Festschrifts & Memorial Volumes on Iranian Studies

Ruben S. Nikoghosyan

In my experience, one of the significant challenges facing students of Iranian studies, especially those new to exploring the rich landscape of Iranian academia, is the limited availability of online bibliographical resources.


I recall, as a student, how often I had to spend hours and days discovering new names, books, and papers. As enjoyable as those cherished moments were, it took me, and I am sure many others, an enormous amount of time to blindly fumble our way through past and current scholarship on Iranian history, languages, religions, literature, etc.


Even now, as an instructor of Classical and Middle Persian languages and literature, I often see my students unaware of the scholarship on the subjects of their studies and at times struggling to find relevant literature. This applies to both Western scholarship and, to a much higher degree, native Iranian scholarship.


In order to address this issue to a very limited degree (acknowledging the efforts of others in this regard), and to provide helpful materials for students in this field, I have decided to create a list of festschrifts and memorial volumes dedicated to scholars in this field, thus making it a little bit easier for at least some students to navigate this academic field.


The current list includes festschrifts and memorial volumes published in non-Persian languages, primarily including papers in English, German, and French.


In the near future, I hope to compile another list containing memorial volumes (yādnāme) in Persian, thus making the names and publications of Iranian scholars accessible to students of Iranian studies.


I would be immensely grateful to all the readers who suggest titles, especially if they can attach the PDFs of the respective books alongside the titles. Please send the suggestions to my email: nikoghosyanruben@gmail.com

Preview List

  1. Monumentum H. S. Nyberg. Volume I (Hommages et Opera Minora 1).
  2. Monumentum H. S. Nyberg. Volume II (Hommages et Opera Minora 2).
  3. Monumentum H. S. Nyberg. Volume III (Hommages et Opera Minora 3).
  4. Corolla Iranica: Papers in Honour of Prof. Dr. David Neil MacKenzie on the occasion of his 65th birthday on April 8th, 1991.
  5. Iranian and Zoroastrian Studies in Honor of Prods Oktor Skjærvø
  6. W. B. Henning Memorial Volume
  7. Iranian Languages and Texts from Iran and Turan. Ronald E. Emmerick Memorial Volume
  8. A Locust’s Leg: Studies in Honour of S. H. Taqizadeh
  9. A Thousand Judgements: Festschrift for Maria Macuch
  10. Papers in Honor of Professor Ehsan Yarshater
  11. Iran and Iranian Studies: Essays in honour of Iraj Afshar
  12. Mélanges d’Orientalisme offerte à Henri Massé à l’occasion de son 75ème anniversaire 
  13. Studies on Iran and The Caucasus: In Honour of Garnik Asatrian
  14. Paitimāna: Essays in Iranian, Indo-European, and Indian Studies in Honor of Hanns-Peter Schmidt (Volumes I & II)*
  15. Spirit of Wisdom [Menog-i Xrad]: Essays in Memory of Ahmad Tafazzoli
  16. Ranj o Ganj. Papers in Honour of Professor Z. Zarshenas
  17. Religious themes and texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia. Studies in honour of Professor Gherardo Gnoli on the occasion of his 65th birthday on 6th December 2002
  18. Exegisti monumenta: Festschrift in honour of Nicholas Sims-Williams
  19. The Reward of the Righteous: Festschrift in Honour of Almut Hintze
  20. Gifts to a Magus: Indo-Iranian Studies Honoring Firoze Kotwal
  21. The Necklace of the Pleiades: Studies in Persian Literature Presented to Heshmat Moayyad on his 80th Birthday
  22. Orientis Splendor: Studies in Memory of Józef Wolski
  23. Ēran ud Anērān: Studies presented to Boris Ilich Marshak on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
  24. Languages of Iran: Past and Present. Iranian Studies in memoriam David Neil MacKenzie
  25. Zur lichten Heimat: Studien zu Manichäismus, Iranistik und Zentralasienkunde im Gedenken an Werner Sundermann
  26. Zarathushtra entre l’Inde et l’Iran: Études indo-iraniennes et indo-européenes offertes à Jean Kellens à l’occasion de son 65e anniversaire
  27. Studia Grammatica Iranica: Festschrift Für Helmut Humbach
  28. Iranica Selecta. Studies in honour of Professor Wojciech Skalmowski on the occasion of his seventieth birthday
  29. Commentationes Iranicae. Сборник статей к 90-летию Владимира Ароновича Лившица (Collected papers dedicated to Vladimir Aronovich Livshitz on the occasion of his 90th birthday)
  30. Faszination Iran. Beiträge zur Religion, Geschichte und Kunst des Alten Iran. Gedenkschrift für Klaus Schippmann
  31. Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur des alten Iran und benachbarter Gebiete. Festschrift für Rüdiger Schmitt
  32. Iranian Studies in Honour of Adriano V. Rossi
  33. Tous les chemins mènent à Paris: Studies inspired by Agnes Korn
  34. A Turquoise Coronet. Studies in Persian language and literature in honour of Paola Orsatti
  35. Literarische Stoffe und ihre Gestaltung in mitteliranischer Zeit. Kolloquium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Werner Sundermann
  36. A Green Leaf. Papers in Honour of Professor Jes P. Asmussen
  37. zaraθuštrōtəma. Zoroastrian and Iranian Studies in Honour of Philip G. Kreyenbroek
  38. Dinars and Dirhams. Festschrift in Honor of Michael L. Bates
  39. Ancient Iranian Numismatics. In Memory of David Sellwood
  40. From Aṣl to Zā’id: Essays in Honour of Éva M. Jeremiás
  41. Shoshannat Yaakov. Jewish and Iranian Studies in Honor of Yaakov Elman
  42. Iranian Languages and Culture. Essays in Honor of Gernot Ludwig Windfuhr
  43. Iran and Beyond. Essays in Middle Eastern History in Honor of Nikki R. Keddie
  44. Converging Zones: Persian Literary Tradition and the Writing of History Studies in Honor of Amin Banani
  45. Studies in Honour of Clifford Edmund Bosworth, Volume II
  46. Indo-Iranica. Mélanges Présantés à Georg Morgenstierne à l’Occasion de son Soixante-Dixième Anniversaire
  47. Dādestān ī Dēnīg. Festschrift for Mahmoud Jaafari-Dehaghi

  48. No Tapping around Philology. A Festschrift in Honor of Wheeler McIntosh Thackston Jr.’s 70th Birthday

  49. The Persian World and Beyond. Achaemenid and Arsacid Studies in Honour of Bruno Jacobs
  50.  AfarinNameh. Essays on the Archaeology of Iran in Honour of Mehdi Rahbar
  51. Papers in Honour of Professor Mary Boyce, Volume 1
  52. Papers in Honour of Professor Mary Boyce, Volume 2
  53. Siddham. Studies in Iranian philology in honour of Mauro Maggi
  54. Administrations et préposés d’époque sassanide. Nouvelles données à la mémoire de Philippe Gignoux
  55. Le forme della città Iran, Gandhara e Asia Centrale. Scritti offerti a Pierfrancesco Callieri in occasione del suo 65° compleanno
  56. In Search of Cultural Identities in West and Central Asia: A Festschrift for Prudence Oliver Harper

Read our testimonials

1. Monumentum H. S. Nyberg. Volume I 

(Hommages et Opera Minora 1).

Editor(s): Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin

Series: Acta Iranica 4

Year of Publication: 1975

Dedicated to: Henrik Samuel Nyberg (1889-1974)

Languages: English, French, German, Italian

Publisher: Bibliothèque Pahlavi: Téhéran-Liège

Distributor: Brill (Leiden)

Number of Contributions: 37

Number of Pages: 511

List of Contributions:

  1. Jes P. Asmussen (Köbenhavn). Jüdisch-persische Hoseastücke
  2. Guitty Azarpay (Berkeley). Iranian Divinities in Sogdian Painting
  3. Harold W. Bailey (Cambridge). Excursus Iranocaucasicus
  4. Walter Belardi (Roma). Un mot albanais de provenance iranienne indirecte
  5. A.D. H. Bivar (London). Document and Symbol in the Art of the Achaemenids
  6. Mary Boyce (London). On Mithra, Lord of Fire
  7. George G. Cameron (Ann Arbor). Darius the Great and his Scythian (Saka) Campaign. Bisutun and Herodotus
  8. Marie-Louise Chaumont (Paris). États vassaux dans l’Empire des premiers Sassanides
  9. Alois Closs (Graz). Iranistik und Völkerkunde
  10. Paolo Daffina (Roma). Sulla più antica diffusione del buddismo nella Serindia e nell’Iran orientale
  11. Mohammad A. Dandamaev (Leningrad). La politique religieuse des Achéménides
  12. Djelani Davary (Mainz). Die Ruinenstadt Bost am Helmand
  13. Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin (Liège). Le texte pahlavi «Xosrow et son page» et les origines de l’amour courtois
  14. Georges Dumézil (Paris). Note sur un roman scythique d’Hérodote: Skylès 
  15. Ronald E. Emmerick (Hamburg). A Khotanese Fragment: P 5536 bis
  16. Richard N. Frye (Harvard). The Rise of the Sasanians and the Uppsala School
  17. Badri Gharib (Tehran). Old Iranian roots gauz– and gaud– in Sogdian
  18. Roman Ghirshman (Paris). Chapour Ier, «roi des rois» sans couronne
  19. Philippe Gignoux (Paris). Coupes inscrites de la collection Mohsen Foroughi
  20. Gherardo Gnoli (Napoli). Zur Sistān-Hypothese
  21. Jan Gonda (Utrecht). The Vedic Gods Aṃśa and Bhaga
  22. Jonas Greenfield (Jerusalem). Iranian or Semitic?
  23. Gert Gropp (Hamburg). Die Derbent-Inschriften und das Adur Gušnasp
  24. John R. Hinnells (Manchester). Reflections on the Lion-headed Figure in Mithraism
  25. Walther Hinz (Göttingen). Zu den Mörsern und Stösseln aus Persepolis
  26. Karl Hoffmann (Erlangen). Avestisch yecā
  27. Helmut Humbach (Mainz). Vayu, Śiva und der Spiritus Vivens im ost-iranischen Synkretismus
  28. Stanley Insler (Yale). The Ahuna Vairya Prayer
  29. Giko Ito (Kyoto). From the Dēnkard
  30. Kaikhusro M. Jamasp-Asa (Bombay). Ēmēt i Ašavahištān 9-12
  31. Maneck F. Kanga (Bombay). Sitīkar Nāmak ī Manuščīhr Gōšnjamān
  32. Jean Kellens (Mainz-Liège). Mythes et conceptions avestiques chez les Sassanides
  33. Sadeq Kia (Tehran). Soġd-e haft āšiān
  34. Charles Kieffer (Berne). Wardak, toponyme et ethnique d’Afghanistan
  35. Otakar Klima (Praha). Einiges über die stilistischen Ausdrucksmittel in älteren iranischen Sprachdenkmälern
  36. Firoze M. Kotwal (London). Some notes on the Pahlavi Visperad
  37. Jerzy Kurylowicz (Krakow). L’accent du mot en v. iranien

2. Monumentum H. S. Nyberg. Volume II 

(Hommages et Opera Minora 2).

Editor(s): Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin

Series: Acta Iranica

Year of Publication: 1975

Dedicated to: Henrik Samuel Nyberg

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Bibliothèque Pahlavi (Téhéran-Liège)

Distributor: Brill (Leiden)

Number of Contributions: 27

Number of Pages: 472

List of Contributions:

  1. Gilbert Lazard (Paris). Le préverbe moyen-perse bē/ba
  2. Pierre Lecoq (Liège). Le dialecte d’Abu Zeyd Ābād
  3. David W. MacDowall (Durham). The Copper Denominations of Menander
  4. Manfred Mayrhofer (Wien). Ein altes Problem: «Guštāsp » im achten vorchristlichen Jahrhundert
  5. Daoud Monchi-Zadeh (Uppsala). Iranische Miszellen
  6. Georg Morgenstierne (Oslo). Indo-European dheugh- and deuk– in Indo-Iranian
  7. Johanna Narten (Erlangen). Avestisch čiš
  8. Mahyar Navvabi (Shiraz). Vaxšēn Kermak = Silk Worm
  9. Jemal Nebez (Berlin). Die Schriftsprache der Kurden
  10. Jacob Neusner (Brandeis). The Idea of Purity in the Jewish Literature of the Period of the Second Temple
  11. Igor M. Oranskij (Leningrad). Notes irano-slaves
  12. Herbert H. Paper (Ann Arbor). Isaiah in Judeo-Persian (Chapt. 1 and 2)
  13. Vittore Pisani (Milano). Avest. hizuma-, staman– und Verwandtes
  14. Hans P. Schmidt (Leiden). Is Vedic dhénā– related | to Avestan daēnā?
  15. Rüdiger Schmitt (Saarbrücken). Nugae Bagistanenses alterae
  16. Martin Schwartz (Berkeley). Proto-indo-european ĝem.
  17. Shaul Shaked (Jerusalem). Some Legal and Administrative Terms of the Sasanian Period
  18. Mansour Shaki (Praha), The Concept of Obligated Successorship in the Mādiyān ī Hazār Dādistān
  19. Wojczech Skalmowski (Leuven), Two Stories in Afridi Dialect from F.C. Andreas’ Notes
  20. Bertold Spuler (Hamburg), Die armenische Kirche
  21. Klaus Strunk (Saarbrücken), Semantisches und Formales zum Verhältnis von indoiran. krátu-/xratu- und gr. κρατύς
  22. Werner Sundermann (Berlin), Ueberreste manichäischen Yimki-Homilien in mittelpersischer Sprache?
  23. Oswald Szemerényi (Freiburg i. Br.), Iranica V (nos 59-70)
  24. Ahmad Tafazzoli (Tehran), Elephant: a demonic creature and a symbol of sovereignty
  25. Bo Utas (Köbenhavn), On the Composition of the Ayyātkār ī Zarērān
  26. Geo Widengren (Stockholm), Henrik Samuel Nyberg and Iranian Studies in the Light of Personal Reminiscences
  27. Gernot Windfuhr (Ann Arbor), Isoglosses: a Sketch on Persians and Parthians, Kurds and Medes

3. Monumentum H. S. Nyberg. Volume III 

(Hommages et Opera Minora 3).

Editor(s): Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin

Series: Acta Iranica

Year of Publication: 1975

Dedicated to: Henrik Samuel Nyberg

Languages: English, French, German, Russian

Publisher: Bibliothèque Pahlavi (Téhéran-Liège)

Distributor: Brill (Leiden)

Number of Contributions: 7

Number of Pages: 394

List of Contributions:

  1. В. И. Абаев (Москва). Зороастр и скифы.
  2. Philippe Gignoux (Paris). Intailles sassanides de la collection Pirouzan.
  3. Mario Grignaschi (Trieste). La « Siyāsatu-l ‘āmmiyya» et l’influence iranienne sur la pensée politique islamique
  4. John Hansman (London). An Achaemenian Stronghold, with an Annex by H.W. Bailey on « Nasā and Fаsā».
  5. Wolfgang Lentz (Marburg). Note on some terms used in connection with the Aramaic elements in Middle Persian.
  6. Carl Nylander (Bryn Mawr), Anatolians in Susa — and Persepolis(?)
  7. Paul Thieme (Tübingen). Wurzel yat im Veda und Avesta, nebst einem Exkurs über eine altiranische (altindische?) Analogie zum zweiten Abenteuer Sindbads, des Seefahrers


  • Bibliographie de H. S. Nyberg
  • M. L. Chaumont, États vassaux dans l’Empire des premiers Sassanides (Acta Iranica 4)
  • Н. Р. Schmidt, Is Vedic dhéna related to Avestan daēnā? (Acta Iranica 5)
  • R. Е. Emmerick, A Khotanese fragment: P5536 bis (Acta Iranica 4). Plates XXXV et XXXVI.

4. Corolla Iranica: Papers in Honour of Prof. Dr. David Neil MacKenzie on the occasion of his 65th birthday on April 8th, 1991.

Editors: Ronald E. Emmerick; Dieter Weber

Series: –

Year of Publication: 1991

Dedicated to: David Neil MacKenzie (1926-2001)

Languages: English, German, French

Publisher: Peter Lang

Number of Contributions: 26

Number of Pages: 244

List of Contributions:

  1. Jes P. Asmussen. Ornithologisches aus den jüdisch-persischen Übersetzungen der hebräischen Bibel
  2. A.D.H. Bivar. The ideogram for ‘staters’ in Pahlavi
  3. Mary Boyce. The vitality of Zoroastrianism attested by some Yazdi traditions and actions
  4. Giotto Canevascini. Medio-reflexive verbs in Khotanese
  5. Michael L. Chyet. A Version of the Kurdish Romance Mem û Zîn with English Translation and Commentary
  6. Almuth Degener. Neryosanghs Sanskrit-Übersetzung von Škand gumānīk vičār
  7. J. Elfenbein. A caravan of chronological adverbs
  8. Ronald E. Emmerick and Mauro Maggi. Thoughts on Khotanese e and o
  9. Gherardo Gnoli. More on the Khwarezmian Hypothesis
  10. Gerd Gropp. Zādsprams Interpretation des Ahunavairyo-Gebetes
  11. Gottfried Herrmann. Biographisches zu Ḥusain Wā’iẓ Kāšifī
  12. Jean Kellens. Remarques sur l’opposition de nombre en vieil-avestique
  13. V.A. Livshits and A.B. Nikitin. The Parthian epigraphic remains from Göbekli-depe and some other Parthian inscriptions
  14. J.R. Russell. The Do‘ā-ye Nām Stāyišn
  15. Lore Sander. The earliest manuscripts from Central Asia and the Sarvāstivāda mission
  16. W.P. Schmid. Nhd. See und Alteuropa
  17. Martin Schwartz. A page of a Sogdian Liber Vitæ
  18. Shaul Shaked. IRANO-ARAMAICA: On some legal, administrative and economic terms
  19. Nicholas Sims-Williams. A Sogdian Greeting
  20. Wojciech Skalmowski. A note on Iranian *dahyu
  21. P.O. Skjærvø. Middle Persian anād, anānd
  22. Werner Sundermann. Eine buddhistische Allegorie in manichäischer Überlieferung
  23. A. Tafazzoli. Some Isfahani words
  24. Finn Thiesen. A translation of Rūḥollāh Xomeinī’s sabu ye ‘ešq
  25. Dieter Weber. Ein bisher unbekannter Titel aus spätsassanidischer Zeit?
  26. Yutaka Yoshida. Sogdian Miscellany III

5. Iranian and Zoroastrian Studies in Honor of Prods Oktor Skjærvø

Editors: Carol Altman Bromberg; Nicholas Sims-Williams, and Ursula Sims-Williams

Series: Bulletin of the Asia Institute. Volume 19

Year of Publication: 2005

Dedicated to: Prods Oktor Skjærvø (b. 1944)

Languages: English, French

Publisher: Bulletin of the Asia Institute

Number of Contributions: 30

Number of Pages: 238

List of Contributions:

  1. Carol Altman Bromberg. Introduction
  2. Ursula Sims-Williams. Prods Oktor Skjærvø
  3. Duan Qing “Mulberry” in Khotanese: A New Khotanese Loan Deed in the Hetian Museum 
  4. Yaakov Elman. The Other in the Mirror: Iranians and Jews View One Another. Questions of Identity, Conversion, and Exogamy in the Fifth-Century Iranian Empire. Part One 
  5. Richard N. Frye. Church and State in Iranian History 
  6. Rika Gyselen. Vahrām III (293) and the Rock Relief of Naqsh-i Rustam II: A Contribution to the Iconography of Sasanian Crown Princes in the Third Century
  7. Valerie Hansen. The Tribute Trade with Khotan in Light of Materials Found at the Dunhuang Library Cave
  8. Prudence O. Harper. From Earth to Heaven: Speculations on the Significance of the Achaemenid Censer
  9. Almut Hintze. The Cow that Came from the Moon: The Avestan Expression māhgaociθra
  10. Stephanie W. Jamison. Poetic Self-Reference in the Rig Veda and the Persona of Zarathustra
  11. Jean Kellens et Philippe Swennen. Le sacrifice et la nature humaine 
  12. Hiroshi Kumamoto. Paul Pelliot and the Deśanā-parivarta of the Suvarṇabhāsa-sūtra 
  13. Judith A. Lerner. An Alan Seal 
  14. Maria Macuch. The Hērbedestān as a Legal Source: A Section on the Inheritance of a Convert to Zoroastrianism 
  15. Mauro Maggi. Annotations on the Book of Zambasta, II: Khotanese maṃkyā- 
  16. Antonio Panaino. Sheep, Wheat, and Wine: An Achaemenian Antecedent of the Sasanian Sacrifices pad ruwān 
  17. Rang Xinjiang. The Name of the So-called “Tumshuqese” Language 
  18. James R. Russell. The Demon Weed 129
  19. Lore Sander. Remarks on the Formal Brāhmī Script from the Southern Silk Route 
  20. Martin Schwartz. Apollo and Khshathrapati, the Median Nergal, at Xanthos
  21. Shai Secunda. Studying with a Magus/Like Giving a Tongue to a Wolf 
  22. Shaul Shaked. Aramaic Loan-words in Middle Persian 
  23. M. Rahim Shayegan. Nugae Epigraphicae 
  24. Daniel Jensen Sheffield. The Wizirgerd ī Dēnīg and the Evil Spirit: Questions of Authenticity in Post-Classical Zoroastrianism 
  25. Nicholas Sims-Williams. Before the Quarrel: A Bactrian Purchase Contract 
  26. Ursula Sims-Williams. The Strange Story of Samuel Guise: An 18th-Century Collection of Zoroastrian Manuscripts 
  27. Werner Sundermann. The Emperor’s New Clothes
  28. Yuhan Sohrab-Dinshaw Vevaina. Resurrecting the Resurrection: Eschatology and Exegesis in Late Antique Zoroastrianism
  29. Dieter Weber. A Pahlavi Papyrus from Islamic Times
  30. Yutaka Yoshida. Viśa’ Śūra’s Corpse Discovered?

6. W. B. Henning Memorial Volume

Editors: Mary Boyce and Ilya Gershevitch

Year of Publication: 1970

Dedicated to: Walter Bruno Henning (1908-1967)

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Lund Humphries (London)

Number of Contributions: 47

Number of Pages: 468

List of Contributions:

  1. V. I. Abaev: The names of the months in Ossetic
  2. T. Peshotan K. Anklesaria: Dādestān ī dīnīk, Pursišn 89
  3. Jes P. Asmussen: The list of fruits in the Bundahišn
  4. H. W. Bailey: A range of Iranica
  5. E. Benveniste: Que signifie Vidēvdāt?
  6. A. D. H. Bivar: A Persian monument at Athens, and its connections with the Achaemenid state seals
  7. Mary Boyce: Haoma, priest of the sacrifice
  8. John Brough: Nugae Indo-Sericae
  9. T. Burrow: Sanskrit jálāṣa
  10. I. M. Diakonoff: The origin of the ‘Old Persian’ writing system and the ancient oriental epigraphic and annalistic traditions
  11. C. F. F. Dowsett: Who sift sea-shells by the sea-shore?
  12. M. S. Dresden: Indo-Iranian notes: 1. Avestan ravō.fraoθman-; 2. Avestan uzgastō; 3. Iranian optative forms
  13. J. Duchesne-Guillemin: Old Persian yāumaniš
  14. R. E. Emmerick: Speak and prosper in Khotanese
  15. R. N. Frye: Funerary inscriptions in Pahlavi from Fars
  16. T. Gandjei: The prosodic structure of an Old Turkish poem
  17. Ilya Gershevitch: The crushing of the third singular present
  18. R. Ghirshman: Une coupe sassanide à ‘scène d’investiture’
  19. Jonas C. Greenfield: *hamarakara > ’amarkal
  20. Karl Hoffmann: Zur avestischen Textkritik: der Akk. Pl. mask. der a-Stämme
  21. Kaikhusroo M. Samasp Asa: The Pahlavi text of Vicīrīhā i Den i vēh i Mazdayasnān
  22. M. F. Kanga: Dātistān ī Dēnīk, Pursišn XIV and XV: a critical study 
  23. A. L. Khromov: Die Präposition par und Postposition –yow im Yaghnobi 
  24. David M. Lang: Parable and precept in the Marzubān-Nāme 
  25. G. Lazard: Āhu-ye kuhi, le chamois d’Abu Hafs de Sogdiane, et les origines du robāi
  26. Wolfgang Lentz: The ‘social functions’ of the Old Iranian Mithra 
  27. V. A. Livshits: A Sogdian alphabet from Panjikant 
  28. D. N. MacKenzie: A Zoroastrian master of ceremonies 
  29. Oito J. Maenchen-Helfen: Iranian names of Huns 
  30. Manfred Mayrhofer: Das Altpersische seit 1964 
  31. M. A. Mehendale: Evidence for the affricate pronunciation of the cluster ts in the Maitrāyaṇī Saṃhitā 
  32. Jean de Menasce: Fragments manichéens de Paris 
  33. Karl H. Menges: Etymologika 
  34. H. K. Mirza: The Pahlavi ideograms for dūr and dē
  35. G. Morgenstierne: The development of Iranian r+consonant in the Shughni group 
  36. H. S. Nyberg: Middle Iranian has, hasēnag 
  37. Anahit Perikhanian: On some Pahlavi legal terms 
  38. E. G. Pulleyblank: Notes on the hP’ags-pa alphabet for Chinese 
  39. Wolfgang P. Schmid: Indisch-Iranische Appellativa und alteuropäische Gewässernamen
  40. Martin Schwartz: Miscellanea Iranica 
  41. S. Shaked: Specimens of Middle Persian verse 
  42. Walter Simon: Ear, sharp and hearing – a Tibetan word-family 
  43. T. M. Stern: Arabico-Persica 
  44. O. Szemerényi: Iranica III (Nos. 32-43) 
  45. Zs. Telegdi: La construction abrūi muhoyaš daroz en Tadjik 
  46. P. Thieme: Sanskrit sindhu-/Sindhu– and Old Iranian hindu-/Hindu
  47. Ehsan Yarshater: The Tati dialects of Ṭārom

7. Iranian Languages and Texts from Iran and Turan. Ronald E. Emmerick Memorial Volume

Editors: Maria Macuch, Mauro Maggi, Werner Sundermann

Series: Iranica 13

Year of Publication: 2007

Dedicated to: Ronald E. Emmerick (1937 -2001)

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Harrassowitz Verlag. Wiesbaden

Number of Contributions: 33

Number of Pages: 489

List of Contributions:

  1. François de Blois: The Name of the Black Sea
  2. Alberto Cantera: The Accusative of the i– and u-Stems with Presuffixal Full or Large Grade in Avestan
  3. Carlo G. Cereti: “And the frawahrs of the men […] agreed to go into the material world”: Zoroastrian Cosmogony in the 3rd Chapter of the Greater Bundahisn
  4. Duan Qing: The Maitrī-bhāvanā-prakaraṇa: A Chinese Parallel to the Third Chapter of the Book of Zambasta
  5. Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: Aramaic in the Manichaean Turfan Texts
  6. Ela Filippone: Is the Judge a Questioning Man? Notes in the Margin of Khotanese pharṣavata-
  7. Philippe Gignoux: La démonisation d’Alexandre le Grand d’après la littérature pehlevie
  8. Jost Gippert: Albano-Iranica
  9. Gherardo Gnoli: Old Persian xšaça-, Middle Persian šahr, Greek ἔθνος
  10. Almut Hintze: The Fire Wāzišt and the Demon
  11. Helmut Humbach: The Indian God of Wine, the Iranian Indra, and the Seventh Amәša Spәṇta
  12. Jean Kellens: Quand Darius parle à Darius
  13. Hiroshi Kumamoto: Sino-Hvatanica Petersburgensia: Part II
  14. Gilbert Lazard: La versification en parthe et son héritage persan
  15. V. A. Livshits: The Leader of the People of Chach in the Sogdian Inscriptions and Coin-Legends
  16. Maria Macuch: The Pahlavi Model Marriage Contract in the Light of Sasanian Family Law
  17. Mauro Maggi: Vimalakīrtinirdeśasūtra Quotations in the Khotanese Book of Vimalakīrti
  18. Dieter Maue: Tumschukische Miszellen I: Beobachtungen zur Metrik
  19. Enrico Morano: A Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script
  20. Antonio Panaino: Ahura Mazdā and the Darkness: About the Meaning of Y.44, 5b
  21. Ludwig Paul: Zur Lage der Gōrānī-Dialekte im Iran und ihrer Erforschung
  22. Elio Provasi: A Son of the Manichaean Living Spirit
  23. Christiane Reck: Tage der Barmherzigkeit: Nachträge zu den mitteliranischen manichäischen Montags- und Bemahymnen
  24. Adriano V. Rossi: More Khotanese Colours
  25. Rüdiger Schmitt: Bemerkungen zu den Belegformen des Titels iran. *hazahrapati
  26. Martin Schwartz: Kerdīr’s Clairvoyants: Extra-Iranian and Gathic Perspectives
  27. Nicholas Sims-Williams: The Sogdian potentialis
  28. Prods Oktor Skjærvø: A Khotanese Amulet
  29. Werner Sundermann: Eine Re-Edition zweier manichäisch-soghdischer Briefe
  30. Philippe Swennen: L’hypothèse de la «Stammhandschrift» dans le corpus des Yašt
  31. Dieter Weber: Einige Bemerkungen zur Paläographie des Pahlavi
  32. Ehsan Yarshater: The Dialect of Karingān
  33. Yutaka Yoshida: Notes on the Khotanese Secular Documents of the 8th-9th Centuries

8. A Locust’s Leg: Studies in Honour of S. H. Taqizadeh

Editors: W. B. Henning; E. Yarshater

Series: –

Year of Publication: 1962

Dedicated to: Sayyed Hasan Taqizadeh (1878 – 1970)

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Percy Lund, Humphries & Co. LTD

Number of Contributions: 30

Number of Pages: 250

List of Contributions

  1. I. Afshar: Saif-al-din Bākharzi
  2. A. J. Arberry: A royal poem
  3. H. W. Bailey: The preface to the Siddhasāra-Śāstra
  4. E. Benveniste: Coutumes funéraires de l’Arachosie ancienne
  5. Mary Boyce: On Mithra in the Manichaean pantheon
  6. W. Eilers: Die altiranische Vorform des Vāspuhr
  7. T. Gandjeï: Note on an unknown poem of Ḥaidar in Uighur characters (plates I-III)
  8. B. Geiger: Indo-Iranian rū/ŭ- lū/ŭ- “to pluck”
  9. I. Gershevitch: Outdoor terms in Iranian
  10. R. Ghirshman: La civilisation achéménide et l’Urartu
  11. W. B. Henning: Persian poetical manuscripts from the time of Rūdakī (plates IV-V)
  12. W. Hinz: Die elamischen Inschriften des Hanne (plate VI)
  13. E. S. Kennedy: A medieval interpolation scheme using second order differences
  14. A. K. S. Lambton: The merchant in medieval Islam
  15. W. Lentz: Yima and Khvarenah in the Avestan Gathas
  16. R. Levy: Kanz al-gāfiyah [or al-qawāfi] by ‘Ali ‘Izz al-Din Bahrāmī-yi Sarakhsī
  17. Hildegard Lewy: Points of comparison between Zoroastrianism and the moon-cult of Ḥarrān
  18. D. N. MacKenzie: A Kurdish creed
  19. H. Massé: L’ Anīs ol-‘āqilīn de Mīr Qārī Gīlānī
  20. L. Massignon: Nouvelles recherches sur Salmān Pāk (plate VII)
  21. J. de Menasce: Reflexions sur Zurvān
  22. V. Minorsky: Ibn Farīghūn and the Ḥudūd al-‘Ālam
  23. M. Mo‘in: Hūraxš
  24. G. Morgenstierne: Feminine nouns in -a in Western Iranian dialects
  25. O. Neugebauer: “Years” in royal canons
  26. G. Redard: Le palmier à Khur (plates VIII-XV)
  27. F. Rosenthal: The prophecies of Bābā the Ḥarrānian
  28. B. Spuler: Der deutsche Beitrag zur Iranforschung
  29. E. Yarshater: The Tāti dialects of Rāmand
  30. ‘A. Zaryāb (Khoï): Ein wiederaufgefundenes Werk Abū Ḥayyān at-Tauḥīdīs

9. A Thousand Judgements: Festschrift for Maria Macuch

Editors: Almut Hintze, Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst, Claudius Naumann

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2019

Dedicated to: Maria Macuch (1950)

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Harrassowitz Verlag. Wiesbaden

Number of Contributions:

Number of Pages: 394

List of Contributions:

  1. Miguel Ángel Andrés-Toledo: Ritual Competence and Liability of Minors in Ancient Zoroastrianism. On Avestan dahmō.kərəta- and š́iiaoϑnāuuarəz-
  2. Samra Azarnouche: Les fonctions religieuses et la loi zoroastrienne: le cas du hērbed.
  3. David Buyaner: Zur Haar- und Nagelpflege im Zoroastrismus. Beiträge zur Erklärung mittelpersischer Rechts- und Religionsterminologie. III.
  4. Alberto Cantera: About the Epithet pauruuaniia- of the Zoroastrian Sacred Girdle (Y 9.26)
  5. Iris Colditz: Eine vergessene zoroastrische Märtyrerin?
  6. Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: Manichaean Book Quires
  7. Yaakov Elman †: The Torah of Temporary Marriage. A Study in Cultural History
  8. Ela Filippone: On Old Persian tačara– and its Elusive Meaning
  9. Philippe Gignoux: Les ‹Mémoires› dans l’archive pehlevie de Berkeley/Berlin
  10. Jost Gippert: Onomastica Irano-Iberica. II. The Name of a Zoroastrian “Bishop”
  11. Rika Gyselen: Les données de géographie administrative sassanide dans le Šahrestānīhā-ī Ērānšahr: une réévaluation
  12. Almut Hintze: Maria Macuch and Iranian Studies
  13. Tal Ilan and Reuven Kiperwasser: Virginity and Water: Between the Babylonian Talmud and Iranian Myth
  14. Éva M. Jeremiás: The Technical Term tarkīb “Compound” in the Indigenous Persian “Scientific” Literature
  15. Judith Josephson: Aristotle’s Theory of the Elements and Zoroastrian Dualism
  16. Yishai Kiel and Prods Oktor Skjærvø: Normative and Theological Dissent in Early Zoroastrian Law: Pahlavi Nīrangestān 23.
  17. Götz König: Die Pahlavi-Literatur des 9./10. Jahrhunderts und ihre frühe KodexÜberlieferung (I)
  18. Manfred Lorenz: Ignatius Pietraszewski – ein polnischer Iranist in Berlin
  19. Mauro Maggi: Annotations on the Book of Zambasta, V: Indian Parallels to 2.139 and the Musk of Khotan
  20. Enrico Morano und Christiane Reck: Vom ersten bis zum 30. Tag: Ein Blatt mit soghdischen prognostischen und medizinischen Kalendertexten
  21. Antonio Panaino: Thе Liturgical Daēnā. Speculative Aspects of the Next-of-Kin Unions
  22. Adriano V. Rossi: Iranian Words in čam°*
  23. Martin Schwartz and Alexis Manaster Ramer: Some Interlinguistic Iranian Conundrums
  24. Nicholas Sims-Williams: The Wisdom of Aḥiqar and the Wisdom of Ādurbād: A Manichaean Parallel
  25. Dieter Weber: The Story of Windād-Burzmihr. A Zoroastrian Entrepreneur in Early Islamic Times
  26. Yutaka Yoshida: Some New Interpretations of the Two Judeo-Persian Letters from Khotan

10. Papers in Honor of Professor Ehsan Yarshater

Editors: D. Amin, M. Kasheff, A. Sh. Shahbazi

Series: Acta Iranica 30

Year of Publication: 1990

Dedicated to: Ehsan Yarshater (1920 – 2018)

Languages: English, German, French

Publisher: Brill. Leiden

Number of Contributions: 32

Number of Pages: 291

List of Contributions:

  1. Jes P. Asmussen: Simurγ in Judeo-Persian translations of the Hebrew Bible
  2. Harold W. Bailey: Iranian Kēt “foreteller” and related words
  3. C. Edmund Bosworth: Al-Khwarazmi on various faiths and sects, chiefly Iranian
  4. Mary Boyce: Some Further Reflections on Zurvanism
  5. Jamsheed Choksy: Gesture in ancient Iran and Central Asia I: the raised hand
  6. Jerome W. Clinton: The story of Sām and Zāl
  7. Hamid Dabashi: Who’s who in Kelidar: society and solitude in the making of a character
  8. Muhammad Dandamayev: The old Iranian arazapanata
  9. Gerhard Doerfer: Tati Lehnwörter im Chaladsch
  10. Eckart Ehlers: The city of the Islamic Middle East — a German geographer’s perspective
  11. Wilhelm Eilers: Neupersische ḡuγyd “Eule”
  12. Ronald E. Emmerick: Two more Khotanese ghostwords
  13. Gherardo Gnoli: On Old Persian farnah
  14. William Hanaway: Alexander and the question of Iranian identity
  15. Kaikhusrow D. Irani: Understanding Zarathushtra – a philosophic perspective
  16. Gilbert Lazard: Le dialecte de Rudbār (Gilān)
  17. David N. Mackenzie: Pahlavi compound abstracts
  18. Wilferd Madelung: Abū Ya‘qūb al-Sijistānī and metempsychosis
  19. Ezzat O. Negahban: Silver vessel of Marlik with gold spout and impressed gold designs
  20. Amnon Netzer: The story of the Prophet Sho‘ayb in Shahin’s Musānāmeh
  21. Franz Rosenthal: At-Tabari’s story of the belt
  22. James R. Russell: Kartīr and Mānī: A shamanistic model of their conflict
  23. Rüdiger Schmitt: The name of Darius
  24. Martin Schwartz: √Waz and √Braz: “guest” and “formality” in Iranian
  25. A. Shahpur Shahbazi: On the Xvadāy-nāmag
  26. Shaul Shaked: Do not Buy Anything from an Aramean: A Fragment of Aramaic Proverbs with a Judeo-Iranian Version
  27. Nicholas Sims-Williams: Old Persian patišuvarna cup
  28. Bertold Spuler: Lenore
  29. Zsigmond Telegdi: Humboldt Über Persisch und Sprachvergleichung
  30. Friedrich D. von Oldenberg: Old Ossetic accentuation
  31. Fereidun Vahman and G.S. Asatrian: Gleanings from Zāzā vocabulary
  32. G. Michael Wickens: Relative excellence among classical poets: a judgment by ‘Alī Daštī

11. Iran and Iranian Studies: Essays in honour of Iraj Afshar

Editor: Kambiz Eslami

Series: –

Year of Publication: 1998

Dedicated to: Iraj Afshar (1925 – 2011)

Languages: English, French

Publisher: Zagros Press. Princeton, New Jersey

Number of Contributions: 22

Number of Pages: 357

List of Contributions:

  1. Charles Melville: Ḥamd Allāh Mustawfī’s Ẓafarnāmah and the Historiography of the Late Ilkhanid Period
  2. François de Blois: The Iftikhāriyān of Qazvīn
  3. Priscilla P. Soucek: Ibrāhīm Sultān ibn Shāhrukh
  4. C.-H. de Fouchécour: “The Good Companion” (‘Anīs al-nās), a Manual for the Honest Man in Shīrāz in the 9th/15th Century
  5. Kambiz Eslami: Manṣūr Muṣavvir, “the Pride of the Painters” and His Son Shāh Muẓaffar, “the Rarity of the Age”
  6. Angelo Michele Piemontese: The Nuncios of Pope Sixtus IV (1471-84) in Iran
  7. Ulrich W. Haarmann: Yeomanly Arrogance and Righteous Rule: Faẓl Alläh ibn Rūzbihān Khunjī and the Mamluks of Egypt
  8. Abolala Soudavar: A Chinese Dish from the Lost Endowment of Princess Sulṭānum (925-69/1519-62)
  9. Sheila S. Blair: Texts, Inscriptions, and the Ardabīl Carpets
  10. Rudi Matthee: Iran’s Ottoman Diplomacy During the Reign of Shāh Sulaymān I (1077-1105/1666-94)
  11. Faridun Vahman: Three Safavid Documents in the Record Office of Denmark
  12. M. R. Ghanoonparvar: Culinary Arts in the Safavid Period
  13. Willem Floor: New Facts on Nādir Shāh’s Indian Campaign
  14. Roger M. Savory: The Visit of Three Qajar Princes to England (May-September 1836/Ṣafar-Jumādā I 1252)
  15. Janet Afary: Armenian Social Democrats, the Democrat Party of Iran, and Īrān-i Naw: a Secret Camaraderie
  16. B. W. Robinson: An Illustrated Masnavī-i Ma’navī
  17. Jan Just Witkam: Albert Hotz and His Photographs of Iran: an Introduction to the Leiden Collection
  18. Jerome W. Clinton: A Sketch of Translation and the Formation of New Persian Literature
  19. Gilbert Lazard: Un conte en persan local de Giv (region de Bīrjand)
  20. Geoffrey Roper: Persian Printing and Publishing in England in the 17th Century
  21. John R. Perry: The Waning of Indo-Persian Lexicography: Examples from Some Rare Books and Manuscripts of the Subcontinent
  22. Paul Sprachman: The Poetics of Ḥijāb in the Satire of Īraj Mīrzā

12. Mélanges d’Orientalisme offerte à Henri Massé à l’occasion de son 75ème anniversaire 

Editor: Mohammad Taqi Māyelī (?)

Series: –

Year of Publication: 1963 

Dedicated to: Henri Massé (1886 – 1969)

Languages: English, French

Publisher: Téhéran. Imprimerie de l’Université

Number of Contributions: 38 (in English & French); 7 (Persian)

Number of Pages: 416 (English & French articles); 101 (Persian)

List of English & French Contributions:

  1. Anawati, G.C.: Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, éléments de biographie
  2. Arberry, A. J.: An early Persian epic
  3. Bailey, H.W.: Romantic literature in early Khotan
  4. Bazin, Louis: Remarques sur les noms Turcs des “Douze Animaux” du calendrier dans l’usage persan 
  5. Benveniste, E.: Le sens du mot persan “Shādurvān”
  6. Blachère, R.: Un auteur d’Adab oublié: al-‘Utbī, mort en 228
  7. Brunschvig, R.: Kemal Pâshâzâdeh et le persan
  8. Cahen, Claude: l’Iran du Nord-Ouest face à l’expansion Seldjukide, d’après une source inédite
  9. Corbin, Henry: Sayyed Ḥaydar Âmôli, théologien shî‘ite du soufisme
  10. Djamalzadeh, M.A.: Hommage respectueux d’un écrivain persan a Monsieur le Professeur Henri Massé, à l’occasion de son 75ème anniversaire
  11. Duchesne-Guillemain, J.: Islam et Mazdéisme
  12. Elwell-Sutton, L.P.: An eighteenth century(?) Caspian Dialect
  13. Fischel, Walter J.: The Beginnings of Judeo-Persian Literature
  14. Gardet, Louis: Réflexions sur un thème Avicennien
  15. Gelpke, Rudolf: Quelques aspects du développement littéraire moderne en Iran et en Chine
  16. Goichon, A.-M.: La démonstration de l’existence dans la logique d’Avicenne
  17. Jahn, Karl: On the mythology and religion of the Indians in the mediaeval Moslem tradition
  18. Kubičkovà, Verà: Contribution à l’analyse de l’œuvre de Sādeq Hedāyat
  19. Lambton, A.K.B.: The office of kalāntar under the Safavids and Afshars
  20. Lazard, Gilbert: Un amateur de sciences au Vème siècle de l’hégire, Shahmardân de Rai
  21. Lescot, Roger: Nīmā Youchīdj
  22. Lewis, Bernard: Registers on Iran and Âdharbâyjân in the Ottoman Defter-i-Khâgânî
  23. Massignon, Louis: Les origines de la méditation shi‘ite sur Salmân et Fâṭima
  24. Meier, Fritz: A Difficult Quatrain of Mahsatī’s
  25. Menasce, Jean de: Le protecteur des pauvres dans l’Iran Sassanide
  26. Mokri, M.: Les rites magiques dans les fêtes du “Dernier Mercredi de l’Année” en Iran
  27. Molé, M.: Entre le mazdéisme et l’Islam: la bonne et la mauvaise religion
  28. Pellat, Ch.: Encore un apocryphe Djāḥiẓien
  29. Pigulevskaya, M.: Mar Aba I: Une page de l’histoire de la civilisation au VIe siècle de l’ère nouvelle
  30. Rempis, Chr.: Qui est l’auteur de Zartusht-Nâmeh?
  31. Rosenthal, Erwin I. J.: Some observations on the philosophical theory of prophecy in Islam
  32. Rypka, Jan: Mes Souvenirs de Sâdegh Hedâyat
  33. Schacht, Joseph: Sur l’expresion “Sunna du Prophète”
  34. Siassi, A.A.: l’Université de Gond-i-Shâpûr et l’étendue de son rayonnement
  35. Spuler, B.: La contribution allemande aux études iraniennes
  36. Taqizadeh, S.H.: The open and secret sciences
  37. Wiet, Gaston: Un réfugié Mamlouk à la cour mongole de Perse
  38. Zajaczkowski, Alan-Jasz: A propos d’un épisode du Khosrau u Shirin de Nizami (شیر کشتن خسرو در بزمگاه))

Persian-Language Contributions:

١. افشار، ایرج: اندر فوائد لغوی کامل التعبیر

 Felix Tauer: Ḥāfiẓi Abrū sur l’historiographie٢. 

٣. جمالزاده، محمد علی: مدینه فاضله در روایت اسلامی

٤. حکمت، علی اصغر: ادبیات فارسی

٥. کمیسارف، د.: صادق هدایت نویسندۀ برجستۀ معاصر ایران

۶. میرزایف، عبد الغنی: روابط ادبی ایران و ماوراء النهر در سده های ١۶ و ١٧

٧. نفیسی، سعید: خاندان صاعدیان

13. Studies on Iran and The Caucasus: In Honour of Garnik Asatrian

Editors: Uwe Bläsing, Victoria Arakelova and Matthias Weinreich (with the assistance of Khachik Gevorgian)

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2015

Dedicated to: Garnik Asatrian (1953)

Languages: English

Publisher: Brill

Number of Contributions: 37

Number of Pages: 692

List of Contributions:

  1. Marco Bais: “Like a Flame Through the Reeds”: An Iranian Image in the Buzandaran Patmut‘iwnk‘
  2. Jost Gippert: The “Bun-Turks” in Ancient Georgia
  3. Dan Shapira: On the Relative Value of Armenian Sources for the Khazar Studies: The Case of the Siege of Tbilisi
  4. Giusto Traina: Some Remarks on the Inscription of Maris, Casit filius (Classical-Oriental Notes, 9)
  5. Kaveh Farrokh: The Military Campaigns of Shah Abbas I in Azerbaijan and the Caucasus (1603-1618)
  6. Aldo Ferrari: Persia and Persians in Raffi’s Xamsayi Melikʻutiwnnerə
  7. Hirotake Maeda: New Information on the History of the Caucasus in the Third Volume of Afzal al-tavarikh
  8. Irène Natchkebia: Unrealized Project: Rousseaus’ Plan of Franco-Persian Trade in the Context of the Indian Expedition (1807)
  9. Roman Smbatian: Nadir’s Religious Policy Towards Armenians
  10. Viktoria Arakelova: The Song Unveiling the Hidden
  11. Viacheslav A. Chirikba: Between Christianity and Islam: Heathen Heritage in the Caucasus
  12. Matteo Compareti: Armenian Pre-Christian Divinities: Some Evidence from the History of Art and Archaeological Investigation
  13. Peter Nicolaus: The Taming of the Fairies
  14. Antonio Panaino: The Classification of Astral Bodies in the Framework of a Historical Survey of Iranian Traditions
  15. Vahe S. Boyajian: From Muscat to Sarhadd: Remarks on gwātī Healing Ritual within the Social Context
  16. Uwe Bläsing: Georgische Gewächse auf türkischer Erde: Ein Beitrag zur Phytonomie in Nordostanatolien
  17. Johnny Cheung: The Persian Verbal Suffixes –ān and –andeh (-andag)
  18. Claudia A. Ciancaglini: Allomorphic Variability in the Middle Persian Continuants of the Old Iranian suffix *-ka-
  19. Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: Vowel Length in Middle Persian Verbal Endings
  20. Vladimir Livshits: Some Khwarezmian Names
  21. Ela Filippone: Kurdish bažn, Persian bašn and Other Iranian Cognates
  22. Adriano V. Rossi: Once Again on Iranian *kund
  23. James R. Russell: A Note on Armenian hrmštk-el
  24. Wolfgang Schulze: Aspects of Udi-Iranian Language Contact
  25. Martin Schwarz: Armenian varkaparazi and Its Iranian Background
  26. Donald Stilo: The Poligenetic Origins of the Northern Talishi Language
  27. Matthias Weinreich: Not only in the Caucasus: Ethno-linguistic Diversity on the Roof of the World
  28. Anna Krasnawolska: Hedayat’s Nationalism and His Concepts of Folklore
  29. Mikhail Pelevin: Early Specimens of Pashto Folklore
  30. Nagihan Haliloğlu: Activist, Professional, Family Man: Masculinities in Marjane Satrapi’s Work
  31. Khachik Gevorgian: On the Interpretation of the Term “Futuwwa” in Persian Fotovvatnamehs
  32. Çakır Ceyhan Suvari, Elif Kanca: The Alevi Discourse in Turkey
  33. Pascal Kluge: Turkey’s Border with Armenia: Obstacle and Chance for Turkish Politics
  34. Irina Morozova: On the Causes of Socialism’s Deconstruction: Conventional Debates and Popular Rhetoric in Contemporary Kazakhstan and Mongolia
  35. Caspar ten Dam: The Limitations of Military Psychology: Combat-stress and Violence-values among the Chechens and Albanians
  36. Garry W. Trompf: The Ararat Factor: Moral Basics in Western Political Theory from Isaac Newton to John Stuart Mill
  37. Eberhard Werner: Communication and the Oral-Aural Traditions of an East-Anatolian Ethnicity: What us Stories tell!

Interested in reading a text in Classical Persian? Book a Private Class!

14. Paitimāna: Essays in Iranian, Indo-European, and Indian Studies in Honor of Hanns-Peter Schmidt (Volumes I & II)*

Editor: Siamak Adhami

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2003

Dedicated to: Hanns-Peter Schmidt (1930 – 2017)

Languages: English, German

Publisher: Mazda Publishers. Costa Mesa, California

Number of Contributions (Vol. II): 13

Number of Pages: 392

List of Contributions:

* As the Vol. I contains contributions only to Indian and Indo-European studies, I have included here only the contents of Vol. II.

  1. Prods Oktor Skjærvø – Zarathustra: First Poet-Sacrificer
  2. Martin Schwartz – Gathic Compositional History, Y 29, and Bovine Symbolism
  3. Alberto Cantera – Zu avestisch aṣ̌a
  4. William W. Malandra – Gūhr ī Asmān: a Problem in Avestan Cosmology
  5. Rüdiger Schmitt – Iranische Personennamen hei Aristoteles
  6. Carlo G. Cereti – Continuity and Innovation in Middle Persian Onomastics
  7. Antonio Panaino – Once again upon Middle Persian *māzdēsn
  8. Werner Sundermann – The Zoroastrian and the Manichaean demon Āz
  9. Touraj Daryaee – Gayōmard: King of Clay or Mountain? The Epithet of the First Man in the Zoroastrian Tradition
  10. Richard N. Frye – The Missing Achaemenids
  11. A. Shapur Shahbazi – The Horse that Killed Yazdagerd “the Sinner”
  12. M Rahim Shayegan – Approaches to the Study of Sasanian History
  13. Siamak Adhami – Suggestions on Decipherment of Two Series of Sasanian Sigillary Monograms

15. Spirit of Wisdom [Menog-i Xrad]: Essays in Memory of Ahmad Tafazzoli

Editors: Touraj Daryaee, Mahmoud Omidsalar

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2004

Dedicated to: Ahmad Tafaẓẓolī (1937 – 1997)

Languages: English

Publisher: Mazda Publishers

Number of Contributions: 15

Number of Pages: 248

List of Contributions:

  1. Siamak Adhami (California State University, Fullerton): On the Mazdeans and the M‘tazilah
  2. Iraj Afshar (Tehran University, Emeritus): Persian Manuscript Facsimiles
  3. Dariyoosh Akbarzadeh (Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization): The Demon of Wrath and the Ayadgar i Zareran
  4. Jaleh Amuzegar (Tehran University): Payman
  5. Carlo G. Cereti (University of Rome): Personal names ending in “th ]” in the Shahnama
  6. J.K. Choksy (Indiana University): Incorporation of Medieval Science into Zoroastrian Scripture and Exegesis: Some Evidence from Dinkard Book 4
  7. T. Daryaee (California State University, Fullerton): A Historical Episode in the Zoroastrian Apocalyptic Tradition: The Romans, the Abbasids, and the Khorramdins
  8. Richard N. Frye (Harvard University, Emeritus): Darius the Liar and Shapur the Heritor
  9. Bijan Gheiby (University of Gottingen): Arda Wiraz Namag: Some Critical Remarks
  10. Djalal Khalegi-Motlagh (Hamburg University): On the Title of The Sasanid General Bahram
  11. Abolfazl Khatibi (Iranian Academy of Language and Literature): On the Source of the Story of Bizhan and Manizha
  12. Hamid Mahamedi (University of California, Berkeley): Wall as A System of Frontier Defense during the Sasanid Period
  13. Jalal Matini (Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Emeritus): Kushanama
  14. Mahmoud Omidsalar (California State University, Los Angeles): Shahnama Editions and Textual Scholarship
  15. A. Panaino (University of Bologna): Two Zoroastrian Nirangs and the invocation to the stars and the planets

16. Ranj o Ganj. Papers in Honour of Professor Z. Zarshenas

Editors: V. Naddaf, F. Goshtasb, M. Shokri-Foumeshi

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2013

Dedicated to: Zohreh Zarshenas (1951)

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Institute for Humanities & Cultural Studies, Tehran.

Number of Contributions: 9

Number of Pages: 140

List of Contributions:

  1. Touraj Daryaee – Sasanian Kingship, Empire and Glory: Aspects of Iranian Imperium
  2. Richard Foltz – The Role of the Sogdians in the Spread of World Religions
  3. Mehrnoush Malayeri – A Special Feature of Scribal Training in Old Babylonian Susa
  4. Seyed Javad Miri – Orientalism: A Eurocentric Vision of the ‘Other’
  5. É. Pirart – Principe et origine du système cunéiforme vieux-perse
  6. Nicholas Sims-Williams – The vocative singular feminine in Sogdian
  7. Giovanni Stary – Some Notes on Sibe (Manchu) Pharmacology
  8. Alexander Tourovets – The oral tradition as echo of historical events. The reliability of Herodotus’ sources about the History of the so-called Median Empire
  9. Chlodwig H. Werba – Das Epitheton achaimenidischer Macht und Größe – Medisches Erbe oder altpersische Neubildung

17. Religious themes and texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia. Studies in honour of Professor Gherardo Gnoli on the occasion of his 65th birthday on 6th December 2002

Editors: Carlo G. Cereti, Mauro Maggi and Elio Provasi

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2003

Dedicated to: Gherardo Gnoli (1937 – 2012)

Languages: English, French, German, Italian

Publisher: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag. Wiesbaden

Number of Contributions: 41

Number of Pages: 458

List of Contributions:

  1. A. D. H. Bivar: Cosmopolitan deities and Hellenistic traces at Kuh-e Khwāja in Sistan (plate 1)
  2. François de Blois: Manes’ “Twin” in Iranian and non-Iranian texts
  3. Alberto Cantera: Phl. Xwaddōšagīh und die Unterwerfung unter die Autorität im (nach)sasanidischen Zoroastrismus
  4. Carlo G. Cereti and David N. MacKenzie: Except by battle: Zoroastrian cosmogony in the 1st chapter of the Greater Bundahišn
  5. Iris Colditz – Altorientalische und Avesta-Traditionen in der Herrschertitulatur des vorislamischen Iran
  6. Simone Cristoforetti – “Āīn-i īšān”, un lapsus di Kūšiyār e il farwardgān di Abyāna
  7. Ela Filippone – The Mazdean notions of creation and birth: some reflexes in the Iranian languages
  8. Richard N. Frye – Cyrus was no Achaemenid
  9. Philippe GignouxZamān ou le temps philosophique dans le Dēnkard III
  10. Frantz Grenet – L’Inde des astrologues sur une peinture sogdienne du VIIe siècle (planches 2-3)
  11. Rika Gyselen – Les grands Feux de l’empire sassanide: quelques témoignages sigillographiques (planche 4)
  12. Clarisse Herrenschmidt – Démocrite et le mazdéisme: fragments sur l’homme
  13. Almut Hintze – When the stars rise: the Avestan expression aiβisrūθrima- aibigaiia-
  14. Helmut Humbach – The great Surkh Kotal inscription
  15. Manfred Hutter – Mār Abā and the impact of Zoroastrianism on Christianity in the 6th century
  16. Philip Huyse – Überlegungen zum βαγολαγγο Kaniška I.
  17. Albert de Jong – Vexillologica sacra: searching the cultic banner
  18. Judith Josephson – The “Sitz im Leben” of the seventh book of the Dēnkard
  19. Jean Kellens – Sur quelques grandes tendances des études avestiques et mazdéennes au XXe siècle
  20. Gilbert Lazard – La versification d’un hymne manichéen en parthe
  21. Maria Macuch – Zoroastrian principles and the structure of kinship in Sasanian Iran
  22. Mauro Maggi – More verses from the Khotanese Book of Vimalakīrti
  23. Enrico Morano – Praised and blessed art thou (plate 5)
  24. Antonio Panaino – The baγān of the Fratarakas: gods or ‘divine’ kings?
  25. Eric Pirart – Enigmes arithmologiques dans la composition du Hōm Stōm
  26. Andrea Piras – Simbolismo e mitologia dell’aurora nell’Avesta
  27. Elio Provasi – Sogdian farn
  28. Christiane Reck – Die Beschreibung der Daēnā in einem soghdischen manichäischen Text (Tafeln 6-8)
  29. Adriano V. Rossi – Echoes of religious lexicon in the Achaemenid inscriptions?
  30. Gianroberto Scarcia – Sergio/Sorush in Firdusi?
  31. Rüdiger Schmitt – Onomastische Bemerkungen zu der Namenliste des Fravardīn Yašt
  32. Martin Schwartz – Encryptions in the Gathas: Zarathushtra’s variations on the theme of bliss
  33. Shaul Shaked – “Mind” and “power” in the Gāthās: ritual notions or cosmic entities?
  34. Nicholas Sims-Williams – A Christian Sogdian polemic against the Manichaeans (plates 9-10)
  35. Prods Oktor Skjærvø – Fragments of the Ratnakūṭa-sūtra (Kāśyapaparivarta) in Khotanese (plates 11-12)
  36. Werner Sundermann – Jesus’ rulership at the end of the world: a new piece of Manichaean evidence (plates 13-14)
  37. Philippe Swennen – Le cocher de Mithra
  38. Mario Vitalone – Khosrow of the Immortal Soul in the New Persian Zoroastrian literary tradition
  39. Dieter Weber – Μανιαγος
  40. Josef Wiesehöfer – “Denn ihr huldigt nicht einem Menschen als eurem Herrscher, sondern nur den Göttern”: Bemerkungen zur Proskynese in Iran
  41. Yutaka Yoshida – Buddhist influence on the Bema festival?

18. Exegisti monumenta: Festschrift in honour of Nicholas Sims-Williams

Editors: Werner Sundermann, Almut Hintze, François de Blois 

Series: Iranica 17

Year of Publication: 2009

Dedicated to: Nicholas Sims-Williams (1949)

Languages: English, German, French

Publisher: Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden, Germany)

Number of Contributions: 40

Number of Pages: 596

List of Contributions:

  1. A. D. H. Bivar: The Rukhkh, Giant Eagle of the Southern Seas
  2. François de Blois: A Sasanian Silver Bowl
  3. Alberto Cantera: On the History of the Middle Persian Nominal Inflection
  4. Carlo G. Cereti: The Pahlavi Signatures on the Quilon Copper Plates (Tabula Quilonensis)
  5. Johnny Cheung: Two Notes on Bactrian
  6. Iris Colditz: The Parthian “Sermon on happiness” (Hunsandīft wifrās)
  7. Josef Elfenbein: Eastern Hill Balochi
  8. Harry Falk: The Name of Vema Takhtu
  9. Philippe Gignoux: Les relations interlinguistiques de quelques termes de la pharmacopée antique. II
  10. Jost Gippert: An Etymological Trifle
  11. Gherardo Gnoli: Some Notes upon the Religious Significance of the Rabatak Inscription
  12. Frantz Grenet: The Pahlavi Text Māh ī Frawardīn rōz ī Hordād. A Source of Some Passages of Bīrūnī’s Chronology
  13. Almut Hintze: Disseminating the Mazdayasnian Religion. An Edition of the Avestan Hērbedestān Chapter 5
  14. Erica C. D. Hunter: A Jewish Inscription from Jām, Afghanistan
  15. Agnes Korn: Lengthening of i and u in Persian
  16. Judith A. Lerner: Animal Headdresses on the Sealings of the Bactrian Documents
  17. Samuel N. C. Lieu: Epigraphica Nestoriana Serica
  18. Vladimir A. Livshits: Sogdian Gems and Seals from the Collection of the Oriental Department of the State Hermitage
  19. Maria Macuch: Disseminating the Mazdayasnian Religion. An Edition of the Pahlavi Hērbedestān Chapter 5
  20. Mauro Maggi: Hindrances in the Khotanese Book of Vimalakīrti
  21. Dieter Maue: Einige uigurische Wörter indischen und iranischen Ursprungs
  22. Barbara Meisterernst, Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: The Buddhist Sogdian P 7 and its Chinese Source
  23. Enrico Morano: “If they had lived …” A Sogdian-Parthian Fragment of Mani’s Book of Giants
  24. Antonio Panaino: The Bactrian Royal Title βαγ[η]-ζνογο / βαγo-ιηζνογο and the Kušān Dynastic Cult
  25. Elio Provasi: Versification in Sogdian
  26. Christiane Reck: The Ascension of the Light Elements and the Imprisonment of Ahriman. The Cosmogonical and Eschatological Part of a Sogdian ‘Sammelhandschrift’
  27. Rong Xinjiang: Further Remarks on Sogdians in the Western Regions
  28. Rüdiger Schmitt: Bemerkungen zu susischen Dareios-Inschriften, vornehmlich auf Glasurziegeln
  29. Martin Schwartz: Pouruchista’s Gathic Wedding and the Teleological Composition of the Gathas
  30. Shaul Shaked: Classification of Linguistic Features in Early Judeo-Persian Texts
  31. Patrick Sims-Williams: Celto-Iranica
  32. Ursula Sims-Williams: Behind the Scenes: Some Notes on the Decipherment of the Sogdian Manuscripts in the Stein Collection
  33. Prods Oktor Skjærvø: OL’ News: ODs and Ends
  34. Werner Sundermann: Ein manichäischer Traktat über und wider die Christen
  35. Elizabeth Tucker: Old Iranian Superlatives in –išta
  36. Étienne de la Vaissière: The Triple System of Orography in Ptolemy’s Xinjiang
  37. Dieter Weber: A Pahlavi Letter from Egypt Re-visited (P. 44)
  38. Ehsan Yarshater: Four Tati Sub-Dialects
  39. Yutaka Yoshida: Turco-Sogdian features
  40. Peter Zieme: Die Preisung des Lichtreichs nach einem alttürkischen Fragment in London

19. The Reward of the Righteous: Festschrift in Honour of Almut Hintze

Editors: Alberto Cantera, Maria Macuch, Nicholas Sims-Williams

Series: Iranica 30

Year of Publication: 2022

Dedicated to: Almut Hintze (1957)

Languages: English, German, French

Publisher: Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden, Germany)

Number of Contributions: 34

Number of Pages: 574

List of Contributions:

  1. Amir Ahmadi: Is There a Cosmic Eschatology in the Gāϑās?
  2. Miguel Ángel Andrés-Toledo: Valued and Invaluable: Avestan aspərəna
  3. Adam Benkato: Zu Lesernotizen in sogdischen Handschriften aus Turfan und Dunhuang
  4. Alberto Cantera: The Offering to Satisfy the ratu (miiazda ratufrī): the Dual System of the Animal Sacrifice in Zoroastrian Rituals
  5. Carlo G. Cereti: About Kust ī Ādurbādagān and the Quadripartition of the Sasanian Empire
  6. Jamsheed K. Choksy and M. Usman Hasan: The Grotto of Inscriptions
  7. Iris Colditz: Sieben Schüler Zarathustras in einem manichäischen kosmologischen Text
  8. Shervin Farridnejad: The Zoroastrian Twelve Imams and the Fourteen Infallibles. Islamic Theological Terminology in Zoroastrian New Persian Literature (Zoroastrian Literature in New Persian III)
  9. Ela Filippone: The Ablution of the Limbs in the Baršnūm Context: the Nērang ī pēšag ud sāmān
  10. Frantz Grenet and Michele Minardi: An Illustration of the āb-zōhr and of Some Avestan Formulas on a Wall Painting at Akchakhan-kala (Chorasmia, Early 1st Century ad)
  11. Philip Huyse: Zur Bedeutung von altpersisch āmāta
  12. Éva M. Jeremiás: A Philologist’s Reading of Ḥāfiẓ
  13. Judith Josephson: History in Book 3 of the Dēnkard
  14. Jean Kellens: Que s’est-il passé entre Aṣ̌i et Zaraϑuštra ?
  15. Götz König: Zu den Kopenhagener Avesta-Handschriften K36, K37, K38
  16. Firoze M. Kotwal: Consecration of the Sacred White Bull (Warasyāji) — A Religious Injunction
  17. Pavel B. Lurje: Considerations on the Etymology of Persian nāmeh
  18. Maria Macuch: A Legal Transaction in the Zoroastrian Community and its Social Consequences
  19. Mauro Maggi: Two Khotanese Etymologies: parrama– and pūheiʾtä
  20. Jaime Martínez Porro: The Timing of the Vidēvdād and Vištāsp Yašt Ceremonies
  21. Enrico Morano, Mohammad Shokri-Foumeshi and Nicholas Sims-Williams: The “Seven Efficacious Jewels”: The Manichaean Scriptures in an Unpublished Sogdian Text
  22. Jesse S. Palsetia: Three Zoroastrian Travellers in England: Parsi Travel in the Age of Empire
  23. Antonio Panaino: Racing, Ritual and Oral Poetry. About OAv. dąmōiš uruuaēsē apə̄mē, apə̄mē aŋhə̄uš uruuaēsē, and YAv. ustəme uruuaēse gaiiehe
  24. Éric Pirart: La décomposition des caractères avestiques
  25. Céline Redard: Entre tradition et changement : le cas de la désinstallation des prêtres dans la tradition indienne (Y 58)
  26. Jenny Rose: “Es Lebe Sarastro!”: Zoroaster on Stage in 18 th Century Europe
  27. Adriano V. Rossi: Lexical Continuity in the Middle and New Iranian Cognates of *gar
  28. Martin Schwartz: Gathic †mąnarōiš: A Hapax Expatiated Compositionally
  29. Shaul Shaked: Piety in Pahlavi Literature. Notes on mard ī ahlaw and Other Themes
  30. Nicholas Sims-Williams and Bi Bo: Reading the Heavens: Three Manichaean Sogdian Manuscripts
  31. Yuhan Sohrab-Dinshaw Vevaina: The Fire and His Foes. The Hermeneutics of ‘Community’ in a Zoroastrian Liturgy
  32. Dieter Weber: On the Formal Structure of Checks in Pahlavi Documents
  33. Alan V. Williams: A Lutheran Look-alike: a Distinctly non-Gāthic Hymn
  34. Yutaka Yoshida: A Painting of Mani Held by Fujita Museum

20. Gifts to a Magus: Indo-Iranian Studies Honoring Firoze Kotwal

Editors: Jamsheed K. Choksy, Jennifer Dubeansky

Series: Toronto Studies in Religion 32

Year of Publication: 2013

Dedicated to: Firoze Kotwal (1935)

Languages: English, French

Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing (New York)

Number of Contributions: 22

Number of Pages: 339

List of Contributions:

  1. Mary Boyce: The Making of a High Magus: A Biography of Dastur Dr. Firoze Kotwal
  2. Philip G. Kreyenbroek and Shehnaz N. Munshi: A Glimpse into Priestly Tradition: An Interview with Dastur Firoze Kotwal’s Mother
  3. Almut Hintze: On the Prophetic and Priestly Authority of Zarathustra
  4. Richard N. Frye: Anything New about Zoroaster?
  5. Martin Schwartz: Avestan Kauui- and the Vocabulary of Indo-Iranian Institutions
  6. James W. Boyd and Ron G. Williams: Divinities and Ghouls: The Nature and Problem of Evil in Zoroastrianism: Some Theological, Philosophical, and Ritual Perspectives
  7. Helmut Humbach and Pallan Ichaporia: Aməṣ̌ā Spətas and Aṣ̌a Vahiṣ̌ta
  8. William Malandra: Anāhitā: What’s in a Name? 
  9. Prods Oktor Skjærvø: Anāhitā-: Unblemished or Unattached? (Avestica IV)
  10. Jean Kellens: Jahikā et le Vocabulaire Daivique
  11. Faribourz Nariman: Delivering the Drug in the Hands of Aṣ̌a (Y. 44.14)
  12. Antonio Panaino: Ritual and Cosmology: The “Gift” of the “Givers”
  13. Ramiyar P. Karanjia: The Right and the Left
  14. Gernot Windfuhr: The Yasna Ritual and the Geometry of Mithras’ Rock Birth
  15. Michael Stausberg: Manekji on the Sudre-Kusti
  16. Khojeste Mistree: The Kadmi Ātash Bahrām Bōy Ceremony
  17. Firoza Punthakey-Mistree: Laying of the Sopra-e Shah Pariya
  18. Jamsheed K. Choksy: Communities and Writings: The Gifts of Cyrus, Esther, Magi, and Rabbis: Historical Trends in Interactions between Zoroastrians and Jews
  19. Kaikhusroo M. Jamasp Asa: A Pahlavi Revāyat Based on Vendidād
  20. Homi Dhalla: Excavations at Sanjan
  21. Vera B. Moreen: Self-Perception and Perception of Muslims
  22. John R. Hinnells: The Zoroastrian Diasporas

21. The Necklace of the Pleiades: Studies in Persian Literature Presented to Heshmat Moayyad on his 80th Birthday

Editors: F.D. Lewis, S. Sharma

Series: Iranian Studies Series

Year of Publication: 2010

Dedicated to: Heshmat Moayyad (1927 – 2018)

Languages: English, Persian

Publisher: Leiden University Press

Number of Contributions: 24

Number of Pages: 380

List of Contributions:

  1. J. Christoph Bürgel, On Some Sources of Nizami’s Iskandar-nama
  2. Angelo Michele Piemontese, Sources and Art of Amir Khosrou’s “The Alexandrine Mirror”
  3. Dick Davis, Rostam and Zoroastrianism
  4. Amin Banani, Reflections on Re-reading the Iliad and the Shahnameh
  5. Kinga Ilona Markus-Takeshita, Shirin and Other Female Archetypes in Firdaus’s Shahnamah
  6. Mahmoud Omidsalar, Editing the Shahnama: The Interface Between Literary and Textual Criticism
  7. Jalal Matini, Kus-e pilgus: pahlavani degarsan
  8. Paul Losensky, The Creative Compiler: The Art of Rewriting in ‘Attar’s Tazkirat al-awliya’
  9. Wilferd Madelung, Shahriyar b. al-Hasan: A Persian Isma‘ili da‘i of the Fatimid Age
  10. Alyssa Gabbay, “In Praise of One of the Deeply Learned ‘Ulama” – A Mysterious Poem by Qajar Court Poet Mirza Habib Allah Shirazi “Qa’ani”
  11. Iraj Afshar, Nosxa’i kohna az Divan-e Emami-ye Haravi
  12. Julie S. Meisami, A Life in Poetry: Hafiz’s First Ghazal
  13. Asghar Seyed-Gohrab, “My Heart is the Ball, Your Lock the Polo-Stick”: Development of the Ball and Polo-stick Metaphors in Classical Persian Poetry
  14. Franklin Lewis, Sincerely Flattering Panegyrics: The Shrinking Ghaznavid Qasida
  15. Sunil Sharma, Novelty, Tradition and Mughal Politics in Nau‘i’s Suz u Gudaz
  16. Youli Ioanessyan, The Position of the Khorasani Dialects within the Persian-Dari-Tajiki Linguistic Continuum
  17. Biancamaria Scarcia Amoretti, The Political Realm’s Literary Convention: The Examples of ‘Ishqi and Iqbal
  18. Afsaneh Najmabadi, Re-membering Amrads and Amradnumas: Re-inventing the (Sedgwickian) Wheel
  19. Michael Hillmann, The Title of Hedâyat’s Buf-e Kur [(The) Blind Owl)]
  20. Claus V. Pedersen, Sâdeq Hedâyat, a Writer ahead of Time
  21. Sholeh Quinn, “A Fenceless Garden” – A Short Story by Mohammad Zarrin
  22. Fereydun Vahman, Fayzi: nevisanda-ye na-senas
  23. Paul Sprachman, Refuting Rushdie in Persian
  24. Michael Bylebyl, From Dawn’s Art

22. Orientis Splendor: Studies in Memory of Józef Wolski

Editor: Marek Jan Olbrycht

Series: Anabasis 1 (2010). Studia Classica et Orientalia

Year of Publication: 2010

Dedicated to: Józef Wolski (1910 – 2008)

Languages: English, German

Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego

Number of Contributions: 17

Number of Pages: 302

List of Contributions:

  1. Muhammad A. Dandamayev: Šūzubu, a Citizen of Uruk in the Sixth Century B.C.
  2. Boris A. Litvinskii: Problems of the History and Culture of Baktria in Light of Archaeological Excavations in Central Asia
  3. Tom Boiy: Between the royal administration and local elite: the pāātu in Hellenistic Babylonia as epistates
  4. Jeffrey D. Lerner: Revising the Chronologies of the Hellenistic Colonies of Samarkand-Marakanda (Afra-siabll-III) and Aï Khanoum (northeastern Afghanistan)
  5. Eduard V. Rtveladze: The Great Indian Road: India – Central Asia – Transcaucasia
  6. Igor V. Piankov: The Tochari – Who Are They?
  7. Aleksci Gorin: Parthian Coins from Kampyrtepa
  8. Jérôme Gaslain: Mithridates Ier et Suse
  9. Marek Jan Olbrycht: The Early Reign of Mithradates II the Great in Parthia
  10. Vladimir A. Livshits: The Avroman Parchment III in Parthian
  11. Valentina Mordvintseva: Tillya-tepe gold jewellery and its relation to the Sarmatian Animal Style of the Northern Black Sea area
  12. Martin Schottky: Armenische Arsakiden zur Zeit der Antonine. Bin Beitrag zur Korrektur der armenischen Königsliste
  13. Dieter Metzler: Arsakiden und andere parthische Fürsten als Anhänger fremder Religionen
  14. Touraj Daryaee: Ardaxšīr and the Sasanians’ Rise to Power
  15. Daryoush Akbarzadeh: A New Collection of Sasanian Coins in the National Museum of Iran
  16. Valerii P. Nikonorov: “Like a Certain Tornado of Peoples”: Warfare of the European Huns in the Light of Graeco-Latin Literary Tradition
  17. Hubertus von Gall: Bin Kopf des Darius am ehemaligen Postfuhramt in Berlin

23. Ēran ud Anērān: Studies presented to Boris Ilich Marshak on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday

Editors: Matteo Compareti, Paola Raffetta, Gianroberto Scarcia

Series: Transoxiana Webfestschrift Series I (Webfestschrift Marshak 2003)

Year of Publication: 2003 (updated 2006)

Dedicated to: Boris Ilich Marshak (1933 – 2006)

Languages: English, French

Publisher: Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina

Number of Contributions: 46

Number of Pages: 718

List of Contributions:

  1. S. T. Adylov, J. K. Mirzaahmedov: On the history of the ancient town of Vardana and the Obavija Feud
  2. A. Alemany: Sixth Century Alania: Between Byzantium, Sasanian Iran and the Turkic World
  3. C. Alyilmaz: On the Bugut Inscription and Mausoleum Complex
  4. G. Azarpay: Bullae from the Pahlavi Archive at the University of California, Berkeley
  5. G. Babayarov: Sogd under Turkish Rule during VIth-VIIIth centuries (On Sogdian and Turkish Symbiosis)
  6. E. Bagaturia: On the importance of the “Misimian’s” – Kodori Route in the 1st-6th Centuries
  7. C. Benjamin: The Yuezhi Migration and Sogdia
  8. Z. K. Bilici: Bronze door-knockers of Cizre Great Mosque, A New Example
  9. I. V. Bondyrev: Colonization of the Black Sea by the Ancient Greeks and its Ecological Consequences
  10. P. Callieri: At the roots of the Sasanian royal imagery: The Persepolis Graffiti
  11. M. Compareti: The Role of the Sogdian Colonies in the Diffusion of the Pearl Roundels Pattern
  12. M. Dobrovits: “They called themselves Avar” – Considering the pseudo-Avar question in the work of Theophylaktos
  13. N.V. Fedorova: Volga Bulgaria Silver of the 10th-14th centuries (on materials of the Trans-Urals collections)
  14. M. S. Gadjiev: Interpretation of a bronze figurine of warrior from Gigatl’, Daghestan
  15. G. Gnoli: Agathias and the date of Zoroaster
  16. F. Grenet: La plus ancienne inscription sogdienne
  17. P. O. Harper: Sasanian clay sealings in the Metropolitan Museum and in a New York private collection: Physical characteristics
  18. T. Hayashi: Sogdian Influences Seen on Turkic Stone Statues. Focusing on the Fingers Representations
  19. A. Heller: Archeology of Funeral Rituals as revealed by Tibetan tombs of the 8th to 9th century
  20. J.Ya. Ilyasov: Bronze ewers of craftsman Ahmad
  21. A.L. Juliano: Chinese Pictorial Space at the Cultural Crossroads
  22. E. Kageyama: Use and production of silks in Sogdiana
  23. Sh. Kamoliddin: To the Question of Origin of the Name Hashimgird
  24. O. Karatay: Contribution to the Debates on the Origin of the Medieval Bosnian Royal Dynasty Kotromanids
  25. S.G. Klyashtorny: Ancient Turk Rock Inscriptions in the Talass Ala-Too: A Sogdian Word in an Old Turk Inscription
  26. J.A. Lerner: An Overview of the Sealings on the Bactrian Documents in the Khalili Collection
  27. Lin Ying: Sogdians and Imitations of Byzantine Gold Coin Unearthed in the Heartland of China
  28. V.A. Livshits: Three New Ostraca Documents from Old Nisa
  29. P.V. Lurje: “Shapur’s Will” in Bukhara
  30. M. Mode: Heroic fights and dying heroes – The Orlat battle plaque and the roots of Sogdian art
  31. A. Naymark: A Note on Sogdian Coroplastics – Two Ossuary Fragments from Afrasiab
  32. M. Nicolini-Zani: Christiano-Sogdica: An Updated Bibliography on the Relationship between Sogdians and Christianity throughout Central Asia and into China
  33. T. Ôsawa: Aspects of the relationship between the ancient Turkish and Sogdians -based on a stone statue with Sogdian inscription in Xinjiang-
  34. Igor V. Pyankov: Scythian genealogical legend in «Rustamiada»
  35. Rong Xinjiang: Sogdians around Ancient Tarim basin
  36. E.V. Rtveladze: Coins from Kish. 3rd-2nd Century BC – 8th Century AD
  37. K. Rubinson: “Animal Style” Art and the Image of the Horse and Rider
  38. A. Santoro: On The Two Intertwined Dragons from Pendzikent
  39. G.L. Semenov: Dwelling houses of Bukhara in the Early Middle Ages
  40. B.Y. Stavisky: Once more about peculiarities of the Sogdian Civilization of the 4th-10th Centuries
  41. K. Tanabe: The identification of the King of kings in the upper register of the Larger Grotto, Taq-i Bustan – Ardashir III restated
  42. M. Tezcan: Apar in Turkish Inscriptions of VIIIth Century and Armenian Sources
  43. Tianshu Zhu: The Sun God at Kizil
  44. X. Tremblay: Sogdien et Avesta. Essais de grammaire comparée des langues iraniennes VIII
  45. L. Venegoni: Hülägü’s Campaign in the West (1256-1260)
  46. S. A. Yatsenko: The Late Sogdian Costume (the 5th – 8th cc. AD)

24. Languages of Iran: Past and Present. Iranian Studies in memoriam David Neil MacKenzie

Editor: Dieter Weber

Series: Iranica 8

Year of Publication: 2006

Dedicated to: David Neil MacKenzie (1926 – 2001)

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Harrassowitz Verlag (Wiesebaden)

Number of Contributions: 25

Number of Pages: 307

List of Contributions

  1. C.G. Cereti: Some Notes on the Škand Gumānīg Wizār
  2. I. Colditz: Zur Adaption zoroastrischer Terminologie in Manis Šābuhragān
  3. A. Degener: The significance of the date palm
  4. Ph. Gignoux: A propos de l’anthroponymie religieuse d’époque sassanide
  5. Gh. Gnoli: Further notes on Avestand geography
  6. Ph. Huyse: Ein erneuter Datierungsversuch für den Übergang vom Schluß-y der mittelpersischen Inschriften zum Endstrich im Buchpahlavi (6.-7. Jh.)
  7. Ph. Kreyenbroek: Yezidism and its Sacred Literature: Eastern and Western Perceptions
  8. G. Lazard: Structures d’actances dans les langues irano-aryennes modernes
  9. M. Macuch: Language and Law: Linguistic Peculiarities in Sasanian Jurisprudence
  10. B. Meisterernst, D. Meisterernst-Durkin: Some remarks on the Chinese and Sogdian SCE
  11. A. Panaino: The “Rook” and the “Queen”: Some Lexicographic Remarks about the Sasanian Chess Pieces
  12. L. Paul: The language of the Šāhnāme in historical and dialectical perspective
  13. Ch. Reck: Reste einer soghdischen Version von Huyadagman I in der Form eines Responsoriums zwischen Erwähltem und Hörer
  14. M. Schwartz: On Khwarezmian Loss of –R
  15. Sh. Shaked: Iranian words retrieved from Aramaic
  16. D. Shapira: Pahlavi Flowers
  17. N. Sims-Williams, Fr. de Blois: The Bactrian calendar: new material and new suggestions
  18. P. O. Skjærvø: Avestica III. Notes on the Avestan Locative Singular
  19. W. Sundermann: Die Dämonin Pēsūs
  20. F. Thiesen: Eleven Etymologies
  21. D. Weber: Kleine Nachlese zu einigen Pahlavi-Ostraka
  22. A. Wendtland: Einige Bemerkungen zu den soghdischen Alten Briefen
  23. I. Yakubovich and Y. Yoshida: The Sogdian fragments of Saṃghāṭasūtra in the German Turfan Collection
  24. E. Yarshater: The Tāti dialect of Kalāsur
  25. P. Zieme: Arabische und neupersische Wörter in den altuigurischen Texten von Turfan und Dunhuang

25. Zur lichten Heimat: Studien zu Manichäismus, Iranistik und Zentralasienkunde im Gedenken an Werner Sundermann

Editors: Team „Turfanforschung“

Series: Iranica 25

Year of Publication: 2017

Dedicated to: Werner Sundermann (1935 – 2012)

Languages: English, French, German, Russian

Publisher: Harrassowitz Verlag

Number of Contributions: 56

Number of Pages: 754

List of Contributions:

  1. Manfred Lorenz †: Werner Sundermann und die persische Literatur
  2. Nicholas Sims-Williams: Werner Sundermann and the Christian Texts of the Berlin Turfan Collection
  3. Ionuţ Daniel Băncilă: Die mandäische „dualistische Formel“ und der manichäische „Dualismus“ Ein Beitrag zum aramäischen Hintergrund des Manichäismus
  4. Jason David BeDuhn: The Nature of the Manichaean Soul
  5. Adam Benkato: Exploring the Oral Background of the Manichaean Parables
  6. Olga M Chunakova: A Manichaean Fragment from the Oldenburg Archives
  7. Luigi Cirillo: Mani’s Reaction to the Doctrine of the Baptismal Sects Concerning Man’s Redemption from Evil
  8. Iris Colditz: Manichäische Parabeln – didaktische Literatur für Hörer?
  9. Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: Observations on the Middle Persian Barm-e Delak Inscription
  10. Harry Falk / Nicholas Sims-Williams: A Decorated Silver Pyxis from the Time of Vāsudeva
  11. Ela Filippone: Middle Iranian grīw/γrīw : Possible Paths for Semantic Changes and Functional Shifts
  12. Majella Franzmann: Mariam, the Net-Caster and Shepherd: the Further Development of the Johannine Mary Magdalene in the Manichaean Psalm Book
  13. Wolf-Peter Funk: Wer ist „der Achte“? Ein west-östliches Rätsel manichäischer Terminologie
  14. Iain Gardner: Some Comments on the Remnants of the Codex of Mani’s Epistles in Middle Persian as Edited by W Sundermann
  15. Matthew Goff: The Two Tablets of Enoch: The Contribution of the “Leningrad” Fragment of the Manichaean Book of Giants to the Study of the Qumran Book of Giants
  16. Zsuzsanna Gulácsi: A Parthian Exposition on Mani’s Book of Pictures A Contextualized Study of a Fragmentary Ārdhang Wifrās Bifolio in the Turfanforschung of the BBAW, Berlin
  17. Jens-Uwe Hartmann / Ruixuan Chen: Eine khotanische Bilingue aus Triratnadāsas Guṇāparyantastotra
  18. Manfred Hutter: Buddha in Iranian Manichaean Writings
  19. Julia Iwersen: A Manichaean Ritual of Ascent? A Discussion of T Kell Copt 2 A 5 in the Light of Other Coptic Gnostic Materials
  20. Judith Josephson: On the Choice between Good and Evil in an Essay in Book 3 of the Dēnkard
  21. Yukiyo Kasai: Ein Erzähltext unter den altuigurischen Fragmenten mit Brāhmī-Elementen
  22. Gábor Kósa: Who Is the King of Honour and What Does He Do? Gleanings from the New Chinese Manichaean Sources
  23. Claudia Leurini: Ein Riesenengel flog vom Himmel herab
  24. Samuel N C Lieu: West of Parthia – Han China’s Knowledge of the Graeco-Roman East
  25. Владимир Аю Лившиц†: Источники хорезмийской письменности
  26. Pavel Lurje / Ilya Yakubovich: The Myth of Sogdian Lambdacism
  27. Ma Xiaohe: The Manichaean “Wheel of Karma” (Zodiac). A Study on the Cosmology Painting and Scripture of Buddha-nature
  28. Maria Macuch: A Case of Loan and Mortgage in a Late Pahlavi Text
  29. Mauro Maggi: Two Fragments of the Khotanese Saṅghāṭasūtra in the Turfan Collection in Berlin
  30. Miklós Maróth: Die syrische Epistolographie
  31. Rea Matsangou: Strategius’ Assignment: an Inquiry into Manichaeism and the Manichaean Churches of the Roman East, during the 4th Century
  32. Dai Matsui: An Old Uigur Account Book for Manichaean and Buddhist Monasteries from Temple α in Qočo
  33. Dieter Maue / Hirotoshi Ogihara: Tumschukische Miszellen III. 3. Tumshukese Dental Affricates
  34. Елена К. Молчанова: Динамика погребальной лексики у современных зороастрийцев Ирана
  35. Enrico Morano: An Antiphonal Body and Soul Hymn in Manichaean Middle Persian, Parthian and Sogdian
  36. Hirotoshi Ogihara / Ching Chao-jung: Some Observations on the Tumshuqese Documents Newly Published in China
  37. Paola Orsatti: The Order of Climes in Nezāmi’s Haft peykar
  38. Antonio Panaino: Multilingualism and Empires: Byzantium and Sasanian Persia
  39. Timothy Pettipiece: Mani’s Journey to India: Mission or Exile?
  40. Georges-Jean Pinault: Theatre Jargon and Literary Language in Tocharian
  41. Andrea Piras: The Writing Hearer. A Suggested Restoration of M 101d
  42. Adrian Pirtea: Is There an Eclipse Dragon in Manichaeism? Some Problems Concerning the Origin and Function of āṯālyā in Manichaean Sources
  43. Paul-Hubert Poirier: L’obstruction de l’abîme d’après Titus de Bostra (Contre les manichéens I, 42). Un aspect de l’eschatologie manichéenne
  44. Elio Provasi: Literary Motifs in the Sogdian “Job Story”
  45. Simone-Christiane Raschmann: Lobpreis des Mannes (II)
  46. Christiane Reck: Zwei weitere kleine Bruchstücke soghdischer Versionen des Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtras in der Berliner Turfansammlung
  47. Rong Xinjiang: A Re-Examination of the Problem of the So-Called “Tocharian” Languages and the Meaning of “Tugristān” between Kucha and Beshbaliq
  48. Adriano V Rossi: Parth šāhīgān, MP šāhīgān, Sogd š(ʾ)yk/qn(h)
  49. Mohammad Shokri-Foumeshi: The Great Hymn of Wisdom. The First Manichaean Manuscript Fragment Unearthed in Iran
  50. Aloïs van Tongerloo / Herman Seldeslachts: La correspondance Edmond Drouin / Willi Bang [Kaup]
  51. Wang Yuanyuan / Lin Wushu: On the Title Indication of the “Chusheng Zanwen 初聲讃文” in the Chinese Hymnscroll
  52. Dieter Weber: A Pahlavi Query
  53. Jens Wilkens / Michaël Peyrot: Weitere Parallelen in Tocharisch B zur altuigurischen Daśakarmapathāvadānamālā: Mahendrasena- und Ṣaḍdanta-Avadāna
  54. Abdurishid Yakup: An Old Uyghur Fragment of an Astrological Treatise Kept in the Beijing National Library
  55. Yutaka Yoshida: The Xiapu 霞浦 Manichaean text Sijizan 四寂讃 “Praise of the Four Entities of Calmness” and Its Parthian Original
  56. Peter Zieme: Mānīstān „Kloster“ und manichäische Kolophone

26. Zarathushtra entre l’Inde et l’Iran: Études indo-iraniennes et indo-européenes offertes à Jean Kellens à l’occasion de son 65e anniversaire

Editors: Éric Pirart, Xavier Tremblay

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik 30

Year of Publication: 2008

Dedicated to: Jean Kellens (1944)

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Reichert Verlag

Number of Contributions: 28

Number of Pages: 390

List of Contributions:

  1. Miguel Angel Andrés-Toledo: The Indo-Iranian noose of death
  2. Alberto Cantera: Die Staota Yesniia der textuellen ratu des Visparad
  3. Albert de Jong: The Culture of Writing and the Use of the Avesta in Sasanian Iran
  4. Michiel de Vaan: Syntax and etymology of Avestan bā and bōit
  5. Heiner Eichner: Parallelenszusindoiranischen religiösen Konzepten in Texten der Hethiter
  6. Bernhard Forssman: Eine Stilfigur im Avesta
  7. José Luis Garcia Ramón: Infinitifs et abstraits verbaux en indo-iranien : v.-av. xšąnmǝ̄nē et sa préhistoire
  8. Gherardo Gnoli: Un monothéisme pré-zoroastrien?
  9. Toshifumi Gotō: Der Optativ bhṛjéyur in den Yajurveda-Saṁhitās
  10. Arlo Griffiths et Alexander Lubotsky: Two Words for ‘sister-in-law’? Notes on Vedic yātar – and giri-
  11. Clarisse Herrenschmidt: Note sur l’agir du roi, entre histoire et mythe
  12. Almut Hintze: An Avestan ghost word : auuah- “water
  13. Michael Janda: Huldigung dem Großkönigs Achämenidisches Hofzeremoniell und das Benennungsmotiv von altpersisch āpadāna- ‘Audienzhalle’
  14. Judith Josephson: Manušcihr’s Tractate on the Fraškgird-kardārīh, Chapter 36 of the Dādestān ī dēnīg
  15. Gilbert Lazard: Qu’est devenue la préposition ō?
  16. Bruce Lincoln: Implications of Grammatical Number in Iranian Mythology of Vegetation
  17. Norbert Oettinger: Zum Verhältnis von Apąm Napāt- und Xvarәnah- im Avesta
  18. Antonio Panaino: Avestan daxšta– and ciθra-. 1: The Semantic Field: Female Germen and Menstruation
  19. Eric Pirart: Le Rašn Yašt (Yašt 12)
  20. Ralf-Peter Ritter: Uridg. *r im Armenischen
  21. Junko Sakamoto-Goto: Zum präteritalen Optativ im Alt- und Mittelindoarischen
  22. Günter Schweiger: Physikalische Methode zur Sichtbarmachung zerstörter Keilschriftzeichen auf Schmelzziegeln aus Susa
  23. Nicholas Sims-Williams: Avestan fradaθāi, Bactrian φαρο, and their cognates 
  24. Prods Oktor Skjærvø: On Videvdad Chapter 5.1-13 and its Pahlavi Commentaries
  25. Philippe Swennen: Indra entre Inde et Iran
  26. Eva Tichy: Zwei vor-hexametrische Formeln: (εὐρὺ) χρείων ’Αγαμέμνων und ζείδωρος ἂρουρα
  27. Xavier Tremblay: Les prépalatales indo-européennes devant dentale en iranien, Essais de grammaire comparée des langues iraniennes XIV.

27. Studia Grammatica Iranica: Festschrift Für Helmut Humbach

Editors: Rüdiger Schmitt, Prods Oktor Skjærvø

Series: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenshcaft 13

Year of Publication: 1986

Dedicated to: Helmut Humbach (1921 – 2017)

Languages: German, French, English, Italian

Publisher: Kitzinger, München

Number of Contributions: 32

Number of Pages: 524

List of Contributions:

  1. Jes P. Asmussen: “Kamel” – “Nadelöhr”. Matth. 19:24, Mark. 10:25, Luk. 18:25
  2. Walter Belardi: La scrittura di fine di parola nel pahlavico dei libri
  3. Georg Buddruss: Wakhi-Sprichwörter aus Hunza
  4. Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin: Zwei Corrigenda
  5. Wilhelm Eilers: Der Kompositionstyp np. šīr-xvā/ăr. Ein Stück Nominalbildungslehre
  6. Ronald E. Emmerick: ‘ruki’ in Khotanese?
  7. Ilya Gershevitch: mazdåšca ahuråŋhō
  8. Philippe Gignoux: La postposition abar en moyen-perse
  9. Gherardo Gnoli: Mittelpersisch ēr “Iranier”
  10. Claus Haebler: Zum Kompletiven Ordinale im Altiranischen
  11. János Harmatta: The Bactrian Inscription of Ayrtam
  12. Oskar von Hinober: Zu einigen iranischen Namen und Titeln aus Brāhmī-Inschriften am oberen Indus
  13. Karl Hoffmann: Avestisch ṣ̌
  14. Lars Johanson: Reproduktion, Widerstand und Anpassung: Zur lautlichen Iranisierung im Türkischen
  15. Maneck F. Kanga: Epistle I, ch. X of Manuščihr Yudānyimān. A Critical Study
  16. Jean Kellens: Comment faut-il éditer les formes vieil-avestiques de paoiriia-?
  17. Hiroshi Kumamoto: Some Problems of the Khotanese Documents 
  18. Gilbert Lazard: Les prépositions pa(a) et bē (ō) en persan et en pehlevi
  19. Johanna Narten: Zum Vokalismus in der Gatha-Überlieferung
  20. Norbert Oettinger: Altavestisch nāmə̄nīš
  21. Adriano V. Rossi: Senoubar a Mirjave
  22. Rudiger Schmitt: Das grammatische Geschlecht der Subjektive des Altpersischen. Die Beschreibung einer Sprache in Theorie und Praxis
  23. Martin Schwartz: Coded Sound Patterns, Acrostics, and Anagrams in Zoroaster’s Oral Poetry
  24. Shaul Shaked: An Unusual Verbal Form in Early Judaeo-Persian
  25. Nicholas Sims-Williams: Sogdian ’’δprm and its cognates
  26. Prods Oktor Skjærvø: Verbs in Parthian and Middle Persian inscriptions
  27. Klaus Strunk: Miscellanea zum avestischen Verbum
  28. Werner Sundermann: Bruchstücke einer manichäischen Zarathustralegende
  29. Ahmad Tafazzoli: The ‘Indirect Affectee’ in Pahlavi and in a Central Dialect of Iran
  30. Paul Thieme: Altpersisch rādiy
  31. Fridrik Thordarson: Ossetisch uæχsk / usqæ “Schulter”. Lexikalische Marginalien
  32. Yutaka Yoshida: Notes on Buddhist Sogdian Texts

28. Iranica Selecta. Studies in honour of Professor Wojciech Skalmowski on the occasion of his seventieth birthday

Editor: Alois van Tongerloo

Series: Silk Road Studies VIII

Year of Publication: 2003

Dedicated to: Wojciech Skalmowski (1933 – 2008)

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Brepolis

Number of Contributions: 27

Number of Pages: 282

List of Contributions:

  1. L. Bednarczuk: Consonant Lenition in Iranian
  2. W. Bex: The Visit of Shah Mozaffar ad-Din to Ostend in 1902
  3. F. De Blois: Pahr(ag)bed
  4. P. Chelkowski: Hossein in Popular Culture
  5. K. D’Hulster: The Sojourn of Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar in Belgium (1873)
  6. R.N. Frye: Challenge and Logic in Ancient Iranian History
  7. B. Gharib: Sogdian Negative and Privative Prefixes
  8. Ph. Gignoux: Sept documents économiques en pehlevi
  9. B. Hjerrild: The Institution of stūrīh in the Pahlavi Rivāyat of Āturfarnbag. Trust settled Property
  10. H. Humbach: Pasargadai
  11. L. Isebaert: Trois mots iraniens en tokharien
  12. A. Krasnowolska: Introductions to Persian Epic Poems
  13. G. Lazard: La construction des propositions relatives en persan contemporain
  14. E. Lipiński: Qaštu in Achaemenian Babylonia
  15. M. Lorenz: Gappo Bajew und die ossetische Literatur
  16. K. Maciuszak: Some New Lexical Observations on the Draxt ī Āsūrīg (the Assyrian Tree)
  17. M. Macuch: On the Treatment of Animals in Zoroastrian Law
  18. B. Mekarska: Is that the Last ‘Principles’ of their Kind?
  19. A. Panaino: Short remarks about Ohrmazd between Limited and Unlimited Time
  20. R. Schmitt: Minima Cuneiformia: Bemerkungen zu Dareios’ Suez-Inschriften
  21. N. Sims-Williams: Three Notes on Iranian Words in Arabic Sources
  22. W. Sundermann: Notulae etymologicae
  23. P. Swiggers: Autour de problèmes de linguistique indo-européenne et générale: de Wackernagel à Meillet
  24. D. Taillieu: Pazand nišāmi between Light and Darkness
  25. J. Tavernier: Drei altiranische Notizen
  26. A. Van Tongerloo: Two Manichaean Ladies
  27. U. Vermeulen: ‘Amr Du l-Kalb, ‘Antar’s Last Friend

29. Commentationes Iranicae. Сборник статей к 90-летию Владимира Ароновича Лившица (Collected papers dedicated to Vladimir Aronovich Livshitz on the occasion of his 90th birthday)

Editors: С. Р. Тохтасьева, П. Б. Лурье

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2013

Dedicated to: Vladimir Aronovich Livshitz (1923 – 2017)

Languages: Russian, English

Publisher: Нестор-История (Санкт-Петербург). Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Scences

Number of Contributions: 42

Number of Pages: 672

List of Contributions:

  1. Richard N. Frye: Six Brief Iranological Remarks in Honor of Volodya Livshits 
  2. Дж.И. Эдельман (J.I. Edelman): Ложка мёда и бочка вина (A Spoonful of Honey and a Barrel of Wine)
  3. Helmut Humbach: Zarathushtra, Gāthic Poetry, and the Two Spirits
  4. Harald Strohm: Einige religionspsychologische Beobachtungen und Reflexionen zum Apam Napat von Pandschikent
  5. В.Ю. Крюкова (V.Yu. Kryukova): Авестийский термин upāpa– и древнеиранские модели мира (The Avestan Term upāpa– and Ancient Iranian Models of the World)
  6. М.А. Дандамаев (M.A. Dandamaev), Н.О. Чехович (N.O. Chekhovich): Три редких документа ахеменидского времени (Three Rare Documents of the Achaemenid Era)
  7. Ilya Yakubovich: Middle Iranian Intransitives in –ās
  8. Agnes Korn: Final Troubles: Armenian Stem Classes and the Word-end in Late Old Persian
  9. Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: l in Manichean Parthian Words
  10. Г.С. Асатрян (G.S. Asatryan): Парфянское gōsān (Parthian gōsān)
  11. Nicholas Sims-Williams: An Early Parthian Inscription on a Bronze Mortar
  12. Enrico Morano: On Some Recently Found Ostraca from Old Nisa
  13. Iris Colditz: Die parthischen Personennamen in den iranisch-manichäischen Texten
  14. Pavel Basharin: Akkadian, Hebrew and Arabic Loanwords in Aramaic Ideograms in Pahlavi
  15. Philippe Gignoux: Les documents de Dādēn dans l’Archive de Berkeley/Berlin
  16. А.Б. Никитин (A.B. Nikitin): Монеты Бахрама Чубина и Бистама и хронология событий в Иране в первые годы правления Хосрова II (The Coins of Bahram Chubin and Bistam and the Chronology of Events in Iran in the First Years of the Reign of Khusraw II)
  17. Dieter Weber: Taxation in Pahlavi Documents from Early Islamic times (late 7th Century CE)
  18. A. Askari Chaverdi, C.G. Cereti: Preliminary notes on two small groups of Sasanian bullae recently discovered in Fārs
  19. Э.Ш. Хуршудян (E.Sh. Khurshudyan): Печать наследного принца Арана Асая (The Seal of Asa, the Hereditary Prince of Aran)
  20. Frantz Grenet: Some hitherto Unrecognized Mythological Figures on Sasanian Seals: Proposed Identifications
  21. Michael Shenkar: A Sasanian Chariot Drawn by Birds and the Iconography of Sraoša
  22. О.М. Чунакова (O.M. Chunakova): Пехлевийский текст Sūr saxwan: проблемы интерпретации (Pahlavi Text Sūr saxwan: Problems of Interpretation)
  23. А.А. Амбарцумян (A.A. Ambarcumyan): «Медная крепость» в пехлевийской традиции (The “Copper Fortress” in Pahlavi Tradition)
  24. Shaul Shaked: The Zoroastrian Calendar in Another Document from Ancient Bactria
  25. Э.В. Ртвеладзе (E.V. Rtveladze): راه آورد В.А. Лившицу. Неизвестные и малоизвестные бактрийские надписи из северной Бактрии (راه آورد to V.A. Livshits. Unknown and Little-Known Bactrian Inscriptions from Northern Bactria)
  26. François de Blois: Bactria, Bāxδī-, Balx
  27. В.Н. Ягодин (V.N. Yagodin): Портретная галерея древнейшей династии хорезмийских царей? (Portrait Gallery of the Oldest Dynasty of Khorezmian Kings?)
  28. А.И. Иванчик (A.I. Ivanchik), П.Б. Лурье (P.B. Lurie): Две надписи из Чирик-рабата (Two Inscriptions from Chirik-rabat)
  29. Antonio Panaino: A Sogdian Wind between Paris and London
  30. Guitty Azarpay: The Afrasiab Murals, a Reassessment
  31. С.Г. Кляшторный (S.G. Klyashtorny): Согдийское поселение в Кангюе (II–III вв. н.э.) (Sogdian Settlement in Kangyuy (2nd–3rd centuries AD))
  32. Étienne de la Vaissière: Iranian in Wusun? A tentative reinterpretation of the Kultobe inscriptions
  33. Judith A. Lerner: Some Thoughts on a Sogdian Double Portrait Seal
  34. Л.С. Баратова (L.S. Baratova), А.В. Омельченко (A.V. Omelchenko): Новый клад бухархудатских монет из Пайкенда (New Hoard of Bukhar-Khudat Coins from Paykent)
  35. А.И. Наймарк (A.I. Naymark): Eще раз о чекане самаркандского ихшида Уграка (Once Again on the Minting of the Samarkand Ikhshid Ugrak)
  36. Adriano V. Rossi: Perception of unevenness and the lexical family of sogdian Pēsak ~ Pesē/ě ~ Pisē
  37. Elio Provasi: The Diamond Earth. A Manichaean Sogdian Eulogy
  38. Christiane Reck: A Specimen of the Buddhist Sogdian Texts of the Berlin Turfan Collection: the Beginning of a Scroll
  39. Yutaka Yoshida: What has Happened to Suδāšn’s Legs?
  40. Martin Schwartz: Buddhist Sogdian (’)xs’yn prtw: a “Firmament” not Firmly Founded
  41. Zohreh Zarshenas: Buddhist Sogdian Term for Teacher
  42. Rong Xinjiang: Buddhist Images or Zoroastrian Deities? The Mixture of Religions on the Silk Road as Seen from

30. Faszination Iran. Beiträge zur Religion, Geschichte und Kunst des Alten Iran. Gedenkschrift für Klaus Schippmann

Editors: Shervin Farridnejad, Rika Gyselen, Anke Joisten-Pruschke

Series: Göttinger Orientforschungen III. Reihe: Iranica. Neue Folge 13

Year of Publication: 2015

Dedicated to: Klaus Schippmann (1924 – 2010)

Languages: German, English

Publisher: Harrassowitz Verlag (Wiesbaden)

Number of Contributions: 13

Number of Pages: 249

List of Contributions:

  1. Anke Joisten-Pruschke: “Ich muss irgendwie sehen, dass es für mich einen Weg gibt Archäologie zu studieren” – Klaus Schippmanns Tagebuch: einer Reise in den Vorderen Orient (1959)
  2. Oric Basirov: “Proselytisation” and “Exposure of the Dead”: Two Christian Calumnies Commonly raised against the Sasanians
  3. Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis: Observations on some coins of Persis
  4. Touraj Daryaee: The Xwarrah and the Sēnmurv: Zoroastrian Iconography on Seventh Century Copper Coinage
  5. Shervin Farridnejad: Das zoroastrische mār-nāme “Schlangenbuch”: Zur zoroastrischen Volksreligion und Ophiomantik
  6. Rika Gyselen: Some Thoughts on Sasanian mgwh-Seals
  7. Bruno Jacobs: Zur bildlichen Repräsentation iranischer Eliten im achämenidenzeitlichen Kleinasien
  8. Anke Joisten-Pruschke: Feudalismus im Sasanidenreich?
  9. Wolfram Kleiss: Hochterrassen – Zikkurati – Stufenpyramiden
  10. Karin Mosig-Walburg: Herrscherpropaganda der Nachfolger Shapurs I. (Ohrmazd I. – Narse) – Ein Beitrag zum Verhältnis von König und Adel im Sasanidenreich in der zweiten Hälfte des 3. Jh. n. Chr.
  11. Michael Shenkar: Aspects of Iconography of Ahura Mazdā: Origins and Significance
  12. Dieter Weber: Spätsasanidische Preislisten im frühislamischen Iran
  13. Hartmut Niemann: Der Kreis schließt sich – Klaus Schippmanns letzte Reise zum “Takht”

31. Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur des alten Iran und benachbarter Gebiete. Festschrift für Rüdiger Schmitt

Editors: Hilmar Klinkott, Andreas Luther, Josef Wiesehöfer 

Series: Oriens et Occidens 36

Year of Publication: 2021

Dedicated to: Rüdiger Schmitt (1939)

Languages: English, German, Italian

Publisher: Franz Steiner Verlag

Number of Contributions: 12

Number of Pages: 263

List of Contributions:

  1. Agustí Alemany: Hunnic and Turkic Titles in the Bactrian Documents
  2. Silvia Balatti: “Persien und Medien und die anderen Länder”: Einige Überlegungen zur Rolle der Meder im frühen Perserreich
  3. Reinhold Bichler: Kyros’ letzte Schlacht und sein Tod
  4. Pierfrancesco Callieri: Falsi moderni e antichi nell’archeologia e nell’epigrafia dell’Iran di epoca achemenide
  5. Hilmar Klinkott: Der Großkönig und das Meer: Achaimenidisches Reichsverständnis in einem neuen Weltbild
  6. Andreas Luther: Der karanos Hystaspes (wštʾsp krny): eine Hypothese
  7. Sabine Müller: Hermeias von Atarneus, Mentor von Rhodos und die Macht der Suggestion
  8. Antonio Panaino: Liturgie und Mimesis im mazdayasnischen Ritual: Die Amtseinsetzung der sieben Unterpriester und die symbolische Götter-Verkörperung
  9. Robert Rollinger / Julian Degen: Conceptualizing Universal Rulership: Considerations on the Persian Achaemenid Worldview and the Saka at the “End of the World”
  10. Mirjo Salvini: Urartäische Präzedenzfälle für die Königsinschriften des Achaimenidenreiches
  11. Monika Schuol: Persien ohne Susa? Der iranische Raum auf der Tabula Peutingeriana
  12. Josef Wiesehöfer: Husraw in Petra und Xerxes in Salamis, oder: Prokop, Herodot und die nahöstlichen Traditionen

32. Iranian Studies in Honour of Adriano V. Rossi

Editors: Sabir Badalkhan, Gian Pietro Basello, Matteo De Chiara

Series: Series Minor LXXXVII.1

Year of Publication: 2019

Dedicated to: Adriano V. Rossi (1947)

Languages: English, Italian, German, French

Publisher: Unior Press

Number of Contributions: 56

Number of Pages: 1046

List of Contributions


  1. Salman Aliyari Babolghani: Is Lakī a Kurdish Dialect?
  2. Victoria Arakelova: On the Names of God in the Yezidi Tradition
  3. Garnik Asatrian: “Lightning” in Western New Iranian
  4. Alireza Askari Chaverdi: A Joint Base for the Cultural Heritage of Fars
  5. Sabir Badalkhan: Singer of Tales: Story of a Baloch Minstrel. How he was Discovered in his Early Age as a Future Epic Singer
  6. Sara Belelli: ‘La ragazza di feltro’ e ‘La ragazza di legno’: due fiabe kurde meridionali del tipo ATU 510B
  7. Maria Carmela Benvenuto: Iranian Color Terms in Aramaic Documents from Ancient Bactria
  8. Vahe S. Boyajian: Etymological Notes on Some Toponyms in Iranian Balochistan
  9. Pierfrancesco Callieri: Archaeological Notes on “Achaemenid” Anshan
  10. Carlo G. Cereti: Mithra nell’onomastica medio-iranica
  11. Iris Colditz: Neues Licht auf ein altes Fragment: M20
  12. Franco Crevatin: Ancora sulle ‘migrazioni’ indo-europee (e sui limiti della conoscenza)
  13. Simone Cristoforetti: L’era di Alessandro IV Aegus in un manoscritto pomponiano di fine Quattrocento
  14. Julien Cuny: A Short Note from the Louvre-DARIOSH Project: Cylindrical Column Bases from Achaemenid Susa and Elsewhere
  15. Roberto Dan: Il ruolo dei simboli nella costruzione dello stato: il caso di Bia/Urarṭu
  16. Matteo De Chiara, Roberto Micheli & Luca Maria Olivieri: Pašto mečəń مٻچن ‘hand-mill, quern’. Linguistic and archaeological notes on rotary querns
  17. Julian Degen & Robert Rollinger: How Greek the Medes were? Herodotus’ medikos logos, Athens and the transformation of empire from symmachia to arche
  18. Ela Filippone: The Orders of the King: Reported Directive Quotations in the Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions
  19. Maria Vittoria Fontana: Quṣayr ʿAmra, ca 740 CE: amīr al-Walīd Reclining and Dressed in Accordance with Iranian Fashion
  20. Bruno Genito: The Medes: Still an Historical-Archaeological Question
  21. Philippe Gignoux: La refonte de la fonction d’Hērbed dans l’Iran sassanide et post-sassanide
  22. Frantz Grenet: Le contrat de mariage sogdien du Mont Mugh (Mugh Nov. 3 – 4) : quelques nouvelles hypothèses
  23. Carina Jahani: The Balochi Language as a Garden. An Attempt to Create a Standard for Written Balochi
  24. Jean Kellens: Exégèse et grammaire : le destin de l’Ahuna Vairiia
  25. Agnes Korn: Kinship Terms in Balochi: A Patchwork Family
  26. Gilbert Lazard: Traduire, transcrire en vieux-perse
  27. Claudia Leurini: Evidence of a Syriac Diatessaron in Mani’s Šabūhragān


  1. Romolo Loreto: Gli Achemenidi e l’Arabia. Stato della questione
  2. Pavel B. Lurje: Etymologies of Selected Terms for Weapons in Chorasmian
  3. Mauro Maggi: Annotations on the Book of Zambasta, VI: Ronald E. Emmerick’s *nvāta- and Persian navāxtan
  4. Marco Mancini: Middle-Persian Morphology and Old Persian Masks: Some Reflections on “Proto-Middle Persian”
  5. Enrico Morano: A Miserable Scrap
  6. Antonella Muratgia: The Asian Section of “L’Orientale” University Library: The Persian Manuscripts
  7. Maryam Nourzaei: The Emergence of Definiteness in Koroshi
  8. Paolo Ognibene: Incontri e scontri di culture a nord del mar Nero. Sui cosiddetti nomi “barbarici” nelle iscrizioni del Ponto
  9. Antonio Panaino: Il tempo e le sue “parti” nel mondo iranico antico. Avestico yār- “anno”, aiiar-/aiiane azan-/asn- “giorno”
  10. Stefano Pellò: The Husayni Brahmins and Other Poor Persian Speakers: Standardizing Language and Devotion in Mīrzā Qatīl
  11. Andrea Piras: Kirdīr, Mani e la sigillografia. Autorità, potere e conflitti tra scritture nell’Iran sassanide
  12. Flavia Pompeo: Il persiano antico tra conservazione e innovazione: considerazioni sulle costruzioni impersonali nelle iscrizioni achemenidi
  13. Enrico G. Raffaelli: Yašts and Bayān Yašts: Observations on the History of the Avestan Hymns
  14. Hassan Rahsaz: A Lapis Lazuli like Object Found during the Excavation of the Canals of the Persepolis Terrace in 1381 [2002-2003]
  15. Céline Redard: « Y72.11 : un final qui n’en est pas un ! »
  16. Hassan Rezai Baghdidi: The Commemorative Coin of Wahbarz, the Fratarak of Pārs
  17. Giorgio Rota: Storm in the Desert: Baluch against Safavids at the End of the 17th Century
  18. Velizar Sadovski: Performative Speech Acts in Indo-Iranian Sacred Jurisprudence. Between Ritual Formulation, Pragmatic Application and Political Resemanticization
  19. Giancarlo Schirru: Un processo di neutralizzazione dell’armeno orientale
  20. Rüdiger Schmitt: Zu den Personennamen der aramäischen Dokumente aus Baktrien
  21. Martin Schwartz: On Gathic rāna-
  22. Francesco Sferra: CUL Add.1708.2: Frammento di un commento inedito alla Mañjuśrīnāmasaṅgīti
  23. Shaul Shaked: Some lexical items in Middle Persian, I. pursišnīg
  24. Gaga Shurgaia: L’edificante storia di Barlaam e Ioasaph: ὑπό, παρά oppure ὑπὲρ Εὐθυμίου?
  25. Nicholas Sims-Williams: Dual and Numerative in Middle and New Iranian
  26. Antonia Soriente: I prestiti persiani in indonesiano. Bausani cinquant’anni dopo
  27. Brian Spooner: Balochi and the Baloch. A Socio-Linguistic Puzzle
  28. Roberto Tottoli: The Persian Language (al-fārisiyya) in Some Early Islamic Sources
  29. Amir Zeyghami: Gēlakūn. An Armenian Place-Name in Niẓāmīʼs Khosrow u Šīrīn

33. Tous les chemins mènent à Paris: Studies inspired by Agnes Korn

Editors: Pastor Dorian, Murad Suleymanov 

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2022

Dedicated to: Agnes Korn (1967)

Languages: French, English, German

Publisher: Reichert Verlag

Number of Contributions: 9

Number of Pages: 180

List of Contributions:

  1. Chams Bernard: Par-delà les frontières : sur l’étymologie de Māzandarān
  2. Timothée Chamot-Rooke: Note sur tokharien A smāṃ
  3. Hélène Gérardin: Valence et classification typologique des verbes en géorgien
  4. Thomas Jügel: Religiöse Sprachräume – Linguistic areas defined by religion
  5. Nicholas Kontovas: Reflexes of Proto-Iranic *w- as Evidence for Language Contact
  6. Romain Mascagni: Sāfe āwāz : La recherche du bon son dans la restauration d’un instrument de musique baloutche
  7. Dorian Pastor: Reanalysis of the Pronominal Clitic =(e)š in Colloquial Persian
  8. Neige Rochant: The Morphology of Relationship in Andi
  9. Murad Suleymanov: Le syncrétisme possesseur-source en tat

34. A Turquoise Coronet. Studies in Persian language and literature in honour of Paola Orsatti

Editors: Mauro Maggi, Mohsen Ashtiany

Series: Beitrage zur Iranistik 54

Year of Publication: 2021

Dedicated to: Paola Orsatti (1956)

Languages: English

Publisher: Reichert Verlag

Number of Contributions: 17

Number of Pages: 336

List of Contributions:

    1. Gerardo Barbera: A Minâbi text and grammatical sketch
    2. Anna Livia Beelaert: Additional poems in manuscript C 1424 of Khāqānī Širwānī’s Dīwān at the Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg
      • Appendix 1. Contents of the manuscript C 1424 according to the proper order of the folia
      • Appendix 2. Numbering of the poems in Saǧǧādī’s edition of Khāqānī’s Dīwān
    3. Carlo G. Cereti: Remarks on The cities of Ērānšahr and its date in the light of the Xwadāy-nāmag and Sasanian primary sources
    4. Claudia A. Ciancaglini: Middle Persian bāzūg and bāzā(y)
    5. Mohammad Hasandust: Remarks on Persian tornā and Iẕe
    6. Ramin Hassanzadeh-Nodehi and Mauro Maggi: Origin and diffusion of manāt in Persian and other Iranian languages
    7. Đenita Haverić: The impact of Persian classics on the Bosniak literary heritage in Persian, Turkish, and Arabic
    8. Judith Josephson: Narrative in Late Middle Persian
    9. Djalal Khaleghi-Motlagh: Meaning and form of some words in the Šāhnāma
    10. Agnès Lenepveu-Hotz: The development of complex predicates in New Persian between the tenth and the sixteenth century
    11. Daniela Meneghini: Courtliness and kindness of the friend in Neẓāmi’s poem Xosrow o Širin
    12. Kinga Paraskiewicz: On Turkish loanwords of Persian origin in the Polish language
    13. Bo Utas: The uncovering of the veiled beauty: an Iranian and a European reading
    14. Olga M. Yastrebova: A manuscript with the seals of Shāhrukh and Bayezid II at the Vatican Apostolic Library
    15. Neguin Yavari: Fakhr al-Dīn Ṣafī ʿAlī Kāshifī’s prologue
    16. Saeed Yousef Akhavān: From Tus until just short of Yush
    17. Riccardo Zipoli: Sixty-five hemistichs from the ghazals of Mirzâ ʿAbdolqâder Bidel

35. Literarische Stoffe und ihre Gestaltung in mitteliranischer Zeit. Kolloquium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Werner Sundermann

Editors: Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst, Christiane Reck, Dieter Weber

Series: Beitrage zur Iranistik 31

Year of Publication: 2009

Dedicated to: Werner Sundermann (1935 – 2012)

Languages: English, German, French

Publisher: Reichert Verlag

Number of Contributions: 20

Number of Pages: 408

List of Contributions:

  1. François de Blois: On the sources of the Barlaam Romance, or How the Buddha became a Christian saint
  2. Iris Colditz: „Autorthema“, Selbstproklamation und Ich-Form in der alt- und mitteliranischen Literatur
  3. Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: The literary form of the Vessantarajātaka in Sogdian
    • With an appendix by Elio Provasi: The names of the prince
  4. Philippe Gignoux: Les relations interlinguistiques de quelques termes de la pharmacopée antique
  5. Almuth Hintze: The Return of the Fravashis in the Avestan Calendar
  6. Manfred Hutter: Das so genannte Pandnāmag ī Zardušt: Eine zoroastrische Auseinandersetzung mit gnostisch-manichäischem Traditionsgut?
  7. Maria Macuch: Gelehrte Frauen – ein ungewöhnliches Motiv in der Pahlavi-Literatur
  8. Mauro Maggi: Annotations on the Book of Zambasta, I
  9. Enrico Morano: Sogdian Tales in Manichaean Script
  10. Antonio Panaino: Ahreman and Narcissus
  11. Christiane Reck: Soghdische manichäische Parabeln in soghdischer Schrift mit zwei Beispielen: Parabeln mit Hasen
  12. Kurt Rudolph: Literarische Formen der mandäischen Überlieferung
  13. Shaul Shaked: Spells and incantations between Iranian and Aramaic
  14. Nicholas Sims-Williams: The Bactrian fragment in Manichaean script (M 1224)
  15. Prods Oktor Skjærvø: Reflexes of Iranian oral traditions in Manichean literature
  16. Alois van Tongerloo: A Nobleman in Trouble, or the consequences of drunkenness
  17. Dieter Weber: Ein Pahlavi-Fragment des Alexanderromans aus Ägypten?
  18. Jens Wilkens: Ein manichäischer Alptraum?
  19. Yutaka Yoshida: The Karabalgasun Inscription and the Khotanese documents
  20. Stefan Zimmer: Vom Kaukasus bis Irland — iranisch-keltische Literaturbeziehungen?

36. A Green Leaf. Papers in Honour of Professor Jes P. Asmussen

Editor: J. Duchesne-Guillemin, W. Sundermann, F. Vahman

Series: Acta Iranica 28. Hommages et Opera Minora, 12

Year of Publication: 1988

Dedicated to: Jes P. Asmussen (1928 – 2002)

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Brill

Number of Contributions: 51

Number of Pages: 547

List of Contributions:

  1. G. Ito: On Yasna 32:16 (Gathica XVI)
  2. J. Kellens: Une variation du timbre de l’anaptyxe en vieil-avestique
  3. R. Schmitt: Achaimenideninschriften in griechischer literarischer Überlieferung
  4. W. Skalmowski: Old Persian vazraka
  5. M. Back: Kirdegān
  6. H. W. Bailey: Garō-Δamān
  7. B. Hjerrild: Zoroastrian divorce
  8. H. Humbach and Wāng Shípìng: Die pahlavi-chinesische Bilingue von Xi’an
  9. M. F. Kanga: Epistle I Ch. XI of Manuščihr Yudānyimān: a critical study
  10. M. Shaki: Pahlavica
  11. A. Tafazzoli: The King’s Seat in the Fire-temple
  12. W. Eilers: Euphonisches -i und der aramäische Emphaticus auf –yā
  13. R. E. Emmerick: Some verses from the Laṇkāvatārasātra in Khotanese
  14. J. C. Greenfield: Nergol dḥšpt
  15. N. Sims-Williams: Syro-Sogdica III: Syriac elements in Sogdian
  16. P. O. Skjaerve: The Khotanese Hṛdayasūtra
  17. W. Sundermann: Der Schüler fragt den Lehrer: eine Sammlung biblischer Rätsel in sogdischer Sprache
  18. B. Alawi: Neologismen in der modernen persischen Schriftsprache
  19. J. Bečka: A continuator of Judeo-persian literature
  20. G. Lazard: Remarques sur le fragment Judéo-Persan de Dandān-Uiliq
  21. M. Lorenz: Die Anfänge der Paşto-Literatur und das Peta Xazāna
  22. Sh. Shaked: An early Geniza fragment in an unknown Iranian dialect
  23. B. Utas: The manuscript tradition of Miṣbāh ul-Arvāḥ and the application of the stemmatic method to New Persian texts
  24. F. Vahman: Two Bakhtiārī prose texts: stories of the fools
  25. E. Yarshater: Approaches to the translation of Persian poetry
  26. M. Boyce: The Lady and the Scribe: some further reflections on Anāhīt and Tīr
  27. Gh. Gnoli: A note on the Magi and Eudemus of Rhodes
  28. S. S. Hartman: Questions au sujet du «Temps» de l’Avesta
  29. F. M. Kotwal: Initiation into the Zoroastrian priesthood; present Parsi practice and an old Pahlavi text
  30. U. Bianchi: Sur la question des deux âmes de l’homme dans le Manichéisme
  31. A. Böhlig: Zum Selbstverständnis des Manichäismus
  32. J. W. Drijvers: Marcion’s reading of Gal. 4,8: philosophical background and influence of Manichaeism
  33. J. Duchesne-Guillemin: On the origin of Gnosticism
  34. H-J. Klimkeit: Das Tor als Symbol im Manichäismus
  35. S. N. C. Lieu: Sources on the diffusion of Manichaeism in the Roman Empire
  36. Ph. Gignoux: Les antécédents nestoriens de la Chahāda
  37. T. Olsson: Imagery of divine epiphany in Nuṣairī scriptures
  38. J. W. de Jong: Buddhism and the equality of the four castes
  39. Ch. Lindtner: Buddhist references to old Iranian religion
  40. P. Zieme: Das Pavāraṇā-Sūtra in alttürkischer Überlieferung
  41. M. Dandamayev and V. Livshits: Zattumēšu, a magus in Babylon
  42. R. N. Frye: Minorities in the history of the Near East
  43. W. Hinz: Großkönig Darius und sein Untertan
  44. G. S. Jakobsdóttir: An Icelandic manuscript on Iran
  45. O. Klíma: Samo: »Natione Francos«?
  46. D. Weber: Zu einigen iranischen Ortsnamen bei Ptolemaios
  47. G. S. Asatrian and N. Kh. Gevorgian: Zaza miscellany: notes on some religious customs and institutions
  48. A. D. H. Bivar: The allegory of Astyages
  49. J. R. Russell: The rite of Muśkil Āsān Behrām Yazad amongst the Parsis of Navsārī, India
  50. F. Thiessen: A ghazal by Bardun-nisā “Bīban”
  51. F. Thodarson: The Scythian funeral customs: some notes on Herodotus IV, 71-75

37. zaraθuštrōtəma. Zoroastrian and Iranian Studies in Honour of Philip G. Kreyenbroek

Editor: Shervin Farridnejad

Series: Ancient Iran Series 10

Year of Publication: 2021

Dedicated to: Philip G. Kreyenbroek (1948)

Languages: English

Publisher: Brill (Leiden)

Number of Contributions: 13

Number of Pages: 323

List of Contributions:

  1. Miguel Ángel Andrés-Toledo: Manuscripts of the Zoroastrian short liturgies at the K. R. Cama Oriental Institute
  2. David B. Buyaner: On the Etymology of the Old Iranian Term for “Iron”
  3. Alberto Cantera: Avestan Texts in Context: Fragments Westergaard 6 and 7 and the Paragṇā
  4. Touraj Daryaee: The Serpentine Man in Iranian Myth
  5. Shervin Farridnejad: Zoroastrian Pilgrimage Songs and Ziyārat-nāmes
  6. Ramiyar P. Karanjia: Religious and Community Issues Addressed in the Early Twentieth Century by the Athornan Mandal, a Trust for Priests
  7. Jean Kellens: What is a ratu sarəδa?
  8. Götz König: Studies on the History of Rationality in Ancient Iran III: Philosophy of Nature
  9. Firoze M. Kotwal: Gãthũ Bhārvā nī Kriyā – The Ritual of Preserving a Burning Knotted Billet Beneath the Fire-Ash
  10. Maria Macuch: Descent in Frēdōn’s Line: An Epic Narrative in the Light of Zoroastrian Law
  11. Antonio Panaino: The Corpus of the Yašts and their Pahlavi Translations: Considering a Textual Lacuna
  12. Ludwig Paul & Jonas Elbers: Caspian Calendar Names and their Etymologies
  13. Jenny Rose: Mithra and Mercurius: Two Pictures of Divine Agency in the Death of Julian

38. Dinars and Dirhams. Festschrift in Honor of Michael L. Bates

Editors: Touraj Daryaee, Judith A. Lerner, Virginie C. Rey

Series: Ancient Iran Series 11

Year of Publication: 2021

Dedicated to: Michael L. Bates (1941)

Languages: English

Publisher: Brill (Leiden)

Number of Contributions: 20

Number of Pages: 340

List of Contributions:

  1. Jere L. Bacharach: Stirring the Pot: Bates’s Approach to Islamic Numismatics
  2. Jamsheed K. Choksy and Jennifer Dubeansky: Ancient Iranian Stamp Seals in the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum
  3. Touraj Daryaee: To Rule for Eternity: The ’PD Legend on the Silver Drachms of Khosrow II
  4. Peter Donovan: A Study and Classification of Shah Jahan 235-Type Rupees
  5. Kiarash Gholami: Four Consecutive Local Governors of Fārs in the Period AH 70 – 83
  6. David Hendin and Martin Huth: Early Nabataean Coinage until the Monetary System of Malichus I
  7. Oliver D. Hoover: An Obodas before Obodas I? The Implications of a New Nabatean Coin Type
  8. Lutz Ilisch: Jabal al-Fidda: The Silver Mine and the Mint
  9. Judith Kolbas: Multiple Mithqāls in Monetary Relationships
  10. Hodge Mehdi Malek: The Numismatic Evidence of the Umayyads and their Opponents in Kirman (31-84H)
  11. Roxani Eleni Margariti: An Almoravid Dinar at Pavlopetri, Laconia: Archaeological Enigma and Historical Context
  12. Khodadad Rezakhani: Pangul and Banji; Zhulad and Fulad: a Note on the Genealogy of the Shanasbids Amirs of Ghur
  13. Nikolaus Schindel: A New Abbasid Donative Coin
  14. Warren C. Schultz: Metrological Contexts for Crusader Imitations of Ayyubid Silver Dirhams
  15. Stuart D. Sears: A Tale of Two Cities: Al-‘Abbāsīya and the Rise of the Aghlabid State
  16. Alan M. Stahl and Joe Glynias: The Transition from Byzantine to Islamic Coinage in Antioch and its Implication for the History of Settlement in the City
  17. Razieh Taasob: Statement of Dynastic Affiliation in Early Kushan Coinage: Use and Omission
  18. Pankaj Tandon: The Coins and History of Toramāṇa
  19. Luke Treadwell: The Last Arab Bukharkhuda Drachms (early 190s AH/late 800s CE) – Who Issued Them and Where Were They Struck?
  20. Peter van Alfen: Pre-Islamic Coins from Eastern Arabia, Recently Acquired by the American Numismatic Society

39. Ancient Iranian Numismatics. In Memory of David Sellwood

Editors: Mostafa Faghfouri

Series: Ancient Iran Series 12

Year of Publication: 2021

Dedicated to: David Sellwood (1925 – 2012)

Languages: English

Publisher: Brill (Leiden)

Number of Contributions: 12 

Number of Pages: 238

List of Contributions:

  1. Simon Glenn and Keith Rutter: The Heavy Bronzes of Antiochus III and Demetrius I of Bactria
  2. G.R.F. Assar: The Date of the Battle at the River Lycus: Antiochus VII Defeated the Parthian General Indates on Friday 12 June 130 BC
  3. Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis, Alexandra Magub, and Elizabeth Pendleton: Volume 2: Mithradates II c.122/121–91 BC: The Sylloge Nummorum Parthicorum (SNP)
  4. G.R.F. Assar: The Gold Variety of a Silver Drachm of Mithradates III of Parthia (87-80 BC)
  5. Mostafa Faghfoury: Some Observations on Parthian Bronze Coinage
  6. Khodadad Rezakhani: Onomastica Persida: Names of the Rulers of Persis in the Seleucid and Arsacid Periods
  7. Kiarash Gholami: A Revised Frataraka Chronology and Coinage
  8. Hodge Mehdi Malek: Sasanian Coins from Āmul, Tabaristān
  9. Touraj Daryaee: “The Maker of the World Without Fear”: Observations on the Gold Coin of Khosrow I
  10. Susan Tyler-Smith: An Anomalous Group of Khusrau II Drachms
  11. Bahram Badiyi: Cities and Mint Centers Founded by the Sasanians
  12. Edward C.D. Hopkins: Leiden Conventions for Greek Numismatic Epigraphy

40. From Aṣl to Zā’id: Essays in Honour of Éva M. Jeremiás

Editor: Szántó Iván

Series: Acta et Studia XIII.

Year of Publication: 2015

Dedicated to: Éva M. Jeremiás (1944)

Languages: English, German, French

Publisher: The Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies

Number of Contributions: 19

Number of Pages: 334

List of Contributions (the list is taken from Bibliographia Iranica):

  1. C. Edmund Bosworth: The poet ‘Asjadī and early Ghaznavid history
  2. Mária Gósy: Similarities and differences in the early acquisition of grammar by Persian and Hungarian children
  3. Ela Filippone: The so-called Old Persian ‘potential construction’ (being Text production strategies and translation strategies in the Achaemenid documentation, III)
  4. Bert G. Fragner: Orientalismus in Abenteuererzählungen aus der frühen Sowjetunion
  5. Carina Jahani: Complex predicates and the issue of transitivity: The case of Southern Balochi
  6. Anna Krasnowolska: The Sarmatian myth and Poland’s nineteenth-century Orientalism
  7. Paul Luft: Authenticity and identity of Qājār poetry on stone and paper
  8. Maria Macuch: Precision orientated legal language in the Sasanian law of inheritance
  9. Ágnes Németh: How do young Iranians speak?
  10. Paola Orsatti: Spoken features in classical Persian texts: subordinate conditional clauses without a conjunction
  11. Antonio Clemente Domenico Panaino: Jesus’ trimorphisms and tetramorphisms in the meeting with the Magi
  12. Adriano V. Rossi: Diglossia in Persian
  13. Christine van Ruymbeke: Sir William Jones and the Anwār-i Suhaylī. Containing a fortuitous but nevertheless essential note on the Orient Pearls
  14. ‘Ali Ashraf Sadeghi: Rare forms of personal endings in some Classical Persian texts
  15. Nicholas and Ursula Sims-Williams: Rustam and his zīn-i palang
  16. Iván Szántó: Bahāʼ al-Dīn al-‘Amilī and the visual arts
  17. Katalin Torma: Georgius Gentius and the early reception of the Gulistān in Hungary
  18. Ziva Vesel: Les figures astrologiques dans les traités persans
  19. Sibylle Wentker: A visit of the Shah. Vienna and the false Rūznāma of Nāṣir al-Dīn Shah

41. Shoshannat Yaakov. Jewish and Iranian Studies in Honor of Yaakov Elman

Editors: Shai Secunda, Steven Fine

Series: The Brill Reference Library of Judaism 35

Year of Publication: 2021

Dedicated to: Yaakov Elman (1943 – 2018)

Languages: English

Publisher: Brill

Number of Contributions: 23

Number of Pages: 485

List of Contributions:

  1. Moshe J. Bernstein: The Re-Presentation of ‘Biblical’ Legal Material at Qumran: Three Cases from 4Q159 (4QOrdinancesa)
  2. Daniel Boyarin: Medieval and Modern Philology: Notes on the First Sugya of BT Nazir
  3. Shalom Carmy: What Must the Jew do to Help the Cooking? An Analytic Resolution to bAZ 38
  4. Louis H. Feldman: Biblical Influence on Virgil
  5. Steven Fine: “For this Schoolhouse is Beautiful”: A Note on Samaritan ‘Schools’ in Late Antique Palestine
  6. Shamma Friedman: Sorting Out the Wages of Adultery: Execution, Ordeal or Divorce
  7. Geoffrey Herman: “One Day David Went Out for the Hunt of the Falconers”: Persian Themes in the Babylonian Talmud
  8. Richard Hidary: The Agonistic Bavli: Greco-Roman Rhetoric in Sasanian Persia
  9. Richard Kalmin: A Late Antique Babylonian Rabbinic Treatise on Astrology
  10. Yishai Kiel: Redesigning Tzitzit in the Babylonian Talmud in Light of Literary Depictions of the Zoroastrian kustīg
  11. Reuven Kiperwasser and Dan D.Y. Shapira: Irano-Talmudica II: Leviathan, Behemoth and the ‘Domestication’ of Iranian Mythological Creatures in Eschatological Narratives of the Babylonian Talmud
  12. Aaron Koller: Learning from the Tāg: On a Persian Word for ‘Crown’ in Jewish Aramaic
  13. Maria Macuch: The adwadād Offence in Zoroastrian Law
  14. Evyatar Marienberg: Qui coierit cum muliere in fluxu menstruo . . . interficientur ambo (Lev. 20:18): The Biblical Prohibition of Sexual Relations with a Menstruant in the Eyes of Some Medieval Christian Theologians
  15. Chaim Milikowsky: ‘Until Tzadok Arose’ in the Damascus Document: Tzadoq and his Appointment as High Priest in Early Jewish Interpretation
  16. Jeffrey L. Rubenstein: Astrology and the Head of the Academy
  17. James R. Russell: The Curving Shore of Time and Space: Notes on the Prologue to Pushkin’s Ruslan and Ludmila
  18. Lawrence H. Schiffman: The Samaritans in Amoraic Halakhah
  19. Shai Secunda: Parva—a Magus
  20. Shaul Shaked: Religious Actions Evaluated by Intention: Zoroastrian Concepts Shared with Judaism
  21. Prods Oktor Skjærvø: Hairy Meat? On Nērangestān, Chapter 47.1–20
  22. Joseph Tabory: Yefet in the House of Shem: The Influence of the Septuagint Translation of the Scroll of Esther on Rabbinic Literature
  23. Yuhan Sohrab-Dinshaw Vevaina: Scripture Versus Contemporary (Interpretive) Needs: Towards a Mapping of the Hermeneutic Contours of Zoroastrianism

42. Iranian Languages and Culture. Essays in Honor of Gernot Ludwig Windfuhr

Editors: M. R. Ghanoonparvar, Behrad Aghaei

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2012

Dedicated to: Gernot Ludwig Windfuhr (1938)

Languages: English

Publisher: Mazda Publishers

Number of Contributions: 12

Number of Pages: 238

List of Contributions:

  1. Gary Beckman: An Irate Goddess (CTH 710)
  2. Jamsheed K. Choksy: Zoroastrians as a Socioreligious Minority in the Islamic Republic of Iran
  3. Touraj Daryaee: Herodotus on Drinking Wine in the Achaemenid World: Greek and Persian Perceptions
  4. Iraj Bashiri: The Contributions of Nasir-i Khusrau and Nasi al-Din Tusi to Shi’ite Theology
  5. Michael Bonner: Commerce and Migration in Arabia before Islam: A Brief History of a Long Literary Tradition
  6. Mohammad Mehdi Khorrami: The Aesthetics of Lone Moments in the Poetry of Forugh Farrokhzad
  7. Nasrin Rahimieh: Translating Taghi Modarressi’s Writing with an Accent
  8. M. R. Ghanoonparvar: Iranian Films as Cultural Texts for Persian Language Instruction
  9. Donald L. Stilo: Intersection Zones, Overlapping Isoglosses, and “Fade-out/Fade-in” Phenomena in Central Iran
  10. Behrad Aghaei: Case Attraction in Persian Relative Clauses
  11. Leila R. Dodykhudoeva and Vladimir Ivanov: Iranian Languages in Linguistic Areas of Central Asia
  12. Carina Jahani, Behrooz Barjasteh Delforooz, and Maryam Nourzaei: Non-canonical Subjects in Balochi

43. Iran and Beyond. Essays in Middle Eastern History in Honor of Nikki R. Keddie

Editors: Rudi Matthee, Beth Baron

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2000

Dedicated to: Nikki R. Keddie (1930)

Languages: English

Publisher: Mazda Publishers

Number of Contributions: 13

Number of Pages: 291

List of Contributions:

  1. Juan R. I. Cole: New Perspectives on Sayyid Jamal al-Din al-Afghani in Egypt
  2. A. H. Shissler: A Student Abroad in Late Ottoman Times: Ahmet Agaoglu and French Paradigms in Turkist Thought
  3. Monica Ringer: The Discourse on Modernization and the Problem of Cultural Integrity in Nineteenth-Century Iran
  4. Houri Berberian: Armenian Women in Turn-of-the-Century Iran: Education and Activism
  5. Julia Clancy-Smith: Envisioning Knowledge: Educating the Muslim Woman in Colonial North Africa, c. 1850-1918
  6. Rudi Matthee: Prostitutes, Courtesans, and Dancing Girls: Women Entertainers in Safavid Iran
  7. H. E. Chehabi: Voices Unveiled: Women Singers in Iran
  8. Sherifa Zuhur: An Arab Diva in the Gendered Discourse of Biography
  9. Afshin Matin-asgari: Sacred City Profaned: Utopianism and Despair in Early Modernist Persian Literature
  10. Beth Baron: An Islamic Activist in Interwar Egypt
  11. Henry Munson, Jr.: The Ideologization of Religion in Response to Western Domination: The Cases of Hinduism, Islam, and Theravada Buddhism
  12. Maziar Behrooz: The Iranian Revolution and the Failure of the Left
  13. Lois Beck: Local Histories: A Longitudinal Study of a Qashqa’i Subtribe in Iran

44. Converging Zones: Persian Literary Tradition and the Writing of History Studies in Honor of Amin Banani

Editor: Wali Ahmadi

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2012

Dedicated to: Amin Banani (1926 – 2013)

Languages: English, French

Publisher: Mazda Publishers

Number of Contributions: 14

Number of Pages: 300

List of Contributions:

  1. Touraj Daryaee: On the Coming of a Zoroastrian Messiah: A Middle Persian Poem on History and Apocalypticism in Early Medieval Islamic Iran
  2. George Bournoutian: A Primary Armenian Source on Land Tenure in the Khanate of Iravan (Erevan) from the 16th to the 18th Centuries
  3. Latifeh E. Hagigi: Cycle of Neglect: Filial Relationships and Preparation for Kingship – The Case of Mozaffar al-Din Mirza
  4. H.E. Chehabi: The Reform of Iranian Nomenclature and Titulature in the Fifth Majles
  5. Omid Uskowi and A. Reza Sheikholeslami: Impact of the Constitutional Revolution on the Development of a Modern State in Iran
  6. Herbert A. Davidson: Suhravardi’s “The Sound of Gabriel’s Wings” and its Relation to Avicennan Cosmology
  7. Hossein Ziai: Nur al-Fu’ad, A Persian Treatise in Illuminationist Philosophy & a Persian Handbook on Ophthalmology
  8. Ehsan Yarshater: A Perfect Tragedy
  9. Dick Davis: On Teaching Attar’s Conference of the Birds to Anglophone Readers
  10. Franklin D. Lewis: “Tale of the Righteous Woman (Whose Husband had Gone on a Journey)” – A Poetic Translation from the Elahi-nameh of Farid al-Din Attar
  11. Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak: Love, Separation, and Reunion: The Master-Narrative of the Human Condition in Persian Mystical Poetry
  12. Wali Ahmadi: Iqbal and the Predicaments of Identity Formation
  13. Farzaneh Milani: The Visual Poetry of Forugh Farrokhzad in The House Is Black
  14. Shapour Rassekh: Le projet d’une civilisation mondiale dans les Ecrits de Baha’ullah

45. Studies in Honour of Clifford Edmund Bosworth, Volume IIThe Sultan’s Turret: Studies in Persian and Turkish Culture


Editors: Carole Hillenbrand

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2000

Dedicated to: Clifford Edmund Bosworth (1928 – 2015) 

Languages: English, German

Publisher: Brill

Number of Contributions: 19

Number of Pages: 468

List of Contributions:

  1. Çiğdem Balim-Harding: The Last of the Anatolian Nationalists: Nurettin Topçu
  2. John Carswell: A Young Man Abroad. Sir Thomas Herbert’s Travels to Persia in 1626 A.D.
  3. Farhad Daftary: The Medieval Ismā‘īlīs of the Iranian Lands
  4. François de Blois: A Persian Poem Lamenting the Arab Conquest
  5. Heinz Gaube: Die Mausoleengruppe in Adheri, NW-Pakistan
  6. Colin Heywood: A Mid-Fifteenth Century Byzantine and Ottoman Coin Hoard from Rumeli: The Ottoman Component (A Preliminary Report)
  7. Robert Hillenbrand: The Architecture of the Ghaznavids and the Ghurids
  8. Peter Jackson: The Fall of the Ghurid Dynasty
  9. Bernard Lewis: Poems from the Turkish
  10. J.P. Luft: The Iranian Nationalists in Istanbul During World War I
  11. Denis MacEoin: The Trial of the Bāb: Shi‘ite Orthodoxy Confronts its Mirror Image
  12. Wilferd Madelung: Abu l-Mu‘īn al-Nasafī and Ash‘arī Theology
  13. Ulrich Marzolph: Bahram Gūr’s Spectacular Marksmanship and the Art of Illustration in Qājār Lithographed Books
  14. Julie Scott Meisami: Why Write History in Persian? Historical Writing in the Samanid Period
  15. David Morgan: Reflections on Mongol Communications in the Ilkhanate
  16. S. Soucek: The Ottoman Merchant Marine
  17. Luke Treadwell: Ibn Ẓāfir Al-Azdī’s Account of the Murder of Aḥmad B. Ismā’īl Al-Sāmānī and the Succession of His Son Naṣr
  18. Ehsan Yarshater: Love-Related Conventions in Sa‘di’s Ghazals
  19. Yaqub Zaki and James Dickie: The Musical Setting of the Mawlawī Liturgy

46. Indo-Iranica. Mélanges Présantés à Georg Morgenstierne à l’Occasion de son Soixante-Dixième Anniversaire

Editor: Georges Redard

Series: –

Year of Publication: 1964

Dedicated to: Georg Morgenstierne (1892 – 1978)

Languages: English, French, German, Russian

Publisher: Otto Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden)

Number of Contributions: 25

Number of Pages: 195

List of Contributions:

  1. V. I. Abaev: О диалектах осетинского языка 
  2. H. W. Bailey: Saka miscellany
  3. F. Barth: Ethnic processes on the Pathan-Baluch boundary
  4. E. Benveniste: La racine yat– en indo-iranien
  5. M. Boyce: The use of relative particles in Western Middle Iranian
  6. G. Buddruss: Aus dardischer Volksdichtung
  7. J. Duchesne-Guillemin: La fixation de l’Avesta
  8. G. Dumézil: Balderiana minora
  9. M. B. Emeneau: Linguistic desiderata in Baluchistan
  10. I. Gershevitch: Iranian chronological adverbs
  11. O. Hansen: Zur Sprache der Inschrift von Surḫ Kotal
  12. W. B. Henning: The survival of an ancient term
  13. M. F. Kanaga: Dātistān i Dēnīk – Pūrsišn I
  14. J. Kuryłowicz: L’accentuation en vieil iranien
  15. W. Lentz: Mithras Verfügung über die Herrschgewalt (Yasht 10, 109 und 111)
  16. M. Leumann: Altpersisch hagmatā
  17. D. L. R. Lorimer: A Bakhtiari Persian text
  18. D. N. MacKenzie: The Xayr ul-bayān
  19. M. Mayrhofer: Über Kontaminationen der indoiranischen Sippen von ai. takṣ-, tvakṣ-, *tvarś
  20. J. de Menasce: Les données géographiques dans le Mātigān i hazār dātistān
  21. G. Redard: Notes de dialectologie iranienne, II: Camelina
  22. L. Renou: Védique sādh-, khād– et śās
  23. P. Thieme: Patanjali über Varuṇa und die sieben Ströme
  24. R. L. Turner: Sanskrit buddhi
  25. E. Yarshater: The dialects of Alvir and Vidar

47. Dādestān ī Dēnīg. Festschrift for Mahmoud Jaafari-Dehaghi

Editor: Amin Shayeste Doust

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2022

Dedicated to: Mahmoud Jaafari-Dehaghi (1950)

Languages: English

Publisher: Farhang Moaser

Number of Contributions: 29

Number of Pages

List of Contributions (the list is taken from Bibliographia Iranica):

  1. Miguel Angel Andrés-Toledo: “Fighting Evil: The Lists of Demons of the Wīdēwdād”
  2. Pavel V. Basharin: “Iranian Loanwords for Weapons in Uralic Languages”
  3. Alberto Cantera: “Myth and Ritual: Zaraθustra’s Taking of the Wāz”
  4. Carlo G. Cereti: “De Persarum Regni descriptionibus, otiifructus. Some Thoughts on Geographical Literature in the Zoroastrian Tradition”
  5. Matteo Compareti: “The ‘Theory of the Four Sons of the Sky’ in Ancient Iranian and Chinese Sources”
  6. Judith Josephson: “The Circumposition az-Noun Phrase-be”
  7. Thomas Jügel: “The Diachronic Insight of Areal Linguistics: Areal Distribution of Clitic Functions and Their Historical Implications”
  8. Götz König: “From Written to Oral? The Encoded Pahlavi in the Frahang ī Pahlawīg”
  9. Pavel B. Lurje: “Amdo in the Sogdian ‘List of Nations’?”
  10. Maria Macuch: “Mazdakite Heresy and Esotericism within the Framework of the Late Zoroastrian Tradition”
  11. Mauro Maggi: “Late Khotanese maṇḍvaï– ‘woman’ and Its Origin”
  12. Antonio Panaino: “Dating-Constructions and other Problems In the Old Persian Calendar”
  13. Adriano V. Rossi: “Do Iranian stagnant waters ooze, leak or exude?”
  14. Parvaneh Pourshariati and Pooriya Alimoradi: “Mehr Worship in Lākh Mazār”
  15. Martin Schwartz: “Etymologica Entomologica: Proto-Iranian ‘Scorpion’, Indo-Iranica and Indo-Europaeica”
  16. Nicholas Sims-Williams: “Of Moths, Grubs and Worms”
  17. Andia Abaï and Arezoo Rasouli (Taleghani): “Ugliness or Manifestation of Bad in Iranian Mythology and Medieval Symbolism”
  18. Habib Borjian: “Ishkashm”
  19. Abolghasem Esmailpour Motlagh: “Study of Three Parthian hymns from Mani’s Psalms”
  20. Saloumeh Gholami: “Using questionnaires as a tool for data collection, and developing a questionnaire for the historical phonology of Iranian languages”
  21. Farzaneh Goshtasb: “Introducing the oldest Persian translation of Qutbal-Dīn Širāzī’s Šarḥ Ḥikmat al-Išrāq (Commentary on the Philosophy of Illumination)”
  22. Alireza Mohammadi: “The Phonetic Phenomenon of the Vowel U in the Elamite Language and Old Iranian Dialects And The Phonetic Reflection of This Vowel in Ancient Greek Texts”
  23. Bahman Moradian: “About The “Sarvar-e Amšāspandān Šāh Werahrām Ized Ast”. Text And Its Relation With Qjsseh Sanjān”
  24. Seyed Ahmad Reza Qaemmaqami: “Are Persian gusast/gusist and gusil suppletive stems?”
  25. Ali Asharf Sadeghi: “Kanand, koland/kolang ‘pick'”
  26. Amir Emadaldin Sadri: “Suffixes and Prefixes in Bactrian and Khwarezmian languages”
  27. Omid Tabibzadeh: “Representing Ezafe Morpheme in Persian Orthography”
  28. Majid Tame: “The Collocation of Topoformants in Compound Oykonyms of Iran”
  29. Zohreh Zarshenas: “‘Desire’ in Sogdian texts”

48. No Tapping around Philology. A Festschrift in Honor of Wheeler McIntosh Thackston Jr.’s 70th Birthday

Editors: Alireza Korangy, Daniel J. Sheffield

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2014

Dedicated toWheeler M. Thackston (1944)

Languages: English

Publisher: Harrassowitz

Number of Contributions: 23

Number of Pages: 449

List of Contributions:

  1. Maria Subtelny (University of Toronto): An Old Tale with a New Twist: The Elephant and the Blind Men in Rūmī’s Mas̱ navī and its Precursors
  2. Matthew C. Smith (Harvard University): Poetic Geography: Landscape, Nature and Nationalism in the Poetry of Malik al-Shuʻarā Bahār
  3. Franklin Lewis (University of Chicago): UT PICTURA POESIS: Verbal and Visual Depictions of the Practice of Poetry in the Medieval Period
  4. Alireza Korangy (University of Virginia): Khaqani and the Qaside of Shervan and Arran: A Brief Survey and Study
  5. Michael Hillmann (University of Texas at Austin): Khâqâni’s Twelfth-Century Advice to Twenty-First-Century Iranians
  6. Olga Davidson (Boston University): Why is the Bāysonghori Recension a Recension?
  7. Travis Zadeh (Haverford College): Commanding Demons and Jinn: The Sorcerer in Early Islamic Thought
  8. Daniel J. Sheffield (Princeton University): The Language of Heaven in Safavid Iran: Speech and Cosmology in the Thought of Āẕar Kayvān and His Followers
  9. Gregory Nagy (Harvard University): Herodotus and the Logioi of the Persians
  10. Christian Lange (Utrecht University): A Sufi’s Paradise and Hell: ʻAzīz-i Nasafī’s Epistle on the Otherworld
  11. Yaron Klein (Carleton College): Music, Rapture and Pragmatics: Ghazālī on samāʻ and wajd
  12. John Huehnergard (University of Texas at Austin): The Semitic Background of Arabic faqīr ‘poor’
  13. Jo Ann Hackett (University of Texas at Austin): Ancient Israel’s Music Man
  14. William Graham (Harvard University): The Qur’ān as a Discourse of Signs
  15. Richard N. Frye† (Emeritus, Harvard University): Achaemenid Law, Predecessor of Roman Law?
  16. Mana Kia (Columbia University): Adab as Ethics of Literary Form and Social Conduct: Reading the Gulistān in Late Mughal India
  17. Supriya Gandhi (Haverford College): Retelling the Rāma Story in Persian Verse: Masīḥ Pānīpatī’s Mas̱ navī-yi Rām va Sītā
  18. David Brophy (University of Sydney): High Asia and the High Qing: A Selection of Persian Letters from the Beijing Archives
  19. Linda Komaroff (Los Angeles County Museum of Art): A Turkman Prisoner or a Prisoner of Love?
  20. Pedro Moura Carvalho (Asian Art Museum, San Francisco): Salīm’s Role as Patron of Mughal Painting at Allahabad (1600-1604): Four Newly Identified Miniatures from a Dispersed Copy of the Mirʼāt al-quds, a Life of Christ, for Emperor Akbar
  21. Jonathan Bloom (Boston College): Nāṣir Khusraw’s Description of Jerusalem
  22. Sheila Blair (Boston College): Art as Text: The Luster Mihrab in the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art
  23. Milo Cleveland Beach (Sackler and Freer Gallery of Art): Muraqqaʻ-i Gulshan: The Inscriptions.

49. The Persian World and Beyond. Achaemenid and Arsacid Studies in Honour of Bruno Jacobs

Editors: Mark B. Garrison, Wouter F.M. Henkelman

Series: Melammu Workshops and Monographs 6

Year of Publication: 2023

Dedicated to: Bruno Jacobs

Languages: English

Publisher: Zaphon

Number of Contributions: 17

Number of Pages: 560

List of Contributions:

  1. Wolfgang Messerschmidt: Before the Empire: Older empires and states as political and administrative pioneers for the Achaemenids
  2. Margaret Cool Root: Medes and Iranian identity in the Achaemenid social imaginary: The Persepolis Apadana
  3. Ellen Rehm: Ancient local imitation or modern fake? Remarks on a phiale from the ‘Lydian Treasure’
  4. Astrid Nunn & Zsolt Simon: Two bracelets with Carian inscriptions from the State Archaeological Collection in Munich
  5. Jan Tavernier: Two inscribed objects kept in the National Museum of Antiquities (Leiden)
  6. Mark B. Garrison: Some observations on a scene involving the winged symbol in Persepolitan glyptic
  7. Wouter F.M. Henkelman: Irdumartiya and the chiliarchies: The contemporaneity of the Persepolis Fortification and Treasury archives and its implications
  8. Stefan R. Hauser: Countermarks on coins from Mesene
  9. Margaretha Folmer: Characteristics of the Aramaic of the Akhvamazdā letters from ancient Bactria
  10. Daniel T. Potts: Achaemenid Kurmana
  11. Josef Wiesehöfer: Greek exiles in the Achaemenid Empire: A case of divided loyalties?
  12. Sabine Müller: Blood runs in the family: Artabazos and the resistance to the Macedonian invasion
  13. Kai Trampedach: Before and after Alexander: The construction of Greek founding legends in Cilicia and Phoenicia
  14. Margaret C. Miller: The Persian kypassis in Classical Athens
  15. Christopher J. Tuplin: A jewel in the crown: Reflections on the place of Cyropaedia in Xenophon’s oeuvre
  16. Reinhold Bichler & Kai Ruffing: Gold and wine in Herodotus’ picture of Persians
  17. Robert Rollinger & Kordula Schnegg: Women as aggressors in war: Gender roles in text and images between the Orient and the Occident

50. AfarinNameh. Essays on the Archaeology of Iran in Honour of Mehdi Rahbar

Editor: Yousef Moradi

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2019

Dedicated to: Mehdi Rahbar (1938)

Languages: English

Publisher: The Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism

Number of Contributions: 21

Number of Pages: 206

List of Contributions:

  1. Antigoni Zournatzi: From Mithradat I (c. 171-138 BCE) to Mithradat II (c. 122/1-91 BCE): the Formation of Arsacid Parthian Iconography.
  2. Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis: From Mithradat I (c. 171-138 BCE) to Mithradat II (c. 122/1-91 BCE): the Formation of Arsacid Parthian Iconography.
  3. D.T. Potts and R.P. Adams: The Elymaean bratus: A Contribution to the Phytohistory of Arsacid Iran.
  4. Vito Messina and Jafar Mehr Kian: Anthrosol Detection in the Plain of Izeh.
  5. Rémy Boucharlat: Some Remarks on the Monumental Parthian Tombs of Gelālak and Susa.
  6. Edward J. Keall: Power Fluctuations in Parthian Government: Some Case Examples.
  7. Bruno Genito: Hellenistic Impact on the Iranian and Central Asian Cultures: The Historical Contribution and the Archaeological Evidence.
  8. Pierfrancesco Callieri: A Fountain of Sasanian Age from Ardashir Khwarrah.
  9. Behzad Mofidi-Nasrabadi: The Gravity of New City Formations: Change in Settlement Patterns Caused by the Foundation of Gondishapur and Eyvan-e Karkheh.
  10. St John Simpson: The Land behind Rishahr: Sasanian Funerary Practices on the Bushehr Peninsula.
  11. Barbara Kaim: Playing in the Temple: A Board Game Found at Mele Hairam, Turkmenistan.
  12. Eberhard W. Sauer, Hamid Omrani Rekavandi, Jebrael Nokandeh, and Davit Naskidashvili: The Great Walls of the Gorgan Plain Explored via Drone Photography.
  13. Jens Kröger: The Berlin Bottle with Water Birds and Palmette Trees.
  14. Carlo G. Cereti: Once more on the Bandiān Inscriptions.
  15. Gabriele Puschnigg: East and West: Some Remarks on Intersections in the Ceramic Repertoires of Central Asia and Western Iran.
  16. Matteo Compareti: “Persian Textiles” in the Biography of He Chou: Iranian Exotica in Sui-Tang China.
  17. Ritvik Balvally, Virag Sontakke, Shantanu Vaidya, and Shrikant Ganvir: Sasanian Contacts with the Vakatakas’ Realm with Special Reference to Nagardhan.
  18. Antonio Panaino: The Ritual Drama of the High Priest Kirdēr.
  19. Touraj Daryaee: Khusrow Parwēz and Alexander the Great: An Episode of imitatio Alexandri by a Sasanian King.
  20. Maria Vittoria Fontana: Do You Not Consider How Allāh … Made the Sun a Burning Lamp?
  21. Jonathan Kemp and John Hughes: Analysis of Two Mortar Samples from the Ruined Site of a Sasanian Palace and Il-Khānid Caravanserai, Bisotun, Iran.

51. Papers in Honour of Professor Mary Boyce, Volume 1

Editor: Harold Walter Bailey

Series: Acta Iranica 24

Year of Publication: 1985

Dedicated to: Mary Boyce (1920 – 2006)

Languages: English, German, French, Italian

Publisher: Brill

Number of Contributions: 19

Number of Pages: 379

List of Contributions:

  1. Jes P. Asmussen: Some Textual Problems in the Hebrew Bible and Their Treatment in Judeo-Persian Versions
  2. H.W. Bailey: Apastāk
  3. Ugo Bianchi: The Contribution of the Cologne Mani Codex to the Religio-Historical Study of Manicheism
  4. A. D. H. Bivar: A Persian Fairyland
  5. Peter Calmeyer and Heinz Gaube: Eine Edlere Frau als Sie Habe Ich Nie Gesehen
  6. Olga M. Davidson: The Crown-Bestower in the Iranian Book of Kings
  7. Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin: The Wise Men from the East in the Western Tradition
  8. J. Elfenbein: ‘Popular Poetry of the Baloches’
  9. R. E. Emmerick: Ein Männlein Steht im Walde
  10. Richard N. Frye: Two Iranian Notes
  11. Ilya Gershevitch: Farr u Aurang
  12. Ph. Gignoux: Les Bulles Sasanides de Qasr-i abu Nasr (Collection du Metropolitan Museum of Art)
  13. Gherardo Gnoli: Ragha la Zoroastriana
  14. John Hansman: The Great Gods of Elymais
  15. Prudence O. Harper: The Ox-Headed Mace in Pre-Islamic Iran
  16. John R. Hinnells: The Flowering of Zoroastrian Benevolence: Parsi Charities in the 19Th and 20Th Centuries
  17. Helmut Humbach: About Gōpatšāh, his Country, and the Khwārezmian Hypothesis
  18. Kaikhusroo M. Jamasp-Asa: On the Drōn in Zoroastrianism
  19. M. F. Kanga: Epistle I, Chapter IX of Manuščihr Yudānyimān: A Critical Study

52. Papers in Honour of Professor Mary Boyce, Volume 2

Editors: H.W. Bailey

Series: Acta Iranica 25

Year of Publication: 1985

Dedicated to: Mary Boyce

Languages: English, German, French, Italian

Publisher: Brill

Number of Contributions: 26

Number of Pages: 410

List of Contributions:

  1. F. M. Kotwal: An Ancient Irani Ritual for Tending the Fire
  2. Gilbert Lazard: La Métrique de la Poésie Parthe
  3. S.N.C. Lieu: New Light on Manichaeism in China
  4. D.N. Mackenzie: Two Sogdian Hwydgm’n Fragments
  5. H.K. Mirza: Poetic Lines in the Denkart VII
  6. Jacob Neusner: Zoroastrianism in the Comparison of Religions
  7. Adriano V. Rossi: Note Sulla Cliticizzazione in Mediopersiano e Partico
  8. J.R. Russell: Armeno-Iranica
  9. H. Sancisi-Weerdenburg: The Death of Cyrus: Xenophon’s Cyropaedia as a Source for Iranian History
  10. Martin Schwartz: Scatology and Eschatology in Zoroaster: On the Paronomasia of Yasna 48.10 and on Indo-European h2eg ‘To Make Taboo’ and the Reciprocity Verbs *kwsen(W) and *megh
  11. A.Sh. Shahbazi: Iranian Notes 1-6
  12. Shaul Shaked: Bagdāna, King of the Demons, and other Iranian Terms in Babylonian Aramaic Magic
  13. Mansour Shaki: The Cosmogonical and Cosmological Teachings of Mazdak
  14. Mehrdad Shokoohy: Two Fire Temples Converted to Mosques in Central Iran
  15. Nicholas Sims-Williams: The Manichean Commandments: A Survey of the Sources
  16. Wojciech Skalmowski: Hafiz and Shakespeare: An East-West Encounter
  17. Prods Oktor Skjærvø: Thematic and Linguistic Parallels in the Achaemenian and Sassanian Inscriptions
  18. David Stronach: On the Evolution of the Early Iranian Fire Temple
  19. Werner Sundermann: Der Gōwišn Ī Grīw Zīndag-Zyklus
  20. A. Tafazzoli: Some Classical Persian Words and their Middle Iranian Equivalents
  21. Bo Utas: Mānistān and Xānaqāh
  22. F. Vahman: A Beautiful Girl
  23. Dieter Weber: Khotansakisch Āṣaṇa- ‘Wert, Würdig’
  24. Alan Williams: A Strange Account Of The World’s Origin: PRDd. XLVI
  25. Gernot L. Windfuhr: Haoma/Soma: The Plant
  26. Ehsan Yarshater: Distinction of Grammatical Gender in the Dialects of Kashan Province and the Adjoining Areas

53. Siddham. Studies in Iranian philology in honour of Mauro Maggi

Editors: Gerardo Barbera; Matteo De Chiara; Alessandro Del Tomba; Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā; Federico Dragoni; Paola Orsatti

Series: Beiträge zur Iranistik 52

Year of Publication: 2024

Dedicated to: Mauro Maggi

Languages: English

Publisher: Reichert Verlag

Number of Contributions: 29

Number of Pages: 480

List of Contributions:

  1. Gerardo Barbera: A fool’s story in a South Bashkardi sub-dialect text
  2. Stefan Baums: The four origins of beings in the Gāndhārī Saṃgītisūtra commentary
  3. Carlo G. Cereti: The end of times in Zoroastrian tradition
  4. Chen Ruixuan: The wind does not overcome a mountain: Book of Zambasta 2.66 revisited
  5. Claudia A. Ciancaglini: A pavillon in the garden: The disputed source of a Middle Persian loanword in Mishnaic Hebrew
  6. Matteo De Chiara: Tale types and narrative motifs of the Khotanese Sudhanāvadāna
  7. Almuth Degener: Translation technique in Khotanese Buddhist texts
  8. Alessandro Del Tomba: Allomorphic variation in the Khotanese adjectival declension: The nominative-accusative plural masculine
  9. Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā: The simile of the cloth and the king’s attainment of anulomikakṣānti in Book of Zambasta 5.86
  10. Federico Dragoni: Washing, bathing and soaking: Proto-Iranian *snaH- in Khotanese
  11. Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: Between scripts: Dating the Kārnāmag ī Ardašīr ī Pābagān
  12. Ela Filippone: On ‘eyelid’ and ‘eyelashes’ in Khotanese and other Iranian languages with some reflections on fuzziness in linguistic categorisation and conceptual boundaries
  13. Jens-Uwe Hartmann: Teaching many with one utterance: The elusive concept of ekā vāc
  14. Mohammad Hasandust: Notes on some words pertaining to the non-literary variety of Persian
  15. Ramin Hassanzadeh-Nodehi & Paola Orsatti: The Early New Persian directional prepositions bāz ‘back to’ and bā ‘towards’
  16. Doug Hitch: Moraic shifting in Old Khotanese meter
  17. Kumamoto Hiroshi: Indian elements in Khotanese
  18. Silvia Luzzie: Two ingredients in the Piṇḍaśāstra: jbdrre and arūva
  19. Maria Macuch: The Tabarestān documents on legal proceedings
  20. Enrico Morano: The sermon on the three poisons: An unpublished Manichaean Sogdian page in Sogdian script
  21. Ogihara Hirotoshi & Ching Chao-jung: Miscellany on the Tumshuqese documents (III): Words relating to cereals
  22. Pan Tao: Comparative study of the Tocharian Rāma story
  23. Antonio Panaino: Tištar and the ‘good’ Tīr: The reasons behind the endurance of their association
  24. Enrico G. Raffaelli: Characterizing the Dahmā Āfriti and its personification: A study of the Avestan and Pahlavi sources
  25. Rong Xinjiang & Ching Chao-jung: Khotanese names in Chinese documents: A new set of Gaysāta inhabitants
  26. Adriano V. Rossi: Iranian juniper and Indian juniper
  27. Nicholas Sims-Williams: A missing chapter of the Book of Zambasta
  28. Majid Tame: An etymological study of some words from the dialects of Kâshân and Natanz counties
  29. Yoshida Yutaka: Notes on Sogdian Buddhist texts (II)

54. Administrations et préposés d’époque sassanide. Nouvelles données à la mémoire de Philippe Gignoux

Editors: Ryka Gyselen

Series: Cahiers de Studia Iranica 66

Year of Publication: 2024

Dedicated to: Philippe Gignoux


Publisher: Peeters Publishers

Number of Contributions

Number of Pages: 318

List of Contributions: No information on the website.

55. Le forme della città Iran, Gandhara e Asia Centrale. Scritti offerti a Pierfrancesco Callieri in occasione del suo 65° compleanno


Editors: Luca Colliva, Anna Filigenzi, Luca Maria Olivieri


Year of Publication: 2023

Dedicated to: Pierfrancesco Callieri

Languages: English, Italian, German, French

Publisher: ISMEO

Number of Contributions: 36

Number of Pages: 720

List of Contributions


  1. A. Askari Chaverdi, M. Hossein Talebian: An Analysis on the Function of Kabah-ye Zardosht in Naqsh-e Rostam in the Archaeological Context of Shahr-e Parseh
  2. A. Askari Chaverdi: From Seminar to World Heritage List. Archaeological Landscape of Sasanian Fars: Firuzabad, Bishapur, and Sarvestan
  3. L. Colliva: Dal monumento alla città, una “via mediana” per l’archeologia
  4. J. Cuny: Nouvelles «Épaves» de la vaisselle perse en pierre: deux mortiers de Suse
  5. B. Genito: Remains of Domestic Buildings of Probable Achaemenid Date in Eastern Iran
  6. S. Gondet, R. Boucharlat: The Firuzi Area within the Archaeological Context of Persepolis: a Reappraisal, Based on Mapping and Chronological Remarks
  7. W.F.M. Henkelman: Pitch and “All Happiness.” Bitumen in the Persepolis Archives
  8. D. Huff: Remarks on the Development of Sasanian Fire Temples
  9. E. Matin: From Tol-e Takht to the Persian Gulf: Pierfrancesco Callieri and the Landscapes of Ancient Fars
  10. D.T. Potts: Race and Racialism in Ancient Elam: some Observations on the Archers Frieze at Susa
  11. M. Rahbar: The Sasanian Tower of Silence at Bandian: a Refutation of the Excarnation Theory
  12. E.W. Sauer, J. Nokandeh, H.O. Rekavandi: The Military Origins of Cities on the Sasanian Empire’s Northern Frontiers
  13. J. Wiesehöfer: Iran: Remarks on the Importance of a Major Area between 550 BCE and 650 CE

Armenia, Iraq e Asia Centrale

  1. M. Badalyan: Some Notes on the Statues of a Bull and a Cow with Its Calf in the Haldi Temple of Musasir
  2. H.-P. Francort: Sur les traces de sphinx centrasiatiques en Bactriane, dans l’Altaï, au Xinjiang, et du Martichoras en Bactriane et en Inde (IVe Siècle BCE-I/IIe Siècle CE)
  3. A. Invernizzi: The Adiabenian Rider. A Note on the Parthian Rock Relief at Khinis-Bavian
  4. A. Ivantchik: Iranians in the Bosporus: a New Inscription of the Roman Period
  5. B. Kaim: Stucco Decoration in the Fire Temple at Mele Hairam
  6. C. Lippolis: The Layout of Parthian Nisa: an Updated Overview
  7. C. Lo Muzio: The “Red Hall” Murals in the Varakhsha Palace (Bukhara Oasis): Hints for a New Reading
  8. P.B. Lurje: A Worship Scene on the Wall of Hisorak Palace
  9. B. Lyonnet: Questions on the Origin of the Iron Age Circular Fortresses in Central Asia and of Monumental Architecture in Sogdiana
  10. V. Messina: Polis o Cosmopoli? Percezioni e realtà della città antico-orientale di età ellenistica
  11. C. Rapin: Sources antiques sur Maracanda-Zariaspa (La Sogdiane entre Spitamène et Alexandre Le Grand)
  12. F. Sinisi: Cesura e innovazione nella glittica e nella numismatica del Nord-Ovest indiano tra epoca saka-pahlava e kushana
  13. G. Vignato: Boundaries and Gates in Rock Monasteries Kucha as a Case Study


  1. M. Ashraf Khan, T. Saeed: The Contribution of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Swat (Pakistan): a Tribute to Pierfrancesco Callieri
  2. S. Baums: The Dharmarjika Bowl and Slab from Butkara I
  3. P. Brancaccio: Between Storytelling and Performance. The Narrative of the Buddha’s Life in Urbanized Gandhara
  4. O. Coloru: Demetrio Rex Indorum, Menandro I e Barikot. Un’ipotesi di lavoro
  5. A. Filigenzi: Il Tempio Vishnuita di Barikot: nuovi dati archeologici e qualche riflessione sul paesaggio identitario
  6. Ghani-ur-Rahman: A Fitting Tribute to Prof. Pierfrancesco Callieri
  7. E. Iori: The Achaemenid “Mirage” in Gandhara: a Study of the 5th-4th Century BCE Pottery from Barikot
  8. L.M. Olivieri, M. Minardi: Scavare a Barikot. Le fasi tardo-antiche
  9. C.A. Petrie: Regional Variations in the Ceramic Assemblages of the Borderlands of Pakistan during the Hindu-Shahi and Early Islamic Periods. Some Observations about Barikot and Akra, and the Broader Patterns They Reveal
  10. M. Vidale, R. Micheli: Out of Context, but Part of a Broader Picture. A Hand-Axe from Late Bronze Age Barikot

56. In Search of Cultural Identities in West and Central Asia: A Festschrift for Prudence Oliver Harper


Editors: Henry P. Colburn, Betty Hensellek, Judith A. Lerner

Series: –

Year of Publication: 2024

Dedicated to: Prudence Oliver Harper

Languages: English

Publisher: Brepolis

Number of Contributions: 22

Number of Pages: 444

List of Contributions:

Materials and Methods

  1. Matteo Compareti (Capital Normal University, Beijing): Textile Decorations in Sasanian Stucco Panels at Bandyan (Khorasan, Iran)
  2. Georgina Herrmann (Institute of Archaeology, University College London, Emerita): Bringing Order Out of Chaos: Connoisseurship as a Fundamental Tool
  3. Pieter Meyers (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Emeritus): Bronze Casting in the Near East and Surrounding Areas
  4. St John Simpson (The British Museum): Sasanian Skeuomorphs: the Influence of Metalware on the Glass Industry
  5. K. Aslihan Yener (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, Emerita; and Koç University, Emerita): Silver for Justinian: Lead Isotope Analyses of Sixth- and Seventh-Century Silver Artifacts
  6. Betty Hensellek (Cornell Institute of Archaeology and Material Studies): The Many Lives of the Silver Saiga Rhyton in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  7. Kate Masia-Radford (Independent Scholar): Aquatic Imagery on Silverware Attributed to the Sasanian Period
  8. Asadullah Souren Melikian-Chirvani (Independent Scholar): The Enduring Memory of Iranian Antiquity in Islamic Iran
  9. Nicholas Sims-Williams (School of Oriental and African Studies, Emeritus) and Bi Bo (Renmin University, Beijing): A Silver Vessel with a Sogdian Inscription from Chach

Mediterranean and Central Asian Connections

  1. Joan Aruz (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Emerita) and Annie Caubet (Musée du Louvre, Emerita): Central Anatolia and the Mediterranean: Art and the Materials of Interaction
  2. Henry P. Colburn (New York University): On the Date and Cultural Context of Aurel Stein’s Gilgit Rhyton
  3. Anca Dan (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, and École Normale Supérieure, Paris) and Frantz Grenet (Collège de France, Paris): Facing Dionysus at Silenus’ Banquet in Tokharistan: A Possible Echo of a Greco-Roman Mystic Circle on a Fourth-Fifth Century “Bactrian” Silver Bowl in The al-Sabah Collection (LNS 1560M)
  4. Judith A. Lerner (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World): Thoughts on a Reused Roman Seal with a Middle Persian Inscription
  5. Andrew Oliver (Independent Scholar, Washington, D.C.): Fishing among the Flowers on a Roman Silver Cup
  6. Holly Pittman (University of Pennsylvania): Forerunners of Old Elamite Culture in Bronze Age Kerman
  7. Karen S. Rubinson (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World): Once More Identity at Tillya Tepe: the Iron Artifacts from Burial 2

History and Historiography

  1. Carol Bier (Center for Islamic Studies, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley; The Textile Museum, Emerita): Professor Pope and Dr. Phyllis Ackerman: Carpets and the Study of Persian Textiles
  2. Martha L. Carter (Independent Scholar): Notes on the Creative Mind of Ardashir I
  3. John E. Curtis (Iran Heritage Foundation; The British Museum, Emeritus) and Vesta Sarkosh Curtis (The British Museum): A Statue from Hatra in the Basrah Museum
  4. Anne Dunn-Vaturi (The Metropolitan Museum of Art): Marie-Thérèse Dubalen and the Ancient Near Eastern Study Collection
  5. Rika Gyselen (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, Emerita): Yazd, une province de l’empire sassanide
  6. Jens Kröger (Museum für Islamische Kunst, Emeritus): Revisiting the Ctesiphon Excavations of 1928-29 and How the Met’s Trustees Saved the Second Campaign in 1931-32

58. Iran and Islam: In memory of the late Vladimir Minorsky

Editor: C. E. Bosworth

Series: –

Year of Publication: 1971

Dedicated to: Vladimir Minorsky

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Edinburgh University Press

Number of Contributions: 36

Number of Pages: 574

List of Contributions:

  1. Aziz Ahmad (Toronto), The Formation of Sabk-i Hindi.
  2. Jean Aubin (Paris), Les Relations Diplomatiques entre les Aq-qoyunlu et les Bahmanides.
  3. P. W. Avery (Cambridge), An Enquiry into the Outbreak of the Second Russo-Persian War, 1826-28.
  4. F.R.C. Bagley (Durham), The Iranian Family Protection Law of 1967: A Milestone in the Advance of Women’s Rights.
  5. H. W. Bailey (Cambridge), Ancient Kamboja.
  6. C.F. Beckingham (London), Ibn Ḥauqal’s Map of Italy.
  7. A. D. H. Bivar (London), Petroglyphs and Buddhist Remains of Jāghūrī District, Afghanistan.
  8. A. Bombaci (Naples), The Place and Date of Birth of Fużulī.
  9. C. E. Bosworth (Manchester), The Banū Ilyās of Kirmān (320-57/932-68).
  10. Mary Boyce (London), The Zoroastrian Houses of Yazd.
  11. Claude Cahen (Paris), ‘Abdallaṭīf al-Baghdādī et les Khwarizmiens.
  12. Sir Gerard Clauson (London), A Late Uyğur Family Archive.
  13. C. J. F. Dowsett (Oxford), A Twelfth-Century Armenian Inscription at Edessa.
  14. D. M. Dunlop (New York), The Mudhākarāt fi ‘Ilm an-Nujūm (Dialogues on Astrology) Attributed to Abü Ma’shar al-Balkhī (Albumasar).
  15. L. P. Elwell-Sutton (Edinburgh), The Influence of Folk-tale and Legend on Modern Persian Literature.
  16. R. N. Frye (Cambridge, Mass.), Sasanian Silver and History.
  17. T. Ganjeï (London), Pseudo-Khaṭā’ī.
  18. Ilya Gershevitch (Cambridge), Iranian Words Containing -ā/ăn-.
  19. J.A. Haywood (Durham), Urdu Drama: Origins and Early Development.
  20. Walther Hinz (Göttingen), Die Spätmittelalterlichen Währungen im Bereich des Persischen Golfes.
  21. Nikki R. Keddie (Los Angeles), The Assassination of the Amīn as-Sultān (Atābak-i A’zam), 31 August 1907.
  22. A. K.S. Lambton (London), The Case of Ḥājjī ‘Abd al-Karim: A Study on the Role of the Merchant in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Persia.
  23. G. Lazard (Paris), Pahlavi, Pârsi, Dari: Les Langues de l’Iran d’après Ibn al-Muqaffa.
  24. Kenneth A. Luther (Ann Arbor), Rāvandī’s Report on the Administrative Changes of Muḥammad Jahān Pahlavān.
  25. D. N. Mackenzie (London), The Vocabulary of the Lahore Tafsir.
  26. V. L. Ménage (London), Three Ottoman Treatises on Europe.
  27. G. M. Meredith-Owens (London), An Early Persian Miscellany.
  28. George C. Miles (New York), The Coinage of the Bāwandids of Ṭabaristān.
  29. R. M. Savory (Toronto), A Curious Episode of Safavid History.
  30. J. Schacht (New York), On the Title of the Fatāwā al- ‘Ālamgīriyya.
  31. M. A. Shaban (London), Khurāsān at the Time of the Arab Conquest.
  32. S.A. Skilliter (Cambridge), The Hispano-Ottoman Armistice of 1581.
  33. Brian Spooner (Philadelphia), Notes on the Toponymy of the Persian Makran.
  34. S.M. Stern (Oxford), Ya’qūb the Coppersmith and Persian National Sentiment.
  35. J. Stewart-Robinson (Ann Arbor), ‘Ahdī and His Biography of Poets.
  36. W. Montgomery Watt (Edinburgh), God’s Caliph: Qur’ānic Interpretations and Umayyad Claims.

59. Deciphering the Illegible: Festschrift in Honour of Dieter Weber


Editors: Maria Macuch and Arash Zeini

Series: Iranica 33

Year of Publication: 2024

Dedicated to: Dieter Weber

Languages: English, French, German

Publisher: Harrassowitz Verlag

Number of Contributions: 28

Number of Pages: 480

List of Contributions:


  1. Miguel Ángel Andrés-Toledo: Three Zoroastrian Manuscripts in Armenia
  2. Thomas Benfey: Windādag’s Orders: Ten Unpublished Middle Persian Ostraca from Chāl Ṭarkhān-ʿEshqābād
  3. Adam Benkato: A Manichaean Remedy for Headaches
  4. Alberto Cantera: The Passive Suffix -ī̆h̆- in Middle Persian
  5. Carlo G. Cereti: From the Zamyād Yašt to the Seventh Book of the Dēnkard, Some Notes on Sistan and Zoroastrian Eschatology
  6. Iris Colditz: How to Make Clarified Butter in Sogdian
  7. Touraj Daryaee: The Owl in the Zoroastrian Tradition: Contribution to Iranian Bestiary I
  8. Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: Hübschmann and the Middle Iranian Part on Armenian Loanwords
  9. Shervin Farridnejad and Arash Zeini: “Who Will Protect the Cattle”? On Dogs and the Sin of Meat Consumption in Zoroastrianism
  10. Ela Filippone: A Contribution to Pahlavi Lexicography: The Case of ⟨twk(‘)⟩ and ⟨twp(‘)⟩ in the Pahlavi Corpus and their Possible Cognates in Modern Iranian Languages
  11. Philippe Gignoux †: Sur l’argenterie sassanide, relectures et nouveautés
  12. Rika Gyselen: Le y final et le trait final en moyen-perse : le cas des sceaux des administrations territoriales
  13. Almut Hintze: The Pahlavi Psalter in its Historical Context
  14. Philip Huyse: Klimawandel und die spätantike Pest im sasanidischen Reich
  15. Götz König: Notizen zur Überlieferung und zum Gebrauch der Yašts
  16. Pavel B. Lurje and Boris Zheleznyakov: “Let Buyruq Sangun Live Long and be Divinely Blessed” Another Sogdian Dedicatory Inscription
  17. Maria Macuch: Trading with Infidels: A Balancing Act in Zoroastrian Legal Reasoning
  18. Mauro Maggi: Blowing out saṃsāra in Khotan
  19. Jaime Martínez Porro: A Brief Note on an Avestan Quotation in the Wizīrgerd ī Dēnīg
  20. Enrico Morano: Fragments from a Sogdian Cosmogonical Manuscript in Manichaean Script
  21. Antonio Panaino: The ‘starred’ Frawahr and the ‘Katasterization’ of Humanity
  22. Anna-Grethe Rischel: Studies of ‘Watermarks of Technology’ from the Turfan Collection in Berlin
  23. Adriano V. Rossi: Minima Iranica for Dieter
  24. Nikolaus Schindel: Zur Bronzeprägung des Ohrmazd IV
  25. Martin Schwartz: Mnemonica Iranica
  26. Nicholas Sims-Williams: Further Notes on Sogdians in Khotan
  27. Yutaka Yoshida: Training of Scribes along the Silk Road: A Case from Manichaean Sogdian
  28. Arash Zeini: The Covenant that Binds: Ownership of Life in Late Antique Zoroastrianism


Ruben S. Nikoghosyan (Yerevan, Armenia)

Email: nikoghosyanruben@gmail.com