbook of Khotanese
Beiträge zur Iranistik, Band: 52 Barbera, Gerardo; De Chiara, Matteo; Del Tomba, Alessandro; Dhammadinnā, Bhikkhunī; Dragoni, Federico; Orsatti, Paola – Siddham: Studies in Iranian philology in honour of Mauro Maggi

8. Studia Iranica Upsaliensia




Studia Iranica Upsaliensia is an interdisciplinary academic series published by Uppsala University in Sweden, dedicated to advancing research in Iranian studies. The series features scholarly works covering a diverse range of topics, including Persian literature, linguistics, oral traditions, dialectology, historical texts, music theory, and ethnography. With a focus on the cultural, linguistic, and intellectual heritage of Iran and its neighboring regions, the series highlights original research on translation, orthography, identity, Sufism, poetry, and sociolinguistics. The volumes typically include monographs, doctoral dissertations, and edited collections, reflecting the breadth and depth of contemporary scholarship in the field.


Open Access

Publisher: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala University Publications

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: 1989

Last Volume: 2024

Published Volumes: 43

Languages: English

Keywords: Iranian Studies, Persian Literature, Linguistics, Oral Traditions, Dialectology, Sociolinguistics, Historical Texts, Music Theory, Ethnography, Translation, Orthography, Identity, Sufism, Poetry, Cultural History


List of Titles:


Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 1 Jahani, Carina – Standardization and Orthography in the Balochi Language (1989)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 2 Josephson, Judith – The Pahlavi translation technique as illustrated by Hōm Yašt (1997)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 3 Taghi, Shokoufeh – The Two Wings of Wisdom, Mysticism and Philosophy in the Risalat ut-tair of Ibn Sina (2000)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 4 Jahani, Carina – Language in society: eight sociolinguistic essays on Balochi (2000)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 5 Dahlén, Ashk – Deciphering the Meaning of Revealed Law: The Sur´shian Paradigm in Shi’i Epistemology (2001)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 6 Ahmadzadeh, Hashem – Nation and Novel: A Study of Persian and Kurdish Narrative Discourse (2003)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 7 Fallahzadeh, Mehrdad – Persian Writing on Music: A Study of Persian Musical Literature from 1000 to 1500 AD (2005)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 8 Hashabeiky, Forogh – Persian Orthography: Modification or Changeover? (1850–2000) (2005)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 9 Bani-Shoraka, Helena – Language Choice and Code-Switching in the Azerbaijani Community in Tehran: A Conversation Analytic Approach (2005)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 10 Axenov, Serge – The Balochi Language of Turkmenistan: A Corpus-Based Grammatical Description (2006)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 11 Shahidi, Minoo – A Sociolinguistic Study of Language Shift in Mazandaran (2008)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 12 Kargar, Dariush – Ardāy-Vīrāf Nāma: Iranian Conceptions of the Other World (2009)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 13 Roberts, John R. et al. – A Study of Persian Discourse Structure (2009)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 14 Barjasteh Delforooz, Behrooz – Discourse Features in Balochi of Sistan: (Oral Narratives) (2010)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 15 Widmark, Anders – Voices at the Borders, Prose on the Margins: Exploring the Contemporary Pashto Short Story in a Context of War and Crisis (2011)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 16 Anonby, Erik et al. – Adaptive Multilinguals: A Survey of Language on Larak Island (2011)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 17 Rastorgueva, V.S. et al. – The Gilaki Language (2012)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 18 Fallahzadeh, Mehrdad et al. – SHAMS AL-AṢVĀT (2012)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 19 Shokri, Guiti et al. – When Tradition Meets Modernity: Five Life Stories from the Galesh Community in Ziarat, Golestan, Iran (2013)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 20 Wennberg, Franz – On the Edge: The Concept of Progress in Bukhara during the Rule of the Later Manghits (2013)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 21 Dahlén, Ashk – Thematic Features in Iranian National History Writings: The Case of the Dāstān-e Goshtāsp (Tale of Goshtāsp) (2014)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 22 Qāẓi ebn Kāshef al-Din Moḥammad – Jām-e Jahān-nemā-ye ‘Abbāsi: The Abbasid “Planetarium Cup” on the Benefits of Wine (2014)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 23 Hashabeiky, Forogh – International Shāhnāme Conference, The Second Millennium: Conference Volume (2014)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 24 Anonby, Erik et al. – Bakhtiari Studies: Phonology, Text, Lexicon (2014)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 25 Mashhadī, Nadīm – A Historical Poem: On the Attack on Iran by the Afghans (1137 A.H. / 1724–5 AD) (2014)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 26 Nourzaei, Maryam et al. – Koroshi: A Corpus-Based Grammatical Description (2015)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 27 Pakpour, Padideh – Identity Construction: The Case of Young Women in Rasht (2015)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 28 Sheyda, Behrooz – Traces of Time: The Image of the Islamic Revolution, the Hero and Martyrdom in Persian Novels Written in Iran and in Exile (2016)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 29 Shakely, Farhad – The Modern Kurdish Short Story (2016)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 30 Taghi, Shokoufeh – A Typology and Classification of Three Literary Genres: Songs, Folktales, and Initiation Tales in Iranian Oral Literature (2016)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 31 Nourzaei, Maryam – Participant Reference in Three Balochi Dialects: Male and Female Narrations of Folktales and Biographical Tales (2017)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 32 Obrtelová, Jaroslava – Narrative Structure of Wakhi Oral Stories (2017)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 33 Anonby, Erik et al. – Bakhtiari Studies II: Orthography (2018)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 34 Hassanabadi, Mahmoud et al. – A Unified Gospel in Persian: An Old Variant of the Gospels with Exegetical Comments (2018)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 35 Obrtelová, Jaroslava – From Oral to Written: A Text-Linguistic Study of Wakhi Narratives (2019)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 36 Jahani, Carina – A Grammar of Modern Standard Balochi (2019)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 37 Hashabeiky, Forogh – Tavlan: An Anthology of Persian Novellas Written After the 1979 Revolution (2020)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 38 Hashabeiky, Forogh – The Missing Link?: The New Persian of the 16th–18th Centuries in Three Socio-Political Spheres (2021)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 39 Ahmadi (Sarraf), Nozhat et al. – A Versified History of Shah Abbas the Great [Futūḥāt-i Gītīsitān] (2021)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 40 Jahani, Carina et al. – Unheard Voices: Twenty-One Short Stories in Balochi with English Translations (2022)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 41 Nilsson, Alexander – Evidentiality in Tajik (2022)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 42 Fallahzadeh, Mehrdad – An Anthology of Indo-Persian Writings on Hindustani Music Theory from the Mughal Period (2022)

Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, Volume: 43 Shakely, Farhad – We Drank the Wine from His Hand: Studies on the Time, Life and Poetry of the Kurdish Sufi Poet Malā-yē Jazīrī (2024)

9. Silk Road Studies




The Silk Road Studies series, published by Brepols,  explores the rich and diverse civilisations that flourished along the ancient Silk Road, spanning from Europe to East Asia. It delves into the archaeological, artistic, historical, linguistic, numismatic, philosophical, and religious aspects of these cultures, highlighting the profound intercultural exchanges that shaped them. The series emphasizes how these exchanges went beyond mere syncretism, resulting in deep integrations of art, religion, and philosophy. Each volume presents detailed studies of the diverse cultural, social, and intellectual phenomena that emerged across the Silk Road, offering a comprehensive understanding of this vibrant historical network.


Publisher: Brepols

Editor: Samuel N.C. Lieu

Publishing Manager: Johan Van der Beke

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: 1997

Last Volume: 2022

Published Volumes: 20

Languages: English, French

Keywords: Silk Road, Central Asia, Trade Routes, Ancient Cultures, Religions, Material Culture, Buddhism, History, Epigraphy, Archaeology, Sufism, Nomadic Societies, Turkic Languages, Uyghur Studies, Cross-Cultural Exchange.


List of Titles:


Silk Road Studies 1 – J. Elverskog – Uygur Buddhist Literature (1997)

Silk Road Studies 2 – D. Christian, C. Benjamin (eds.) – Worlds of the Silk Roads: Ancient and Modern (1998)

Silk Road Studies 3 – W. Klein – Das Nestorianische Christentum an den Handelswegen durch Kyrgystan bis zum 14. Jh (2000)

Silk Road Studies 4 – D. Christian, C. Benjamin (eds.) – Realms of the Silk Roads: Ancient and Modern (2000)

Silk Road Studies 5 – P. Zieme, L. Bazin (eds.) – De Dunhuang à Istanbul: Hommage à James Russell Hamilton (2000)

Silk Road Studies 6 – Walls and Frontiers in Inner-Asian History (2003)

Silk Road Studies 7 – Annette Juliano, Judith Lerner (eds.) – Nomads, Traders, and Holy Men Along China’s Silk Road (2003)

Silk Road Studies 8 – Iranica Selecta: Studies in Honour of Professor Wojciech Skalmowski on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday (2003)

Silk Road Studies 9 – Alice Sarkozi – Calling the Soul of the Dead (2005)

Silk Road Studies 10 – Iain Gardner, Sam N.C. Lieu, Ken Parry – From Palmyra to Zayton: Epigraphy and Iconography (2005)

Silk Road Studies 12 – Ken Parry (ed.) – Art, Architecture, and Religion Along the Silk Roads (2009)

Silk Road Studies 13 – Jonathan Markley – Peace and Peril: Sima Qian’s Portrayal of Han-Xiongnu Relations (2016)

Silk Road Studies 14 – Craig Benjamin – The Yuezhi: Origin, Migration, and the Conquest of Northern Bactria (2007)

Silk Road Studies 15 – Yukiyo Kasai, Simone Raschmann, Håkan Wahlquist, Peter Zieme (eds.) – The Old Uyghur Āgama Fragments Preserved in the Sven Hedin Collection, Stockholm (2017)

Silk Road Studies 16 – Peter Zieme (ed.) – Aspects of Research into Central Asian Buddhism: In Memoriam Kogi Kudara (2008)

Silk Road Studies 17 – Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst, Yukiyo Kasai, Abdurishid Yakup (eds.) – Die Erforschung des Tocharischen und die Alttürkische Maitrisimit (2013)

Silk Road Studies 18 – Samuel N.C. Lieu, Gunner Mikkelsen (eds.) – Between Rome and China: History, Religions, and Material Culture of the Silk Road (2016)

Silk Road Studies 19 – Zsuzsanna Gulácsi (ed.) – Language, Society, and Religion in the World of the Turks: Festschrift for Larry Clark at Seventy-Five (2019)

Silk Road Studies 20 – Agnieszka Helman-Wazny, Charles Ramble – The Mustang Archives: Analysis of Handwritten Documents via the Study of Papermaking Traditions in Nepal (2022)

10. Ancient Iran Series




The Ancient Iran Series is a peer-reviewed academic collection published by Brill, dedicated to the study of Iran from antiquity through the early Islamic period. It covers a wide range of disciplines, including history, archaeology, linguistics, literature, religion, numismatics, epigraphy, and art. The series examines not only Iran but also its cultural and political influence on neighboring regions, such as Mesopotamia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and northern India.

Edited by Touraj Daryaee and Shervin Farridnejad, the series brings together cutting-edge research from experts in the field. Notable volumes explore topics such as Iranian military history, ancient coinage, and cultural exchanges across the Persianate world. By offering interdisciplinary perspectives and new insights into Iran’s historical legacy, the Ancient Iran Series serves as an essential resource for scholars, historians, and students of Iranian and Near Eastern studies.


Publisher: Brill

Publisher’s Email 

Editors: Touraj Daryaee; Shervin Farridnejad

First Volume: 2021

Last Volume: 2025

Published Volumes: 16

Languages: English

Keywords: Ancient Iran, Achaemenid, Sasanian, archaeology, numismatics, history, literature, linguistics, epigraphy, ancient coinage, Persianate culture, Mesopotamia, Central Asia, religious studies, military history.


List of Titles:


Ancient Iran Series, 1: Touraj Daryaee and Khodadad Rezakhani – From Oxus to Euphrates (The World of Late Antique Iran) (08 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 2: Touraj Daryaee – On the Explanation of Chess and Backgammon (Abar Wizārišn ī Čatrang ud Nihišn Nēw-Ardaxšīr) (08 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 3: Alka Patel and Touraj Daryaee – India and Iran in the Long Durée (08 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 4: Touraj Daryaee – King of the Seven Climes (A History of the Ancient Iranian World (3000 BCE – 651 CE)) (01 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 5: Pierre Briant – From Cyrus to Seleukos (Studies in Achaemenid and Hellenistic History) (01 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 6: Touraj Daryaee – Sasanian Iran in the Context of Late Antiquity (The Bahari Lecture Series at the University of Oxford) (01 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 8: William W. Malandra – The Frawardīn Yašt (Introduction, Translation, Text, Commentary, Glossary) (01 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 9: Antonio C.D. Panaino – A Walk through the Iranian Heavens (Spherical and Non-Spherical Cosmographic Models in the Imagination of Ancient Iran and Its Neighbors) (01 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 10: Shervin Farridnejad – zaraθuštrōtəma (Zoroastrian and Iranian Studies in Honour of Philip G. Kreyenbroek) (01 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 11: Touraj Daryaee, Judith A. Lerner, and Virginie C. Rey – Dinars and Dirhams (Festschrift in Honor of Michael L. Bates) (01 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 12: Mostafa Faghfoury – Ancient Iranian Numismatics (In Memory of David Sellwood) (01 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 13: James R. Russell – Poets, Heroes, and their Dragons (2 vols) / Armenian and Iranian Studies 2 (08 Feb 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 14: Bruce Lincoln – Religion, Culture, and Politics in Pre-Islamic Iran (Collected Essays) (22 Jun 2021)

Ancient Iran Series, 15: Hossein Sheikh – Studies of Bactrian Legal Documents (05 Dec 2022)

Ancient Iran Series, 16: Pooriya Alimoradi – “The Wolf Era Ends, and The Sheep Era Starts”: Zoroastrian Apocalypticism in The Maʿnī-yi Vahman Yasht (Critical Edition, Translation, Commentary, and Glossary) (16 Dec 2024)

Ancient Iran Series, 17: Salman Aliyari Babolghani – The Great King’s Word under AhuraMazdā’s Protection (27 Feb 2025)

11. Iran – Turan


Iran – Turan is a scholarly series dedicated to the historical, cultural, and linguistic interactions between Iran and Central Asia. Published by Reichert Verlag, it covers a wide range of topics, including political history, religious traditions, literary heritage, and language development in the region. The series explores themes such as imperial rule, cross-cultural exchanges, and identity formation, offering deep insights into the dynamic connections between Iranian and Turkic societies. With contributions from leading scholars, Iran – Turan provides essential research on the civilizations that shaped Eurasian history.

Publisher: Reichert

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: 2000

Last Volume: 2017

Published Volumes: 18

Languages: German, English

Keywords: Iran, Turan, Central Asia, Cultural Interactions, Linguistics, Political History, Religious Traditions, Literary Heritage, Identity Formation, Cross-Cultural Exchange, Imperial Rule, Historical Narratives, Ethnography, Linguistic Categories.

List of Titles:

Iran – Turan 01 – Floor, Willem – The Economy of Safavid Persia

Iran – Turan 02 – Rzehak, Lutz – Vom Persischen zum Tadschikischen: Sprachliches Handeln und Sprachplanung in Transoxanien zwischen Tradition, Moderne und Sowjetmacht (1900 bis 1956)

Iran – Turan 03 – Ahadi, Shahram – Verbergänzungen und zusammengesetzte Verben im Persischen: Eine valenztheoretische Analyse

Iran – Turan 04 – Hajatpour, Reza – Iranische Geistlichkeit zwischen Utopie und Realismus: Zum Diskurs über Herrschafts- und Staatsdenken im 20. Jahrhundert

Iran – Turan 05 – Conermann, Stephan – Historiographie als Sinnstiftung: Indo-persische Geschichtsschreibung während der Mogulzeit (932 bis 1118/1516 bis 1707)

Iran – Turan 06 – van den Berg, Gabrielle – Minstrel Poetry from the Pamir Mountains: A Study on the Songs and Poems of the Ismailis of Tajik Badakhshan

Iran – Turan 07 – Kauz, Ralph – Politik und Handel zwischen Ming und Timuriden: China, Iran und Zentralasien im Spätmittelalter

Iran – Turan 08 – Pfluger-Schindlbeck, Ingrid – Verwandtschaft, Religion und Geschlecht im Aserbaidschan

Iran – Turan 09 – Baldauf, Ingeborg; Gammer, Moshe; Loy, Thomas – Bukharan Jews in the 20th Century: History, Experience and Narration

Iran – Turan 10 – Kleinmichel, Sigrid – Die Geburt des Propheten Muhammad: Drei Dichtungen aus Mittelasien

Iran – Turan 11 – Newid, Mehr Ali – Aromata in der iranischen Kultur: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der persischen Dichtung

Iran – Turan 12 – Dagyeli, Jeanine Elif – »Gott liebt das Handwerk«: Moral, Identität und religiöse Legitimierung in der mittelasiatischen Handwerks‑risala

Iran – Turan 13 – Kleinmichel, Sigrid – Hiob zwischen Selbstbezichtigung und Protest: Gedichte aus Mittelasien (19. bis 20. Jahrhundert)

Iran – Turan 14 – Paul, Jürgen – Lokale und imperiale Herrschaft im Iran des 12. Jahrhunderts: Herrschaftspraxis und Konzepte

Iran – Turan 15 – Loy, Thomas – Bukharan Jews in the Soviet Union: Autobiographical Narrations of Mobility, Continuity and Change

Iran – Turan 16 – Jacquesson, Svetlana – History Making in Central and Northern Eurasia: Contemporary Actors and Practices

Iran – Turan 17 – Biersack, Dorothea – Der hygienische Imperativ: Gesundheitsversorgung und -aufklärung der Muslime des ausgehenden Zarenreichs (1864–1917)

Iran – Turan 18 – Korn, Agnes; Nevskaya, Irina – Prospective and Proximative in Turkic, Iranian and beyond

12. Iran Studies




The Iran Studies series, published by Brill, is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of Iran and the broader Persianate world. The series welcomes research from a wide array of disciplines within the social sciences and humanities, including history, literature, art and architecture, intellectual history, sociology, political science, religious studies, anthropology, and economics.

It includes various types of publications, such as monographs, thematic collections, handbooks, editions of primary source materials, and occasional translations. Each volume is peer-reviewed to ensure the quality and rigor of the scholarship. The series aims to deepen the understanding of Iran’s past and present, as well as its cultural, intellectual, and political connections to the broader region.


Publisher: Brill

Editors: Ali Gheissari, Justine Landau, and Christoph Werner

Publisher’s Email

First Volume: 2019 (actually 2007)

Last Volume: 2024

Published Volumes: 26

Languages: English, German, French

Keywords: Iran, Persianate world, interdisciplinary, history, literature, art and architecture, intellectual history, sociology, political science, religious studies, anthropology, economics, monographs, primary sources, cultural studies.


List of Titles:


Iran Studies, 1: David Thurfjell – Living Shi’ism: Instances of Ritualisation Among Islamist Men in Contemporary Iran (2019)

Iran Studies, 2: Mahdi Tourage – Rūmī and the Hermeneutics of Eroticism (2007)

Iran Studies, 3: Dennis MacEoin – The Messiah of Shiraz: Studies in Early and Middle Babism (2008)

Iran Studies, 4: Edmonds – East and West of Zagros: Travel, War and Politics in Persia and Iraq, 1913-1921 (2009)

Iran Studies, 5: Babak Rahimi – Theater State and the Formation of Early Modern Public Sphere in Iran: Studies on Safavid Muharram Rituals, 1590-1641 CE (2011)

Iran Studies, 6: Ali Asghar Seyed-Gohrab – Metaphor and Imagery in Persian Poetry (2011)

Iran Studies, 7: Fabrizio Speziale – Hospitals in Iran and India, 1500-1950s (2012)

Iran Studies, 8: Judith Pfeiffer – Politics, Patronage and the Transmission of Knowledge in 13th – 15th Century Tabriz (2013)

Iran Studies, 9: Mahnaz Moazami – Wrestling with the Demons of the Pahlavi Widēwdād: Transcription, Translation, and Commentary (2014)

Iran Studies, 10: Anja Pistor-Hatam – Geschichtsschreibung und Sinngeschichte in Iran: Historische Erzählungen von mongolischer Eroberung und Herrschaft, 1933-2011 (2014)

Iran Studies, 11: Denise Aigle – The Mongol Empire between Myth and Reality: Studies in Anthropological History (2014)

Iran Studies, 12: Bertold Spuler – Iran in the Early Islamic Period: Politics, Culture, Administration and Public Life between the Arab and the Seljuk Conquests, 633-1055 (2014)

Iran Studies, 13: Georges Ducrocq and Hélène Hoppenot – Regards français sur le coup d’État de 1921 en Perse: Journaux personnels de Georges Ducrocq et Hélène Hoppenot (2014)

Iran Studies, 14: Marie Huber – Memories of an Impossible Future: Mehdi Akhavān Sāles and the Poetics of Time (2016)

Iran Studies, 15: Christian Funke – Ästhetik, Politik und schiitische Repräsentation im zeitgenössischen Iran (2017)

Iran Studies, 16: Ali Gheissari, Ahmed Alwishah, and John Wallbridge – Illuminationist Texts and Textual Studies: Essays in Memory of Hossein Ziai (2017)

Iran Studies, 17: Goulia Ghardashkhani – Another Place: Identity, Space, and Transcultural Signification in Goli Taraqqi’s Fiction (2017)

Iran Studies, 18: Abbas Amanat and Assef Ashraf – The Persianate World: Rethinking a Shared Sphere (2018)

Iran Studies, 19: Mahnaz Moazami – Laws of Ritual Purity: Zand ī Fragard ī Jud-Dēw-Dād (A Commentary on the Chapters of the Widēwdād) (2020)

Iran Studies, 20: Philip Bockholt – Weltgeschichtsschreibung zwischen Schia and Sunna: Ḫvāndamīrs Ḥabīb as-siyar im Handschriftenzeitalter (2021)

Iran Studies, 21: Rana Habibi – Modern Middle-Class Housing in Tehran: Reproduction of an Archetype: Episodes of Urbanism 1945–1979 (2020)

Iran Studies, 22: George Bournoutian – From the Kur to the Aras: A Military History of Russia’s Move into the South Caucasus and the First Russo-Iranian War, 1801-1813 (2020)

Iran Studies, 23: Matthew O’Farrell – Legendary Patterns in Late Antique Biography: The Parallel Lives of Ardashir I and Constantine the Great (2022)

Iran Studies, 24: Denise Aigle – Saints hommes de Chiraz et du Fārs: Pouvoir, société et lieux de sacralité (2023)

Iran Studies, 25: András Barati – Exercising Authority and Representing Rule: Eighteenth-Century Persian decrees from the Shrine of Imam Reza in Mashhad (2023)

Iran Studies, 26: Gennady Kurin and Metin Atmaca – Contributions to Zagrology: V. F. Minorsky and C. J. Edmonds Correspondence (2024)

13. Bibliothèque Iranienne




The Bibliothèque Iranienne is a well-regarded academic book series dedicated to the study of Iranian history, literature, and philology. It is published by the Institut Français de Recherche en Iran (IFRI) and often features critical editions, translations, and scholarly studies of Persian, Middle Persian, and other Iranian languages. The series is particularly known for its rigorous approach to manuscript studies and textual analysis, making it an essential resource for specialists in Iranian studies. 


Publisher: l’Institut Français de Recherche en Iran; l’Institut d’Étude Iranienne de l’Université de Paris III

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: 1949

Last Volume:

Published Volumes

Languages: French, English



List of Titles:


Bibliothèque Iranienne 01 – Abû Ya’qûb Sejestâni – Kashf al‑Mahjub (1949)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 02 – Shihâbaddin Yahyâ Sohrawardi – Oeuvres Philosophiques et Mystiques/Tome I (1952)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 03 – Nâsir-e Khosraw – Kitab‑e Jami’ al‑Hikmatain (1953)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 04 – Henry Corbin – Avicenne et le Récit Visionnaire (1954)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 05 – Henry Corbin – Avicenne et le Récit Visionnaire (1954)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 06 – Mohammad Ibn Sorkh de Nishapour – Commentaire de la Qasîda Ismaélienne d’Abû’l Haitham Jorjânî (1955)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 07 – Jean Aubin – Matériaux pour la Biographie de Shâh Ni’matollah Walî Kermânî (1956)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 08 – Rûzbehân Baqlî Shîrâzî – Le Jasmin des Fidèles d’Amour (1958)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 09 – Henry Corbin – Trilogie Ismaélienne (1961)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 10 – Mollâ Sadrâ Shîrâzî – Le Livre des Pénétrations Métaphysiques (1964)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 11 – ‘Azizoddîn Nasafî – Le Livre de l’Homme Parfait (Kitâb al‑Insân al‑Kâmil) (1962)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 12 – Rûzbehân Baqlî Shîrâzî – Commentaire sur les Paradoxes des Soufis (1966)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 13 – Gilbert Lazard – Les Premiers Poètes Persans (IXe‑Xe siècles) (1964)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 14 – Hajj Ne’matollah Mojrem Mokri – Shâh‑Nâma‑ye Haqiqat (Le Livre des Rois de Vérité) (1966)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 15 – Hajj Ne’matollah Mojrem Mokri – Shâh‑Nâma‑ye Haqiqat (Le Livre des Rois de Vérité) (1966)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 16 – Seyyed Haydar Âmolî – La Philosophie Shî’ite (1969)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 17 – Shihâbaddin Yahyâ Sohrawardi – Oeuvres Philosophiques et Mystiques/Tome II (1970)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 18 – Jalâloddîn Âshtiyânî et Henry Corbin – Anthologie des Philosophes Iraniens depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours (1972)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 19 – Jalâloddîn Âshtiyânî et Henry Corbin – Anthologie des Philosophes Iraniens depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours (1975)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 20 – Morteza Sarrâf et Henry Corbin – Traités des Compagnons‑Chevaliers (1973)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 21 – Hermann Landolt – Correspondance Spirituelle Échangée entre Nûroddîn Esfarâyeni et son Disciple ‘Alâoddawleh Semnâni (1972)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 22 – Seyyed Haydar Âmolî – Le Texte des Textes (Nass al‑Nosus) (1975)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 23 – Marcel Bazin – Le Tâlech, une Région Ethnique au Nord de l’Iran (1980)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 24 – Marcel Bazin et Christian Bromberger – Gilân et Âzarbâyjân Oriental, Cartes et Documents Ethnographiques (1982)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 25 – Yseult A. Henry – Pensées Politiques de l’Ayatollah Khomeini (1980)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 26 – Chahryar Adle – Art et Société dans le Monde Iranien (1982)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 27 – Aparna Rao – Les Gorbat d’Afghanistan, Aspects Économiques d’un Groupe Itinérant “Jat” (1982)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 28 – Christophe Balaÿ, Michel Cuypers – Aux Sources de la Nouvelle Persane (1983)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 29 – Jean During – La Musique Iranienne, Tradition et Évolution (1984)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 30 – Philippe Gignoux – Le Livre d’Ardâ Virâz : Translittération, Transcription et Traduction du Texte Pehlevi (1984)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 31 – Živa Vesel – Les Encyclopédies Persanes : Essai de Typologie et de Classification des Sciences (1986)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 32 – Charles‑Henri de Fouchécour – Moralia, les Notions Morales dans la Littérature Persane du 3e/9e au 7e/13e siècle (1986)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 33 – Patrice Fontaine – Le Tapis Persan ou le Jardin de l’Éternel Printemps (1990)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 34 – Mohammad‑Hossein Papoli Yazdi – Le Nomadisme dans le Nord du Khorassan (1991)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 35 – Yves Porter – Peinture et Arts du Livre (1992)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 36 – Jean During – Musique et Mystique dans les Traditions de l’Iran (1990)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 37 – Chahryar Adle et Bernard Hourcade – Téhéran, Capitale Bicentenaire (1992)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 38 – Henry Corbin – Itinéraire d’un Enseignement (1993)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 39 – Jean Calmard – Études Safavides (1993)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 40 – Jean‑Claude Klein – La végétation altitudinale de l’Alborz central (Iran) (1993)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 41 – Thierry Coville – L’économie de l’Iran islamique, entre l’État et le marché (1994)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 42 – Thierry Zarcone et Fariba Zarinebaf‑Shahr – Les Iraniens d’Istanbul (1993)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 43 – Nilofar Jozani – La beauté menacée : Anthropologie des maladies de la peau en Iran (1994)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 44 – Christophe Balaÿ, Claire Kappler et Živa Vesel – Pand‑o‑Sokhan : Mélanges offerts à Charles‑Henri de Fouchécour (1995)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 45 – Denise Aigle – L’Iran face à la domination mongole (1997)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 46 – Parviz Mohebbi – Techniques et ressources en Iran du 7e au 19e siècle (1996)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 47 – Aladin Goushegir – Le combat du colombophile (Jeu aux pigeons et stigmatisation sociale) (1997)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 48 – Christophe Balaÿ – La genèse du roman persan moderne (1998)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 49 – Bertrand Thierry de Crussol des Epesse – Discours sur l’œil d’Esmâ‘il Gorgânî (1998)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 50 – Živa Vesel, Hossein Beikbaghaban et B. Thierry de Crussol des Epesse – La science dans le monde iranien (1998)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 51 – Paul Ballanfat – Quatre traités inédits de Ruzbehan Baqli Shirazi (1998)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 52 – Oliver Bast – La Perse et la Grande Guerre (2002)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 53 – Daniel Balland – Hommes et Terres d’Islam (Mélanges offerts à Xavier de Planhol) (2000)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 54 – N. Pourjavady et Ž. Vesel – Nasir Al‑Din Tusi Philosophe et savant du XIIIe siècle (1997)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 55 – Hossein Esmaïli – Le Roman d’Abu Moslem (Abu Moslem Nâmeh) d’après la narration de Abu Tâher de Tartus (2001)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 56 – Ève Feuillebois‑Pierunek – À la croisée des voies célestes : Faxr al‑Din ‘Erâqi. Pensée mystique et expression poétique en Perse médiévale (2002)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 57 – Collectif – Guerre et Mémoire. Table ronde sur la littérature de guerre : Mémoires de guerre – Combattants iraniens (conflit Iran‑Irak) – Combattants français (Première Guerre mondiale) (2002)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 58 – N. Pourjavady et Ž. Vesel – Sciences, techniques et instruments dans le monde iranien (Xe‑XIXe s.) (2004)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 59 – Taghi Azadarmaki, Christophe Balaÿ, Michel Bozdémir – Contact des langues dans l’espace arabo‑turco‑persan (2005)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 60 – Hermann Landolt – Recherches en spiritualité iranienne. Recueil d’articles (2005)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 61 – Gilbert Lazard – Grammaire du persan contemporain (2006)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 62 – Mahmoud Taleghani, Guy Burgel, Ali Goli, Masud Kowsari – Atlas d’Iran socioéconomique et culturel (2005)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 63 – Anne‑Sophie Vivier‑Muresan – Afzâd – Ethnologie d’un village d’Iran (2006)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 64 – Mahmoud Taleghani, Dejanirah Silva Couto, Jean‑Louis Bacqué‑Grammont – Cartographie historique du Golfe Persique (2006)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 65 – Mahmoud Taleghani, Christian Bromberger, Marc Grodwohl – La maison Rafi’i. Un exemple de sauvegarde architecturale dans la plaine du Gilân (2008)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 66 – Nicole Chevalier – Chronique des premières missions archéologiques françaises à Suse, d’après les photographies et mémoires de l’architecte Maurice Pillet (1912‑1913) (2009)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 67 – Živa Vesel, Serge Tourkin, Yves Porter, Francis Richard, Farid Ghasemloo – Images of Islamic science: Illustrated manuscripts from the Iranian world (2009)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 68 – Mahmoud Taleghani – Patrimoine de l’architecture rurale du Guilan – plaine centrale (2010)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 69 – Denis Hermann & Fabrizio Speziale – Muslim cultures in the Indo‑Iranian World during the Early‑Modern and Modern Periods (2010)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 70 – Ahmad bin al‑Husayn bin al‑Shaykh al‑Kharaqānī – Dastūr al‑Jumhūr, fī Manāqib Sultān al‑’Arifīn abū Yazid Tayfūr (2009)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 71 – Abu al‑Wafâ al‑Buzjâni – Ketâb al‑Nejârat (Sur ce qui est indispensable aux artisans dans les constructions géométriques) (2010)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 72 – Denis Hermann et Sabrina Mervin – Courants et dynamiques chiites à l’époque moderne (XVIIIe‑XXe siècles) (2010)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 73 – Mina Saïdi‑Sharouz – Le Téhéran des quartiers populaires. Transformation urbaine et société civile en République islamique (2013)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 74 – Fabrizio Speziale – Hospitals in Iran and India, 1500‑1950s (2012)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 75 – Christian Bromberger – Gilan. Entries on Gilan published by the Encyclopaedia Iranica (2013)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 76 – Gilles Authier – Grammaire Juhuri, ou judéo‑tat, langue iranienne des Juifs du Caucase de l’est (2012)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 77 – Justine Landau – De Rythme & de Raison. Lecture croisée de deux traités de poétique persans du XIIIe siècle (2013)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 78 – Yann Richard – Regards français sur le coup d’État de 1921 en Perse. Journaux personnels de Georges Ducrocq et Hélène Hoppenot (2010)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 79 – Sonja Moghaddari – Migrations et modernité iraniennes. Les familles transnationales (2015)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 80 – Sepideh Parsapajouh – Au cœur d’un bidonville iranien. De Zurâbâd à Islamâbâd (2016)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 81 – Agnès Devictor – Images, combattants et martyrs. La guerre Iran-Irak vue par le cinéma iranien (2015)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 82 – Christian Bromberger, Azadeh Kian – De l’Iran au Jazz, à cheval. Mélanges en hommage à Jean-Pierre Digard (2015)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 83 – Jean-Pierre Digard – Une épopée tribale en Iran. Les Bakhtyari (2015)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 84 – Gilles Berillon, Asghar Asgari Khaneghah – Garm Roud. Une halte de chasse en Iran. Paléolithique supérieur (2016)

Bibliothèque Iranienne 85 – Collectif – Interactions entre humains et animaux sur le plateau iranien. Recherches récentes du département d’ostéologie du Musée National d’Iran (2021)


14. Bibliotheca Iranica




The Bibliotheca Iranica series is a scholarly book collection published by Mazda Publishers, focusing on various aspects of Iranian culture, history, literature, linguistics, and religion. The series is divided into multiple subseries, each dedicated to a specific field of Iranian studies.

The series is highly regarded among scholars for its academic rigor and comprehensive approach to Iranian studies. Many of the volumes are authored or edited by leading experts in the field and provide valuable insights into the cultural and intellectual heritage of Iran.


Publisher: Mazda Publishers

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: –

Last Volume: –

Published Volumes: –

Languages: English

Keywords: Iran, Persian literature, history, linguistics, Zoroastrianism, philology, manuscripts, intellectual traditions, religion, poetry, philosophy, Middle Persian, archaeology, culture, historiography.


Bibliotheca Iranica Collections



Other Relevant Series from Mazda Publishers:


15. Studies in Persian Cultural History




Studies in Persian Cultural History is a peer-reviewed scholarly series published by Brill, continuing the legacy of the Pembroke Papers, founded and edited by Charles Melville in Cambridge. This interdisciplinary series supports the study of medieval and pre-modern Persian literature, art, and culture within their historical contexts. Covering the broader Persianate world, it explores Persia’s influence across Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Ottoman Empire, and the Caucasus.

The series features critical editions, annotated translations, monographs, and edited volumes on topics such as Persian epic literature, historiography, visual culture, Sufism, and political history. By examining Persian cultural exchange and adaptation across diverse regions, Studies in Persian Cultural History provides essential insights into the enduring global legacy of Persian civilization.

Publishing an average of two volumes per year over the last five years, the series welcomes book proposals for critical and annotated text editions, as well as original research contributions from scholars in the field.


Publisher: Brill

Publisher’s Email

Editors: Charles Melville, Gabrielle van den Berg

First Volume: 2024 (technically 2012)

Last Volume: 2025

Published Volumes: 21

Languages: English, French

Keywords: Persian literature, historiography, Shahname, Sufism, epic poetry, manuscript studies, Central Asia, Indian subcontinent, Ottoman Empire, Caucasus, Persianate world, artistic exchanges, political history, medieval studies, cultural transmission.


List of Titles:


Studies in Persian Cultural History 01 – Charles Melville (ed.) – Shahnama Studies I (2024)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 02 – Charles Melville, Gabrielle van den Berg (eds.) – Shahnama Studies II: The Reception of Firdausi’s Shahnama (2012)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 03 – Parivash Jamzadeh – Alexander Histories and Iranian Reflections: Remnants of Propaganda and Resistance (2012)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 04 – Mehrdad Fallahzadeh, Forogh Hashabeiky – Muḥīṭ al-Tavārīkh (The Sea of Chronicles) (2014)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 05 – Chad Lingwood – Politics, Poetry, and Sufism in Medieval Iran: New Perspectives on Jāmī’s Salāmān va Absāl (2013)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 06 – Marjolijn van Zutphen – Farāmarz, the Sistāni Hero: Texts and Traditions of the Farāmarznāme and the Persian Epic Cycle (2014)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 07 – Saghi Gazerani – The Sistani Cycle of Epics and Iran’s National History: On the Margins of Historiography (2015)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 08 – Joo-Yup Lee – Qazaqlïq, or Ambitious Brigandage, and the Formation of the Qazaqs: State and Identity in Post-Mongol Central Eurasia (2015)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 09 – Nasrin Askari – The Medieval Reception of the Shāhnāma as a Mirror for Princes (2016)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 10 – Yuka Kadoi (ed.) – Arthur Upham Pope and A New Survey of Persian Art (2024)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 11 – Christine van Ruymbeke – Kashefi’s Anvar-e Sohayli: Rewriting Kalila wa-Dimna in Timurid Herat (2016)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 12 – Gabrielle R. van den Berg, Charles Melville (eds.) – Shahnama Studies III: The Reception of the Shahnama (2017)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 13 – Negar Habibi – ʿAli Qoli Jebādār et l’Occidentalisme Safavide: Une étude sur les peintures dites farangi sāzi, leurs milieux et commanditaires sous Shāh Soleimān (1666-94) (2018)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 14 – Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila – Khwadāynāmag: The Middle Persian Book of Kings (2018)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 15 – Mika Natif – Mughal Occidentalism: Artistic Encounters between Europe and Asia at the Courts of India, 1580-1630 (2018)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 16 – Mohamad Reza Ghiasian – Lives of the Prophets: The Illustrations to Hafiz-i Abru’s “Assembly of Chronicles” (2018)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 17 – Mehrdad Fallahzadeh, Forogh Hashabeiky (eds./transl.) – The Sea of Chronicles (Muḥīṭ al-tavārīkh) (2020)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 18 – R.D. McChesney – Four Central Asian Shrines: A Socio-Political History of Architecture (2021)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 19 – Georg Leube – Relational Iconography: Representational Culture at the Qaraquyunlu and Aqquyunlu Courts (853 / 1449 CE to 907 / 1501 CE) (2023)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 20 – Forough Sajadi – The Persian Miniatures Collection of the Rijksmuseum, A Hidden Treasure Trove (2024)

Studies in Persian Cultural History 21 – Ferenc Csirkes, Benedek Péri (eds.) – Mongols, Tatars, and Turks in the Persianate World: Essays in Honor of István Vásáry (2025)


16. Persian Heritage Series




The Persian Heritage Series is a distinguished collection of essential texts that encapsulate the profound literary, philosophical, and historical legacy of Persia. Featuring modern translations and critical editions, the series brings together works by seminal figures such as Attar, Rumi, Nizami, Ferdowsi, and Avicenna. Through a diverse array of genres—from mystical poetry and epic narratives to treatises on ethics, governance, and law—each volume provides readers with an accessible window into the rich cultural and intellectual traditions that have shaped not only Persian civilization but also its enduring impact on world history.


Publisher: Persian Heritage Foundation, and other publishers.

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: 1966

Last Volume: 2000

Published Volumes: 41

Languages: English, French

Keywords: Persian Classics, Rumi, Nizami, Attar, Persian Literature, Literary Heritage, Middle Persian.


List of Titles:


Persian Heritage Series, 1: Attar, Farid al‐Din – Muslim Saints and Mystics (tr. A. J. Arberry) (1966)

Persian Heritage Series, 2: Nizâmi Ganjavi – Le Roman de Chosroès et Chirine (tr. Henri Massé) (1970)

Persian Heritage Series, 3: Rumi, Jalal al‐Din – Mystical Poems of Rumi (tr. A. J. Arberry) (1968)

Persian Heritage Series, 4: Varavini – The Tales of Marzuban (tr. R. Levy) (1959)

Persian Heritage Series, 5: Ṭūsī, Naṣīr al‐Din – The Nasirean Ethics (tr. G. M. Wickens) (1964)

Persian Heritage Series, 6: Nezami – Le Sette Principesse (tr. A. Bausani) (1967)

Persian Heritage Series, 7: Ferdowsi – The Epic of the Kings (abridged, tr. by R. Levy) (1967)

Persian Heritage Series, 8: Aruzi, Nizami – Les quatre discours (tr. I. de Gastines) (1968)

Persian Heritage Series, 9: Anonymous – The Letter of Tansar (tr. M. Boyce) (1968)

Persian Heritage Series, 10: Rashid al‐Din – The Successors of Genghis Khan (tr. J. A. Boyle) (1971)

Persian Heritage Series, 11: Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim – The Ship of Sulaiman (tr. J. O’Kane) (1972)

Persian Heritage Series, 12: Faramarz – Samak-e Ayyar (tr. F. Razavi) (1972)

Persian Heritage Series, 13: Avicenna – The Metaphysica of Avicenna (Ibn Sina) (tr. P. Morewedge) (1973)

Persian Heritage Series, 14: Fakhr ud‐Dīn Gurgānī – Vis and Ramin (tr. G. Morrison) (1972)

Persian Heritage Series, 15: Fasa’i, H. – History of Persia under Qajar Rule (tr. H. Busse) (1972)

Persian Heritage Series, 16: Aturpat‐e Emetan – Denkart III (tr. J. de Menasce) (1973)

Persian Heritage Series, 17: Saʿdi – Bustan (tr. G. M. Wickens) (1974)

Persian Heritage Series, 18: Hekmat, F. – Folk Tales of Ancient Persia (retold with Y. Lovelock) (1974)

Persian Heritage Series, 19: Bighami, M. – Love and War: Adventures from the Firuz Shah Nama of Sheikh Bighami (tr. W. Hanaway, Jr.) (1974)

Persian Heritage Series, 20: Anonymous – The History of Sistan (tr. M. Gold) (1977)

Persian Heritage Series, 21: Khayyam – The Rubaiyat of Umar Khayyam (tr. P. Kasra) (1977)

Persian Heritage Series, 22: Manichaen Literature – Representative Texts Chiefly from Middle Persian and Parthian Writings (tr. J.P. Asmussen) (1974)

Persian Heritage Series, 23: Rumi – Mystical Poems of Rumi, II (tr. A. J. Arberry) (1979)

Persian Heritage Series, 24: Rumi – Le livre du dedans (tr. E. de Vitray-Meyerovitch) (1975)

Persian Heritage Series, 25: Rumi – Licht und Reigen (tr. J. Ch. Bürgel) (1974)

Persian Heritage Series, 26: Samarkandi – Le livre des sept vizirs (tr. D. Bogdanovic) (1976)

Persian Heritage Series, 27: Eskandar Monshi – The History of Shah Abbas the Great (3 vols., tr. R. M. Savory) (1978)

Persian Heritage Series, 28: Attar – Ilahi-Nama (tr. J. A. Boyle) (1976)

Persian Heritage Series, 29: Hafez – Divan (Hafizu-Shishu – in Japanese, tr. T. Kuroyanagi) (1977)

Persian Heritage Series, 30: Anonymous – Iskandarnamah (tr. M. Southgate) (1978)

Persian Heritage Series, 31: Nizam al-Mulk – The Book of Government or Rules for Kings (rev. tr. H. Darke) (1978)

Persian Heritage Series, 32: Nezami – Khosrau and Shirin (in Japanese, tr. E. Okada) (1977)

Persian Heritage Series, 33: Aturpat-i Emetan – The Wisdom of the Sasanian Sages (Denkard VI) (tr. Sh. Shaked) (1979)

Persian Heritage Series, 34: Razi, Najm al-Din – The Path of God’s Bondsmen: From Origin to Return (Mersad al-ebad) (tr. H. Algar) (1980)

Persian Heritage Series, 35: Naser-e Khosrow – Travelogue (Safarnama) (tr. W. Thackston) (1985)

Persian Heritage Series, 36: Nizami – Chosrou und Schirin (tr. J. Ch. Bürgel) (1980)

Persian Heritage Series, 37: Nizami – Das Alexanderbuch (tr. J. Ch. Bürgel) (1991)

Persian Heritage Series, 38: Ebn-e Monavvar, M. – The Secrets of God’s Mystical Oneness or The Spiritual Stations of Shaikh Abu Sa’id (Asrar al-Towhid) (tr. J. O’Kane) (1992)

Persian Heritage Series, 39: Perikhanian, Anahit – The Book of One Thousand Judgments. A Sasanian Law Book (1997)

Persian Heritage Series, 40: Khayyam, Omar – Khayyam the Mathematician (with commentary by R. Rashed and B. Vahabzadeh) (2000)

Persian Heritage Series, 41: Bausani, Alessandro – Religion in Iran. From Zoroaster to Bah’ullah (tr. J. M. Marchesi) (2000)

17. Iran and the Ancient World




The Iran and the Ancient World series supports original research on the history, literature, material culture, and religions of ancient Iran, emphasizing their connections to broader ancient civilizations. The series encourages comparative and interdisciplinary approaches, exploring the interconnections between the Iranian world and neighboring cultural regions. By participating in the University of California Press’ Luminos program, it provides open access to publications, ensuring a global reach and raising awareness of Iran’s significant contributions to the ancient world. The series is edited by M. Rahim Shayegan, a leading scholar in Iranian studies at UCLA.


Publisher: University of California Press

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: 2024

Last Volume: 2025

Published Volumes: 2

Languages: English

Keywords: Ancient Iran, history, literature, material culture, religions, comparative studies, interdisciplinary, Iranian world, ancient civilizations, social sciences, humanities, historiography, cultural exchange.


List of Titles


Iran and the Ancient World 1: D. T. Potts, Aspects of Kinship in Ancient Iran  (Jul 2024)

Iran and the Ancient World 2: Jake Nabel, The Arsacids of Rome: Misunderstanding in Roman-Parthian Relations (Apr 2025, Open Access)

18. Schriften zur vorderasiatischen Archäologie




Founded in 1989 by Winfried Orthmann and now edited by Mirko Novák, Alexander Pruß, and Alexander E. Sollee, the Schriften zur Vorderasiatischen Archäologie (SVA) series offers a comprehensive forum for research in Near Eastern archaeology. Covering a vast geographical area—from Anatolia and the Mediterranean coast to the Indus region, Central Asia, and Yemen—and spanning from the onset of the Neolithic to the spread of Islam, the series publishes excavation reports, conference proceedings, doctoral dissertations, and handbooks. This broad scope makes the SVA an invaluable resource for scholars in Iranian and Central Asian studies, as it provides critical insights into the historical, cultural, and archaeological developments of these interconnected regions.


Publisher: Harrassowitz Verlag

Editors: Mirko Novák, Alexander Pruß und Alexander E. Sollee

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: 2013 (second volume 1991) والله اعلم

Last Volume: 2025

Published Volumes: 22

Languages: German, English

Keywords: Archaeology, Near East, Iranian Studies, Central Asia, Anatolia, Neolithic, Islam, Excavation Reports, Dissertations.


List of Relevant Titles:


Schriften zur vorderasiatischen Archäologie 12 – Baumer, Christoph / Novák, Mirko (Hg.) – Urban Cultures of Central Asia from the Bronze Age to the Karakhanids

Schriften zur vorderasiatischen Archäologie 19 – Baumer, Christoph / Novák, Mirko / Rutishauser, Susanne (Hg.) – Cultures in Contact: Central Asia as Focus of Trade, Cultural Exchange and Knowledge Transmission

Schriften zur vorderasiatischen Archäologie 22 – Shenkar, Michael – Kings of Cities and Rulers of the Steppes: Representations of Kingship in Pre-Islamic Central Asia

19. Iranian Studies Series




The Iranian Studies Series, published by Leiden University Press, is a scholarly collection dedicated to exploring various facets of Iranian civilization, encompassing both contemporary and classical cultures within the Persian cultural sphere. This includes regions such as Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Central Asia, Anatolia, the Caucasus, and the Indo-Pakistani subcontinent. The series aims to promote studies in literature, history, religion, and linguistics related to Iranian languages, offering research monographs, reference works, and English-Persian critical editions of significant texts. To date, 30 volumes have been published, covering a wide array of topics.

The series is overseen by Chief Editor A. Seyed-Gohrab of Utrecht University, with an advisory board comprising scholars from various international institutions.


Publisher: Leiden University Press

Publisher’s Email: 

Editor: Asghar Seyed-Gohrab 

First Volume: 2015

Last Volume: 2025

Published Volumes: 33

Languages: English

Keywords: Persian literature, Iranian history, Iranian linguistics, Iranian culture, classical Persian poetry, Sufism, Zoroastrianism, Persian manuscripts, Iranian philosophy, Central Asian studies, Indo-Persian studies, Persian prose, historical texts, philology, Persian intellectual history.


List of Titles:

20. Persika




The Persika series, published by Peeters Publishers, is a scholarly collection focusing on Iranian studies, particularly ancient Persia. It covers topics such as Avestan texts, Zoroastrianism, and the Achaemenid Empire. Notable volumes include works on the Gathas, Zarathustra’s victory over demonic forces, and studies honoring historian Pierre Briant. The series provides in-depth linguistic, religious, and historical analyses, making it a valuable resource for scholars of ancient Iran.

Not much information is available on the series, and most of the volumes published.


Publisher: Peeters Publishers

Publisher’s Email: 

First Volume: ?

Last Volume: ?

Published Volumes: ?

Languages: French

Keywords: Avestic Studies, Ancient Iran, Achaemenids,


List of Titles:


Persika 13 – Lenfant, D. – Les Histoires perses de Dinon et d’Héraclide: Fragments édités, traduits et commentés

Persika 20 – Qahéri, S. – Objets égyptiens et égyptianisants d’époque achéménide conservés en Iran

Persika 21 – Agut-Labordère, D.; Boucharlat, R.; Joannès, F.; Kuhrt, A.; Stolper, M.W. – Achemenet. Vingt ans après

Persika 22 – Kellens, J. – Études avestiques et mazdéennes vol. 7

Persika 23 – Redard, C. – Études avestiques et mazdéennes vol. 8

Persika 24 – Kellens, J. – Études avestiques et mazdéennes vol. 9


Ruben S. Nikoghosyan (Yerevan, Armenia)
